Concur Invoice Professional Edition Administration Help

Invoice Approvers

Use the Invoice Approvers page of Profile to select or change your approver for your invoices.


To access this option, click Profile > Profile Settings > Invoice Approvers (in the Invoice Settings section of the left-side menu).

Add an approver

To add an approver:

  1. On the Invoice Approvers page, type at least the first three letters of the search criteria (employee's name, email address, etc.).

  2. When the desired employee name appears, click the name.

  3. Click Save.

Change an approver

To change an approver:

  1. On the Invoice Approvers page, select the name of the existing approver.

  2. Type at least the first three letters of the new approver's name or email address.

  3. When the desired employee name appears, click the name.

  4. Click Save.