Add a Budget Tracking Field
You can add budget tracking fields to track specific budget costs that can be mapped to spending items.
To add a budget tracking field:
In the Budget Tracking Fields tab, click the Budget Fields tab.
Click Add Budget Tracking Field.
The Add Budget Tracking Field window appears.
Complete all required fields.
Field Name (Required)
Enter a name of the field. The name can be any combination of characters and can be changed anytime, but must be unique.
Data Type (Required)
Select one of the following data types:
List (if this is selected, a List Definition list appears where the admin can select a pre-defined list)
Free Form (if this is selected, a Default Value Type list appears where the admin can select a default value)
List Definition
Select one of the pre-defined values in the list.
Default Value Type
Select one of the following default value types:
Constant (if this is selected, a Default Value list appears where the admin can select a default value)
Default Value
Select the relevant default value. For example, if the field name is Department, the default value might contain different company departments, such as Sales, IT and Marketing.
This is the default value that appears in the Value column in the Budget Tracking Fields tab of an opened budget item.
Click Save.
To adjust the order of your budget tracking fields, in the Sequence column click the arrows to reorder the fields. This is the order the fields will appear in Budget Items.
Click Save Sequence to save your changes.
The behaviour to filter on budget tracking mappings field types will work as follows:
Connected list budget tracking fields can be mapped to connected and single list fields
Single list budget tracking fields can be mapped to connected and single list fields
Free form budget tracking fields can be mapped to connected, single list and free form (including Boolean) fields