SAP Landscape Management 3.0, Enterprise Edition

Provisioning Template Properties

This section gives an overview of provisioning template properties.

Provisioning Template Properties
Property Name Value Type Description Example
Add ChangeProfile Flag Boolean If set to true, profiles of the source system will be changed during the provisioning process.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Add ChangeProfile Flag">
 <value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:boolean">
Auto Confirm Flag Boolean If set to true, post-copy automation (PCA) has auto confirm option on.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Auto Confirm Flag">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:boolean">
Changed Hostname String Physical host that will be set or changed in the relevant provisioning step during template execution.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Changed Hostname">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">
<physical host name>
ChangeProfile Path String Path to the target system's profile that will be changed during template execution.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="ChangeProfile Path">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">
/usr/sap/<target SID>/SYS/profile/<profile name>
Clear Groups Flag Boolean If set to true, groups will be cleared during the provisioning process.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Clear Groups Flag">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:boolean">
Clear Hosts Flag Boolean If set to true, the cache of the host will be cleared during the provisioning process.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Clear Hosts Flag">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:boolean">
Clear Users Flag Boolean If set to true, users will be cleared during the provisioning process.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Clear Users Flag">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:boolean">
ComputerSystem xmlElementValue Complex property type.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="ComputerSystem">
<value xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xmlElementValue">
	<resource acmanaged="true" hostname="<host name>" id="<host ID>" operational="true" refpoolname="<pool name>" saps="<SAPS>">
		<hostagentproperties port="<port>" usedefaultcredentials="true" usehttps="true"/>
			<interface ifid="<interface ID>" refnetworkname="<network name>"/>
		<resourcetype addressspace="<address space>" cputype="<CPU type>" os="<operating system>" osversion="<operating system version>"/>
			<attribute key="<key>" value="<value>"/>
Create Mount Points Flag Boolean If set to true, mount points will be created during the provisioning process.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Create Mount Points Flag">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:boolean">
CTC Request ctcRequest Complex property type.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="<ID>" name="CTC Request">
<value xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="ctcRequest">
<targetDestinationName>LVM_<system service ID>.Client.<client number></targetDestinationName>
Custom Operation ID String Name of custom operation defined.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Custom Operation ID">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">
<name of custom operation>
Custom Parameter Request customParameterRequest Two maps with key-value pairs. One of the maps is secured, while the other contains information in plain text. All of the parameters that are needed for a custom operation must be set in one of these two maps.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Custom Parameter Request">
<value xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="customParameterRequest">
DB Backup Mode dbBackupModeContext Complex property type.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="DB Backup Mode">
<value xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="dbBackupModeContext">
Delete Mount Points Flag Boolean If set to true, mount points will be deleted at the end of the provisioning process.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Delete Mount Points Flag">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:boolean">
Directory String Path to the directory that will be needed for post-copy automation (PCA) export.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Directory">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">
Directory Group String Group of the owner user of PCA export directory.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Directory Group">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">
Directory User String Owner user of PCA export directory.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Directory User">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">
<owner of PCA export directory>
Forced Mode Flag Boolean If set to true, forced mode is activated.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Forced Mode Flag">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:boolean">
Hook Operation Name String Name of a custom hook operation defined.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Hook OperationName">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">
<name of custom hook>
Ignore Service Stop Error Flag Boolean If set to true, the provisioning process ignors errors on the operation Stop for the system and it’s instances.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Ignore Service Stop Error Flag">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:boolean">
Instance Register Flag Boolean If set to true, the instance needs to be registered to file sapservices on the host.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Instance Register Flag">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:boolean">
Instance Start Profile Path String If set to true, profiles of the source system will be changed during the provisioning process.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Instance Start Profile Path">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">
/<database root folder>/<SID>/…/sapdbctrl-config
Is Online Copy Flag Boolean If set to true, the database backup is performed on the running database.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Is Online Copy Flag">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:boolean">
Java PCA Request javaPCARequest Complex property type.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Java PCA Request">
<value xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="javaPCARequest">
<masterPassword isSecured="true"/>
<j2eeUser isSecured="true"/>
<j2eePassword isSecured="true"/>
No DB Attach Flag Boolean If set to true, the database needs to be attached during template execution.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="No DB Attach Flag">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:boolean">
Operation Timeout Integer Value for timeout of operations like Prepare and Start.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Operation Timeout">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:int">
Physical hostname String Physical hostname on which new target system will be provisioned during template execution.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Physical hostname">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">
<physical host name>
Prepare Storage Clone Request multiStorageOperationRequest Complex property type.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Prepare Storage Clone Request">
<value xmlns:xsi=""xsi:type="multiStorageOperationRequest">
		<value xsi:type="prepareCloneVolumesRequest">
						<entries key="<physical host name>"/>
						<entries key="<physical host name>">
							<properties key="<virtualResourceId>"/>
							<properties key="<virtualResourceProviderId>"/>
							<properties key="<virtualResourceIpAddress>"/>
							<properties key="<virtManagerUrl>"/>
						<entries key="<physical host name>"/>
						<entries key="<physical host name>">
							<properties key="<virtualResourceId>"/>
							<properties key="<virtualResourceProviderId>"/>
							<properties key="<virtualResourceIpAddress>"/>
							<properties key="<virtManagerUrl>"/>
Request Confirmation Boolean Used in step Delete Volumes to ask for confirmation before deleting volumes.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Request Confirmation">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:boolean">
RequestNewTargetVolumeNamesIfNotUnique Flag Boolean This property is set by SAP Landscape Management template to true. This means that during the system refresh if storage volume names already exist a new one will be created. A naming convention that will be followed for new names is"vol -<target_SID>-<instance type>-<unique number>". If users have a naming convention of their own this property must be set to false and volume names need to be parameterized with placeholders.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="RequestNewTargetVolumeNamesIfNotUnique Flag">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:boolean">
SAP User Administrator String Source system administrator user.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="SAP User Administrator">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">
<source system administration user></value></property>
SAPINST Parameters sapInstUserInput Complex property type.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="SAPINST Parameters">
<value xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="sapInstUserInput">
<adminPwd isSecured="true"/><sapInstances>SystemID.<TargetSID>.Number.<InstNumber>.InstanceHost.<hostname></sapInstances>
<sapInstances>SystemID.<Taregt SID>.Number.<InstNumber>.InstanceHost.<hostname></sapInstances>
SAPinstWorkDir String Path to temporary Oracle logs.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="SAPinstWorkDir">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">
<Path to Oracle directory>
Source Central Service ID String

