Concur Invoice Professional Edition Administration Help

June 2017 Mobile Professional Edition Admin Summary

Last Update: 7 July 2017


Danish and Finnish Language Support

With this release, Concur's mobile app will be available in Danish and Finnish. To use either language, the user sets the device to one of these languages, and the Concur mobile app will automatically display in that language.

E-Bunsho Timestamped Receipts (Professional Edition Only)

The new e-Bunsho Timestamp feature for Japan allows admins to configure timestamping of receipts for groups of users. Admins may use these timestamps in workflow rules and audit rules.

The new feature will be introduced in the web version of Concur on 8 July 2017. If, after that date, the feature is configured in the web version of Concur, then the receipt icon described below will appear for mobile users.

For more information about the feature, refer to the monthly release notes for Concur Expense.


Approval Screen Updates

The Approvals screen has been updated on Concur's mobile app.

The updates are listed below:

  • The Approvals screen was redesigned for a more consistent look and feel.
  • In the Claim Approvals and Trip Approvals sections, earmarks indicate that there are exceptions.
  • If the approval type does not have any approvals, then that type does not appear on the Approvals screen. For example, if there are no purchase requests to approve, then Purchase Request Approvals does not appear.
  • The Invoice Approvals and Invoice Submission summary sections have been separated for easier access.
Manage Multiple Items in the Expense List

Concur’s mobile app now makes it easier for you to work on multiple items on the Expenses screen.

To delete or move multiple items to a claim on the Expenses screen on your Android:

  1. On the Expenses screen, long press a desired item to activate multi-selection mode.
  2. To add additional items to the selection, single-tap them.
  3. To remove items from the selection, single-tap them.
  4. After selecting the desired items, you can:
    • Tap the delete icon to delete the selected itemes.
    • Tap the move icon to add the selected items to a claim.
New Expense Currency Option

Concur’s mobile app has added “most recently used” currencies, which you can now find at the top of Currency list. This new option is for manually entered expenses only.


Claim List Updates

The Claims screen has been updated on Concur's mobile app.

The updates are listed below:

  • The Claims screen has been redesigned to make it easier for you to keep track of multiple claims.
  • On the Claims screen, you can now view up to 100 claims.

In the Active section you can:

  • View unsubmitted, submitted and returned claims
  • Copy claims
  • Delete unsubmitted claims
  • View red and yellow earmarked claims flagged for exceptions
  • In the History section, you can view claims that have been approved and sent for payment.

iPhone / iPad

Check In Location and Request Assistance Safety Feature Updates

The Location Check In and Request Assistance feature has been updated on the menu in Concur’s mobile app.

The updates are listed below:

  • A new Safety section has been added to the menu, to make it easier to access your safety options.
  • On the Location Check In screen, you can check-in to your current location only while your mobile phone is online.

On the Request Assistance screen, you can request assistance only while your mobile phone is online.