Concur Invoice Professional Edition Administration Help

View Change Logs

You can search and view change logs of budgets and budget settings in Budget Items. This means that you can see who added, modified or deleted budget records, and who changed company budget configuration settings. For budget item changes, you can see more details about the changes made. You can click on the changed budget in the returned results, which is a hyperlink that will open the audit trail for that specific budget item.

To add a budget item:

  1. In the Budget Items tab, click the More menu and select Change Logs. The Change Logs window appears.

  2. Complete all required fields.



    Config Type


    Select Budgets if you want to search on overall budget changes or Settings if you want to search on changes in Budget Settings.

    Start Date


    Select the start date from which the search should be performed.

    End Date

    Select the end date from which the search should be performed.

    Modified By

    Select the user for whom you want to search modified budgets or budget settings.

    Budget Description (Name)

    Select the description of the budgets. This option is available when you have selected the Budgets config. type.

    Setting Description

    Select the description of the budget setting. This option is available when you have selected the Settings config. type.

  3. Click Search Logs.