SAP Landscape Management 3.0, Enterprise Edition

Search Operators and Wildcards for Global Searches

To meet your specific requirements you refine your global search with search operators and wildcards.

Symbol Symbol Description Example Description


Replaces one character.


Finds all terms which match the pattern, such as test or text. This symbol is not allowed as first character in your search query.


Replaces a group of characters.


Finds all terms which start and end with the letter t, such as target or test. This symbol is not allowed as first character in your search query.

Search Operators
Symbol Description Example

"<search query>"

Finds the exact word or phrase within the quotes. For example finds all central instances in the landscape but no tasks or activities in state running.

"central instance" - running

(<search query>)

You use parentheses for grouping clauses to form sub queries.

Finds the grouped terms in brackets first.

(ABAP || Java) + system



Finds content where both terms exist.

Enclose phrases in quotes to search for either one of several phrases.

  • "central instance" && "application server"
  • "central instance" AND "application server"


The AND operator finds content where the term after the + symbol must exist.

+ABAP Java



If there is no operator between two terms, the OR operator is used. The OR operator links two terms and finds a matching document if either one of the terms exist. This is equivalent to a union using sets. The operator || can be used in place of the word OR.

  • ABAP Java
  • ABAP || Java
  • ABAP OR Java



The NOT operator excludes results that contain the term after ! symbol.

You cannot use the NOT operator with just one term.

  • "central instance" ! "database instance"

  • "central instance" NOT "database instance"


The prohibit operator excludes results that contain the term after the - symbol.

This is especially useful for synonyms.

"ABAP" - "Java"


Escapes special characters such as: +, -, & + & , | + | , !, ( + ) , { + } , [ + ] , ^, ", ~, *, ?, :, \
