January 2018 Expense Professional Edition Admin Summary
Last Update: 15 January 2018
Japan Public Transportation (JPT)
Jorudan MaintenanceThe Japan Public Transportation (JPT) database of stations and lines received routine maintenance changes such as additions, name changes and removals.
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: Lists in Expense continue to reflect JPT's current stations and lines.
New Concur Logo
SAP ConcurIn January – on the release date or shortly after – the SAP Concur logo will appear in all Concur products.
Travel Allowance
Reinstatement of Recent Changes – Finland- Change to Rate Location and Allowance Determination (described in the August 2017 version of these Release Notes)
For partial-day trips, less than 24 hours in total, if there is a minimum of 10 hours of consolidated foreign travel, the rate location is determined from the last foreign location visited
For full 24-hour days ending in transit, if the user is leaving a foreign country to Finland, the rate location is determined from that foreign country. Instead, if the user is leaving Finland to a foreign country, the rate location is determined from that foreign country. In this case, the direction of travel does not matter as long as it is a mixed-trip combination of foreign and domestic travel.
For each day in a multi-day trip, if there is a minimum of 10 hours of consolidated foreign travel, the rate location is determined from the last foreign location visited.
- Per Diem Location Based on 24-Hour Day (described in the February 2017 version of these Release Notes)
Finland's calculations for the 24-hour "per diem" rate is now based on the location of the traveller exactly 24 hours following their departure. This change accommodates new legal regulations, and retires the standard end of calendar day calculation. (11:59:59 P.M. end of day). Now, if a traveller departs for a trip at 8:00 A.M., their calculated per diem rate is based on their location at 7:59:59 A.M. the next day, or 24 hours following departure.
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: These changes allow Concur clients who do business in Finland to maintain best-practice legal compliance and bring Expense and the traveller into compliance with Finland's revised per diem calculation mandate.
USB IC Card Readers - Japan
No Longer SupportedAs mentioned in the December 2017 version of these release notes, the USB IC Card reader solution for capturing Japanese IC Card travel information in Expense utilised a reader connected to a single computer.
On 1 August 2017, Concur discontinued support for this solution.
- As of 31 December 2017, the solution is being retired and will no longer work in Concur.
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: This retirement keeps Concur users aligned with current technology.
**Planned Changes** Removing the "Privacy Agreement" PageFor clients who currently display the Privacy Agreement page to users, be aware that on 14 April, 2018, Concur will eliminate that page. That means the privacy agreement will no longer display under any circumstances. In addition, the options to customise the privacy agreement text and to apply policy (for example, to require that a user accept the privacy agreement) will be removed.
In a separate release, Concur will provide a standard privacy statement, which can be accessed via a link in the page footer.
This release note discusses the removal of the Privacy Agreement page and its associated configuration options. Information about the new Concur privacy statement will be provided in future release notes.
The intent of the change is to ensure that all customers see the same unmodified Concur privacy statement.
**Planned Changes** Support for Plain Text FTP to End on 15th May, 2018Business Purpose / Client Benefit: Transfer of data to and from Concur using plain text FTP after the End of Support date will result in a failure of incoming connections. Clients using plain text FTP must utilise one of the approved secured methods to continue transferring data as outlined in the File Transfer User Guide. This change is required on the client side, and Concur is available to support these efforts.
Available Expenses
**Planned Changes** New One-Year FilterBusiness Purpose / Client Benefit: This new feature automatically filters expenses with transaction dates older than one year and only displays expenses added within the past 12 months, to provide an easier end-user experience. This change is consistent with behaviour in the Available Receipts sections (where unused receipts older than one year are hidden) and will result in improved performance by reducing the volume of old, unnecessary data.
**Planned Changes** New Budget Feature in Early Adopter ProgrammeThe Budget feature enables clients to set up all components of a budget; a fiscal year to determine the budget period, budget tracking fields to track spending on a cost centre (profit centre) level, budget categories to group expense types for budget purposes and budgets, which are the actual annual budgets, and Budget Items, which define the budget including fiscal year, budget owner, budget name and description.
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: This feature makes budgets visible, actionable, and real-time for approvers and budget owners, leading to high-quality spending decisions for Expense clients.
Legacy Expense Authorisation Request
**Planned Changes** Product Retirement (March 2018)Concur plans to retire our legacy Expense Authorisation Request feature on 31 March 2018.
Concur offered this feature to some clients prior to the existence of the standalone Concur Request product. We now have feature parity as well as enhanced features and full support on the standalone Request product. Clients that wish to leverage a request capability within Concur should purchase and migrate to the Concur Request product.
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: This retirement allows Concur to focus development resources on further enhancements to our standalone Concur Request product whose functionality, innovation and value now exceeds that of our legacy feature.
Client Notifications
Concur Non-Affiliated SubprocessorsThe list of non-affiliated subprocessors is available here: Concur Non-Affiliated Subprocessors (English Only)
Monthly Browser CertificationsMonthly browser certifications, both current and planned, are available with the other Concur monthly release notes, accessible from What's New - Professional Edition