Host name of the application server instance for the source system that will be used during template execution.

Only relevant for Java systems.

<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Source Central Service ID">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">
SystemID.<source SID>.Number.<instance number>.InstanceHost.<instance hostname>
Source Database Host String Host name of the source system database that will be used during template execution.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Source Database Host">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">
<physical host name>      
Source Database ID String SID, instance number, and host name/virtual host name of the application server instance of the source system that will be used during template execution.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Source Database ID">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi=""xsi:type="xs:string">
DatabaseName.<source SID>.DatabaseType.<type>.DatabaseHost.<database host name>
Source Instance Host String Host name of the application server instance for the source system that will be used during template execution.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Source Instance Host">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">
<physical host name>
Source Instance ID String SID, instance number, and host name/virtual host name of the application server instance for the source system that will be used during template execution.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Source Instance ID">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">
SystemID.<source SID>.Number.<instance number>.InstanceHost.<instance host name>
Source System ID String SID and host name/virtual host name of the database for the source system that will be used during template execution.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Source System ID">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">
SystemID.<source SID>.SystemHost.<database host name>
Storage Clone Request multiStorageOperationRequest Complex property type.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Storage Clone Request">
<value xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="multiStorageOperationRequest">
		<value xsi:type="deleteVolumesRequest">
Target Central Service Host String

SID, instance number, and host name/virtual hostname of the central service instance for the target system that will be created during template execution.

Only relevant for Java systems.

<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Target Central Service Host">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">
<physical host name>
Target Central Service ID String

SID, instance number, and host name/virtual host name of the central service instance for the target system that will be created during template execution.

