Concur Invoice Professional Edition Administration Help

Choose Your Approval Emails

Approver notifications

Concur will notify you via email under certain circumstances. If you are not a trip approver, you will not use these email options.

To choose approver email options:

  1. Select Profile > Profile Settings > System Settings (in the Other Settings section of the left-side menu).

  2. In the Email Notifications section:

    • Send an email every time something is put in or removed from my approval queue: Select this check box to receive an email when you have a trip to approve.

    • Send a daily summary of items in my queue: Select this check box to receive a daily summary of trips that are awaiting your approval.

  3. Click Save.

General notifications

Concur will notify you via email under certain circumstances.

To choose general email options:

  1. Select Profile > Profile Settings > System Settings (in the Other Settings section of the left-side menu).

  2. In the Email Notifications section:

    • Let me know when one of my requests is approved or denied: Select this check box to receive an email when any of your trips are approved or denied.

    • Send Confirmation Emails: Select this check box to receive an email when you book a trip.

    • Send Trip-on-Hold Reminder Emails: Select this check box to receive an email when you place a trip on hold.

    • Send Ticketed Travel Reminder Email: Select this check box to receive an email when a trip you have booked is ticketed.

    • Send Cancellation Emails: Select this check box to receive an email when a trip or segment is cancelled.

  3. Click Save.