Concur Invoice Professional Edition Administration Help

September 2017 Analysis/Intelligence Professional Edition Admin Summary

Last Update: 15 September 2017

Model Changes

New Fields: Receipt Image ID and Created Source

With this release, there are new mobile-related fields for Expense.

DESCRIPTION: These new fields allow users to report on the ID for mobile-generated receipt images and whether a receipt image comes from a mobile device or the web.

The new mobile-related fields are located in the following folders:

  • Expense > Expense Claims > Mobile Quick Expense Entry
  • Expense > Expense Claims > Entry Information > Additional Entry Details
New Fields: Fields Previously Available in the Model

With this release, there are new fields that were previously available in the Cognos model for Configuration and Expense.

DESCRIPTION: The Is System Record Flag, Policy Name and Is Active Flag Key fields were available in the old Cognos model and are now available in the current Cognos model.

The new fields are located in the following folders:

  • Expense > Lists > Employee Information > Keys
  • Configuration > Expense Type & Categories, Payment Types > Expense Types
  • Configuration > Policies > Invoice Policies

Localisation Changes

Additional Reports Now Available in Dutch, Italian, Korean and Swedish

With the June release, Concur added support for Dutch, Italian, Korean and Swedish in the Analysis/Intelligence reports, model and archive.

As part of the June release, most, but not all, of the reports in the Analysis – Standard Reports folder for Analysis customers, and the Intelligence – Standard Reports folder for Intelligence customers, were made available in Dutch, Italian, Korean and Swedish for users that have their content language set to Dutch, Italian, Korean and/or Swedish.

With the September release, the following reports in the Analysis – Standard Reports folder are now available in Dutch, Italian, Korean and Swedish:

  • Company Billed Cards > Company Billed Transaction Reconciliation (Calendar Month)
  • Company Billed Cards > Company Billed Transaction Reconciliation - Detail (Calendar Month)
  • Invoice > Attendee Summary
  • Invoice > Invoice Tax Adjustment Report
  • Invoice > Payment Practice and Performance

With the September release, the following reports in the Intelligence – Standard Reports folder are now available in Dutch, Italian, Korean and Swedish:

  • Company Billed Cards > Company Billed Transaction Reconciliation (Calendar Month)
  • Company Billed Cards > Company Billed Transaction Reconciliation - Detail (Calendar Month)
  • Invoice > Attendee Summary
  • Invoice > Invoice Tax Adjustment Report
  • Invoice > Payment Practice and Performance
  • Invoice > Top Invoice Supplier Spend - Details
  • Persona Dashboards > Department Manager Overview > Detail Reports > Policy Exceptions by Employee Details
  • Persona Dashboards > Spend Management Overview > Detail Reports > Cash Expense Transaction Details
  • Persona Dashboards > Spend Management Overview > Detail Reports > Personal Transaction Details


Some of the reports in the Analysis – Standard Reports folder for Analysis customers and the Intelligence – Standard Reports folder for Intelligence customers are not yet available in Dutch, Italian, Korean and Swedish. Concur is aiming to complete the localisation of these reports in a future release.

Until these reports are localised, these reports will continue to display in US English.


For more information about language settings in Cognos, refer to the Localisation for Analysis/Intelligence fact sheet.

Report Changes

Exporting Pie Charts to Microsoft Excel

With Cognos version 10.2.1, sometimes pie charts on some reports were not rendered correctly when the reports were exported to Microsoft Excel. To ensure the information in the pie charts is exported correctly, pie charts have been removed from the following reports and the information previously contained in the pie charts is now displayed in a bar graph:

  • Analysis - Standard Reports > Administration > Expense and Travel Overview
  • Intelligence - Standard Reports > Administration > Expense and Travel Overview
  • Intelligence - Standard Reports > Invoice > Invoice Briefing Summary
  • Intelligence - Standard Reports > Spending > Executive Briefing Summary


The pie chart in the Expense Claim Approval Ageing section is now a bar graph, and the pie chart in the Total Airline Ancillary Fees section is now a bar graph.


The pie chart in the Total Invoice Spend by Expense Type section is now a bar graph.


The pie chart in the Total Spend by Expense Type section is now a bar graph.

Other Changes

More Information Regarding the Enhanced Fiscal Calendar

In the August release, Concur released the enhanced fiscal calendar for Analysis/Intelligence. Please be aware that any changes made to fiscal year data or budgets within the following date ranges may not have been migrated to the enhanced fiscal calendar and budget implementation. Any changes not migrated will need to be re-entered.

  • EMEA: 10 August 2017 to 19 August 2017
  • US: 14 August 2017 to 19 August 2017

If the fiscal year data or budget changes display in the user interface, all data was migrated properly and you do not need to re-enter the changes.

