Concur Invoice Professional Edition Administration Help

May 2017 Analysis/Intelligence Professional Edition Admin Summary

Last Update: 2 June 2017

Model Changes

New Fields: Fiscal Calendar Fields

With this release, there are new fiscal calendar name-related fields for Expense and Invoice.

DESCRIPTION: These fields were added to the model to support the enhanced Fiscal Calendar feature targeted for the July release. These fields will allow users to report on the fiscal calendars defined in the enhanced Fiscal Calendar feature. These fields will not be populated until the enhanced Fiscal Calendar feature is released.

The new fiscal calendar name-related fields are located in the following folders:

  • Expense > Expense Claims > Claim Dates and Statuses > Sent for Payment Date Attributes
  • Expense > Expense Claims > Claim Dates and Statuses > Current Date Attributes
  • Expense > Expense Claims > Entry Information > Transaction Date Attributes
  • Invoice > Payment Request Dates and Statuses > Current Date Attributes
New Filters: Last 7 Days and Last Quarter

With this release, there are new Sent for Payment Date and Paid Date-related filters for Expense.

DESCRIPTION: These filters allow users to filter claims based on the Sent for Payment Date or Paid Date for the last 7 days and the last quarter.

The new Sent for Payment Date and Paid Date-related filters are located in the following folders:

  • Expense > Expense Claims > Common Claim Header Filters > Filters Based on Sent for Payment Date
  • Expense > Expense Claim > Common Claim Header Filters > Filters Based on Paid Date

Report Changes

New Invoice Report: Attendee Details

Analysis and Intelligence clients can use the new Attendee Details report to view the spending by employees and the attendee information for expenses that have associated attendees.

The Attendee Details report can be run to provide the total picture or run for a selected set of payment requests that represent money being spent by an employee to cover expenses for fellow employees or non-employee clients or prospective clients.


The report is located here:

  • Analysis - Standard Reports ‎> Invoice
  • Intelligence - Standard Reports ‎> Invoice
Prompt Changes for Top Invoice Supplier Spend Detail and Summary Reports

The Top Invoice Supplier Spend – Details and Top Invoice Supplier Spend – Summary reports now have new prompts on the Prompts page. The new prompts include prompts for Process Payment Date and First Approval Date. These changes were made to allow these reports to be used as the drill reports for the Invoice Management Overview dashboard.


The Top Invoice Supplier Spend – Details report is located here:

  • Intelligence - Standard Reports ‎> Invoice

The Top Invoice Supplier Spend – Summary report is located here:

  • Analysis - Standard Reports ‎> Invoice
  • Intelligence - Standard Reports ‎> Invoice
Updated Persona Dashboard: Invoice Management Overview (Intelligence)

On the Invoice Management Overview dashboard, the Spend Trend by Expense Type section was replaced by the Top 5 Expense Types section, and the drill-through detail reports for each of the dashboard sections, except for the Payment Method section, were added to the dashboard. The drill-through report for the Payment Method section was added with the April release.


The Top 5 Expense Types section provides a visualisation of the year-to-date spend for the top five Invoice expense types. The spend by expense type is derived from invoices that have a status of Paid.

The information in this section can be used to help forecast and budget for spend.

Placing your pointer over a bar displays the Invoice expense type name and the total spend from paid invoices that are associated with the expense type for the year-to-date.


Each section of the Invoice Management Overview dashboard contains the report drill-though icon. Clicking the icon opens the list of reports associated with the section, including a detail report for the section. The first report in the list is the detail report associated with the section.

With this release, the detail report for the following sections are now added to the dashboard:

  • Ageing Payables
  • Total Invoice Spend
  • Top 5 Expense Types
  • Top 10 Suppliers
  • PO vs Non PO Spend
  • PO Adoption


The Total Invoice Spend and Top 5 Expense Types sections have the same detail report. We are reusing our existing Standard Reports > Invoice report – the Invoice Expense Type Spend Trend report. With this release, Invoice Expense Type Spend Trend report now includes totals and subtotals by quarter as well.


The selections you make for the Select Date prompt determine which prompts are displayed on the page. For example, if you select the Process Payment Date and YTD options, only the Select Date and Rank prompts are displayed.


The PO vs Non PO Spend and PO Adoption sections have the same detail report.


You can access the Invoice Management Overview dashboard from the Quick Access Menu page on the Persona Dashboard by clicking Invoice Management Overview.

The Persona Dashboard is located here:

  • Intelligence - Standard Reports ‎> Persona Dashboards

The Invoice Management Overview dashboard is located here:

  • Intelligence - Standard Reports ‎> Persona Dashboards > Invoice Management Overview


All of the drill-though reports you can view from the Invoice Management Overview dashboard, with the exception of the Invoice Expense Type Spend Trend and Top Invoice Supplier Spend – Details reports, are located here:

  • Intelligence - Standard Reports ‎> Persona Dashboards > Invoice Management Overview > Detail Reports

The Invoice Expense Type Spend Trend and Top Invoice Supplier Spend – Details reports are located here:

  • Intelligence - Standard Reports ‎> Invoice

For more information about the Invoice Management Overview dashboard, refer to Chapter 16: Folder – Persona Dashboards in the Standard Reports by Folder guide (English only).

Updated: E-Receipt Enabled Employees Report

The E-Receipt Status prompt for the E-Receipt Enabled Employees report was updated for e-receipt statuses of null (blank). The Deselect option was added to the E-Receipt Status prompt so that clients can run the report with none of the options (Yes, No, Both) selected.

  • If Yes is selected for the E-Receipt Status prompt, when you generate the report, the report will display the employees with e-receipts enabled.
  • If No is selected, the report will display the employees with e-receipts disabled.
  • If Both is selected, the report will display the employees with e-receipts enabled and the employees with e-receipts disabled.
  • If none of the options (Yes, No, Both) are selected, the report will display the employees that have neither enabled or nor disabled e-receipts, the employees with e-receipts enabled, and the employees with e-receipts disabled.