Only relevant for Java systems

<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Target Central Service ID">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">
SystemID.<SID>.Number.<instance number>.InstanceHost.<host name>
Target Database Host String Physical host name on which new target system database will be provisioned during template execution.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Target Database Host">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi=""xsi:type="xs:string">
<database host name>
Target Database ID String SID, instance number, and host name/virtual host name of the application server instance for the target system that will be created during template execution.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Target Database ID">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">
DatabaseName.<target SID>.DatabaseType.<type>.DatabaseHost.<database host name>
Target Instance Host String Physical host name on which the new target system will be provisioned during template execution.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Target Instance Host">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">
<physical host name>
Target Instance ID String SID, instance number, and host name/virtual host name of the application server instance for the new target system that will be provisioned during template execution.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Target Instance ID">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">
SystemID.<target SID>.Number.<instance number>.InstanceHost.<instance host name>
Target Service ID String SID for the new target system that will be provisioned during template execution.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Target Service ID">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">
Target System xmlElementValue Target system involved in the corresponding provisioning process.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Target System">
<value xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xmlElementValue">
<system description="<…>" installationhost="<…>" release="<…>" systemid="<…>" systemtype="<…>"/>
<rfcdestination client="<…>" encryptedpasswd="<…>" hostname="<…>" instanceno="<…>" language="<…>" passwd="<…>" saprouter="<…>" user="<…>"/>
	<isolation type="<Host>" value="<Port>"/>
	<attribute key="<key>" value="<value>"/>
<service acenabled="<true/false>" acmanaged="<true/false>" communicationhost="<communication host>"dbInstanceName="<database instance name>" dbtype="<database type>" id="<ID>" installationhost="<installation host>" operational="true" refpoolname="<pool name>" servicetype="<service tpye>" systemid="<SID>" type="<type>">
	<properties businessarea="<business area>" description="<description>" servicegroup="<service group>"/>
		<primaryhostname name="<name>" refnetworkname="<network name>"/>
	<databaseproperties dbconfdir="<database configuration directory>" dbname="<database name>"/>
	<requirements memory="<memory>" preferredhost="<preferred host>" saps="<SAPS>">
		<resourcetype addressspace="<address space>" cputype="<CPU type>" os="<operating system>" osversion="<operating system version>"/>
		<consumedresource type="<ressource type>" value="<value>"/>
	<mountlist automount="<…>">
		<mount fstype="<filesystem type>" storagetype="<storage type>" usage="<usage>">
		<attribute key="<key>" value="<value>"/>
Target System ID String SID and host name/virtual host name of the database for the new target system that will be provisioned during template execution.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Target System ID">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">
SystemID.<target SID>.SystemHost.<database host name>  
User Data Collection ldapObjectCollection Complex property type.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="User Data Collection">
<value xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="ldapObjectCollection">
User Exit Script Flag Boolean If set to true, the execution of user exit commands is enabled. For more information, see Configuring User Exits.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="User Exit Script Flag">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:boolean">
User Management Name String Name of user management handler.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="User Management Name">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">
<user management handler name></value></property>
Users ldapUser Complex property type.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Users">
<value xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="ldapUser">
Virtual Database Host xmlVirtualizationId Virtual host ID of the database.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Virtual Database Host">
<value xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xmlVirtualizationId">
Virtual System PowerOn Flag Boolean If set to true, the process makes the virtual system available on the virtualization screen in a power on state.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Virtual System PowerOn Flag">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:boolean">
Virtualization Operation virtOperation Name of the virtualization operation.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Virtualization Operation">
<value xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="virtOperation">
<operation><virtualization operation name></operation>
Virtualization Operation Context virtOpPrep Complex property type.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Virtualization Operation Context">
<value xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="virtOpPrep">
<opSpecificInput xsi:type="virtProvisionInput">
			<operationInput xsi:type="virtProvisionInput">
Virtualization Operation Dialog Context dialogContext User input data.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>"  name="Virtualization Operation Dialog Context">
<value xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="dialogContext">
Virtualization OpTarget HostingEntity xmlVirtualizationId Virtualization entity ID that is used as a parent.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="Virtualization OpTarget HostingEntity">
<value xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xmlVirtualizationId">
WaitForResource And Check Hostname Flag Boolean If set to true, the process waits for a response and checks the host name before it continues with the execution.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="WaitForResource And Check Hostname Flag">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:boolean">
WaitForResource Force Monitoring Flag Boolean If set to true, the process waits for response and checks the host name before it continues with the execution.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="WaitForResource And Force Monitoring Flag">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:boolean">
WaitForResource Forced Monitoring Timeout Integer Default value is -2, The process waits for response and checks the host name before it continues with the execution.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="WaitForResource Forced Monitoring Timeout">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:int">
WaitForResource State Flag String If set to Active, the process makes the virtual host active state on the virtualization screen.
<property checksum="<Checksum>" id="PROP-<ID>" name="WaitForResource State Flag">
<value xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">