Also, a number of model changes were made as part of the enhanced fiscal calendar enhancement. These model changes included adding new Year Name fields, such as the Year Name field (Expense > Lists > Employee Budget), and changing existing Year fields, such as the Year field (Expense > Lists > Employee Budget), to a key field. The full list of impacted Fiscal Year and Fiscal Year Name fields is listed in the Fiscal Year Field Model Changes for Enhanced Fiscal Calendar section of this topic.

Any custom reports that use a Year field as a display column in a report will need to have the Year field replaced with the new Year Name version of the field. With the release of the enhanced fiscal calendar, the Year fields became key fields and the year values in the Year fields were converted to key values, so the Year fields may not be meaningful to display on reports anymore.

For example, before the August release, Year fields would contain a year value, such as 2016, 2017 or 2018, and any new Year Name fields added to the model were blank. After the August release, the Year fields became key fields and the fields' year values were converted to key values, such as 2, 3 or 4, and the new Year Name fields were populated with the year name given by the customer when entering the fiscal years, such as 2016, 2017 or 2018.


Scenario: 2018 is your company's current fiscal year, and your company is using the Fiscal Year field in a filter calculation to get data for last year (2017).

Before the release of the fiscal changes, reports might have had a filter that looked like this:

[Fiscal Year]=([Current Date Fiscal Year] - 1)

That calculation would have returned 2017 in the results.

After the release of the fiscal changes, the Fiscal Year field is now a non-meaningful key value. Therefore, this calculation could yield incorrect results.


If the Fiscal Year field value is 1, so 1-1 = 0. There are no years with a key of 0, so that report would yield no results.

To resolve this issue, the Fiscal Year field needs to be replaced with the Fiscal Year Name field in the filter:

[Fiscal Year Name]=([Current Date Fiscal Year Name] - 1)

Updating the filter ensures the calculation yields the correct results for the fiscal year. With the filter updated, the results for the 2017 fiscal year are displayed.


Scenario: Your company is using the Fiscal Year field as a display item in a report graph or grid.

After the release of the fiscal changes, the Fiscal Year field is now a non-meaningful key value, so reports using the Fiscal Year field now display the new key value instead of the fiscal year.

To view the actual fiscal year name on the reports, the Fiscal Year field needs to be replaced with the Fiscal Year Name field on the reports.


The Year Name field value is the fiscal year name entered by an Expense Administrator in the Fiscal Year Name field when adding or modifying a fiscal calendar year from the Fiscal Calendar tab in Reporting Configuration. The Fiscal Year Name field allows any text, like FY2017 or Fiscal Year 2017. The administrator should enter the fiscal year name the way your company wants the name to appear in reports.

For example, if your company wants to use a Year Name field in calculations, like reporting on "last year", the administrator needs to enter the year number, like 2017, for the fiscal year name in the Fiscal Year Name field.


With the release of the enhanced fiscal calendar in the August release, the following Year fields were changed to key fields and now have a new Year Name version of the field located in the same folder as the Year field in the model:

  • First Submitted Fiscal Year (Expense > Expense Claims > Report Dates and Statuses > First Submitted Date Attributes)
  • First Approved Fiscal Year (Expense > Expense Claims > Report Dates and Statuses > First Approved Date Attributes)
  • Fiscal Year (Expense > Expense Claims > Report Dates and Statuses > Sent for Payment Date Attributes)
  • Paid Fiscal Year (Expense > Expense Claims > Report Dates and Statuses > Paid Date Attributes)
  • Current Date Fiscal Year (Expense > Expense Claims > Report Dates and Statuses > Current Date Attributes)
  • Transaction Fiscal Year (Expense > Expense Claims > Entry Information > Transaction Date Attributes)
  • Year (Expense > Lists > Employee Budget)
  • Current Date Fiscal Year (Invoice > Payment Request Dates and Statuses > Current Date Attributes)
  • Fiscal Year (Invoice > Payment Request Dates and Statuses > Invoice Date Attributes)
  • First Submitted Fiscal Year (Invoice > Payment Request Dates and Statuses > First Submit Date Attributes)
  • Process Payment Fiscal Year (Invoice > Payment Request Dates and Statuses > Process Payment Date Attributes)
  • Fiscal Year (Travel > Reservation and Ticket Dates > Start Date Attributes)
  • Purchased Fiscal Year (Travel > Reservation and Ticket Dates > Purchased Date Attributes)

With the release of the enhanced fiscal calendar in the August release, the following Year fields were changed to key fields, but these fields do not yet have a corresponding Year Name field. The addition of the corresponding Fiscal Year Name fields is targeted for the October release:

  • Fiscal Year (Expense > Lists > Dates)
  • Fiscal Year (Invoice > Lists > Dates)
  • Fiscal Year (Travel > Lists > Dates)
  • Fiscal Year (Meetings > Meetings > Meeting Start Date Attributes)

For more information about the enhanced fiscal calendar, refer to the Enhanced Fiscal Calendar release note in the August Analysis / Intelligence release notes, and the Shared: Reporting Configuration Setup Guide (Professional) or the Shared: Reporting Configuration Setup Guide for Concur Standard Edition (Standard).

Naming Convention for Intelligence Extract Service Files

Previously, the files generated by the Data Dump Extract job were created using the following naming convention: dd_<entitycode> Sometimes this could result in duplicate file names. With this release, the files generated by the Data Dump Extract job now include both a date and time stamp to ensure each file name is unique. The new naming convention is: dd_<entitycode>

Planned Changes

The items in this section are targeted for future releases. Concur reserves the right to postpone implementation of – or completely remove – any enhancement/change mentioned here.

Model Changes: **Planned Changes** Current Date All Quarters Field to Be Removed

In a future release, the Current Date All Quarters field will be removed from the Cognos model.

DESCRIPTION: The Current Date All Quarters field is used to display all quarters when creating reports, regardless of the amounts for each quarter. This field will be removed from the model because it is no longer needed. This data item was created for use by Concur in Standard Reports and, although visible by clients, was not intended for use on client created reports.

The Current Date All Quarters field to be removed from the model is located in the following folders:

  • Expense > Expense Claims > Report Dates and Statuses > Keys > For Internal Use
  • Invoice > Payment Request Dates and Statuses > Keys > For Internal Use
Report Changes: **Planned Changes** Persona Dashboard: Department Manager Overview (Intelligence)

Company averages will be removed from the Average Spend section on the Department Manager Overview dashboard.

Over the past few months we have been announcing that fiscal calendar support is coming soon. This feature is a highly requested feature that we are very excited to be able to offer. In order for us to be able to release this feature sooner rather than later, we made a decision to remove the comparison of the department's Average Spend to the rest of the company that is located below the Average Spend metric. The decision to do this was strictly based on weighing the value that fiscal year support would provide versus the value a department manager would find in being able to compare his/her Average Spend to the rest of the company.

Concur is aiming to make this update to the Department Manager Overview dashboard in the October release.


The comparison between the company averages and the department averages for each spend category will no longer be calculated or displayed in the Average Spend section.


The company average comparison results are displayed below each spend category.


Only the department averages will be displayed for each spend category.


You can access the Department Manager Overview dashboard from the Quick Access Menu page on the Persona Dashboard by clicking Department Manager.

The Persona Dashboard is located here:

  • Intelligence - Standard Reports ‎> Persona Dashboards

The Department Manager Overview dashboard is located here:

  • Intelligence - Standard Reports ‎> Persona Dashboards > Department Manager Overview

For more information about the Department Manager Overview dashboard, refer to Chapter 16: Folder – Persona Dashboards in the Standard Reports by Folder guide.

Report Changes: **Planned Changes** Persona Dashboard: Department Manager Overview (Intelligence)

With the release of the enhanced fiscal calendar, Concur is planning to enhance the Department Manager Overview dashboard to align with a company’s fiscal year. We are also taking this opportunity to optimise the performance of the dashboards when reporting across large data sets, and to improve the appearance of the dashboard when the dashboard is emailed.

To best accomplish this, Concur will be dividing the current dashboard into two Department Manager Overview dashboards – one dashboard for the current Spend tab and another dashboard for the current Expense Claims tab. Both dashboards will support fiscal years.

Additional information will be available in future release notes.

Other Changes: **Planned Changes** In-Product Messaging (IPM) for Europe

For quite some time, In-Product Messaging (IPM) within Concur products has been available for US customers.

The messaging that is presented to each US user is based on data provided by a well-known US-based "recommendation" engine. That engine, however, is not the best fit for the stricter laws in the European Union (EU). So, in an effort to comply with the EU laws, Concur developed its own recommendation engine for its In-Product Messaging System.

Early Access customers in the EU will be contacted by a Concur representative before enabling this feature. After 60 days, this feature could be enabled for all other customers in the EU. Also, since the new system will provide a better all-around IPM experience for Concur customers, US customers will soon use the new system, too.

Just like today for US users – the content, timing, location and frequency of a message are all defined by each message campaign and by the characteristics of each company and each user.

Client Notifications

Concur Non-Affiliated Subprocessors

The list of non-affiliated subprocessors is available here: Concur Non-Affiliated Subprocessors (English Only)

Monthly Browser Certifications

Monthly browser certifications, both current and planned, are available with the other Concur monthly release notes, accessible from What's New - Professional Edition