The report is located here:

  • Analysis - Standard Reports ‎> E-Receipt‬ > E-Receipt Enabled Employees
  • Intelligence - Standard Reports ‎> E-Receipt‬ > E-Receipt Enabled Employees

Other Changes

Opt Out Option for the Enhanced Fiscal Calendar

Concur is targeting to release the enhanced fiscal calendar for Analysis/Intelligence in July. The enhanced fiscal calendar feature will be enabled for all clients in July.

Before the enhanced fiscal calendar is released for general availability in July, if you need more time to prepare for this change, the feature can be deferred until September 2017.

To defer the enhanced fiscal calendar functionality, contact Concur Client Support and let them know you would like to opt out of being included in the July fiscal calendar update.




What must I do to enable the enhanced fiscal calendar feature?

The enhanced fiscal calendar feature will be enabled for all clients in July.

What if I need more time to prepare for this change?

Before the enhanced fiscal calendar is released for general availability in July, if you need more time to prepare for this change, the feature can be deferred until September 2017.

To defer the enhanced fiscal calendar functionality, contact Concur Client Support and let them know you would like to opt out of being included in the July fiscal calendar update.

Will my existing fiscal calendars be migrated?

Yes, calendars will be migrated for clients having the feature enabled in July. Clients who opt out of getting the enabled fiscal calendar in July, will not have their calendars migrated for them in September. For these clients, they will have to input their calendars and budgets themselves after the September release.

Will budgets that were added by BI Managers be migrated?

Yes, budgets will be migrated for clients who have the feature enabled for them in July, unless a client previously entered a non-calendar fiscal year (a fiscal year that does not align with the calendar year). Non-calendar fiscal year budgets will not be migrated.

My company’s fiscal year aligns with the calendar year so we never saw the need to create a fiscal calendar.

Does this new feature impact us?

The budget feature is being enhanced so that budgets will be aligned to fiscal quarters. A company must define a fiscal calendar in order for BI Managers to add and maintain their budgets.

Will there be any changes to the Actionable Alerts?

In a future release, there will be an additional Actionable Analytics percent-of-budget alert that will align with a company’s fiscal quarter.

Will there be any changes to the Cognos model?

Yes, additional fields will be available to support fiscal years in the July release.

Additional information about these fields will be provided in the July release notes.

Will there be any changes to the Cognos reports?

An enhanced version of the Department Manager Overview dashboard that can be aligned to a fiscal year will be released in a future release.

Additional information will be provided in future release notes.

For more information about the enhanced fiscal calendar, refer to the **Planned Changes** Enhanced Fiscal Calendar release note under Planned Changes in this admin summary.

Planned Changes

Other Changes: **Planned Changes** Enhanced Fiscal Calendar

Concur is targeting to release the enhanced fiscal calendar for Analysis/Intelligence in July. A fiscal calendar allows organisations to define their accounting periods independent of the standard calendar year. Many organisations define their own calendars to model their financial reporting to reflect seasons in their business, to compare results with direct competitors and to avoid the busy year-end season in January.

The new fiscal calendar provides much more flexibility and detail. It displays current and past fiscal years, and all fiscal periods within those years.

Fiscal years have a start date and an end date. Each year may have a different length to accommodate leap years and short years or long years. (Organisations use short years and long years when they change the start date of their fiscal year.) Fiscal years cannot overlap with prior fiscal years and no gaps can exist between fiscal years.

With the new calendar, fiscal periods can vary in length within a fiscal year; however, they typically represent months.


With the release of the enhanced fiscal calendar, BI Managers will be able to create a budget that aligns with fiscal quarters. Currently, BI Managers can only align their budgets with calendar quarters.

Additional enhancements will come with this change. For example, Concur will be updating several existing standard reports and dashboards, including the Department Manager Overview and Expense Management Overview dashboards, so that they can be aligned to the company’s fiscal year.

Concur will also be introducing an additional Actionable Analytics percent-of-budget alert and that can be sent to the BI Manager when the defined percent of budget is reached during a fiscal quarter (for companies who have specified a fiscal calendar). The current Actionable Analytics Percent of Budget alert is sent based on calendar quarter.

Additional information will be available in future release notes.

Business Purpose / Client Benefit: This feature gives clients the flexibility to define their accounting periods independently of the standard calendar year.


The enhanced fiscal calendar is available in the Reporting Configuration tool in Administration > Expense and Administration > Invoice.

In addition, the Fiscal Calendar Set Up tab is now called Fiscal Calendar.

The Fiscal Calendar has five buttons, which are described in the following table:




Enables the admin to create a new fiscal calendar.


Enables the admin to modify an existing fiscal calendar.


Enables the admin to activate a fiscal calendar.


Enables the admin to deactivate a fiscal calendar.


Enables the admin to remove a fiscal calendar.


Concur is targeting to release the enhanced fiscal calendar for Analysis/Intelligence in July.

To access the Fiscal Calendar (Professional):

  1. Click Administration > Expense or Invoice > Reporting Configuration (left menu). The Reporting Configuration page appears.

  2. Click the Fiscal Calendar tab.

For more information, refer to the Shared: Reporting Configuration Setup Guide (English Only).

To access the Fiscal Calendar (Standard):

  1. Click Administration > Expense Settings or Invoice Settings > Reporting Configuration. The Reporting Configuration page appears.

  2. Click the Fiscal Calendar tab.

For more information, refer to the Shared: Reporting Configuration Setup Guide for Concur Standard Edition (English Only).

Other Changes: **Planned Changes** Changes to the Reporting Configuration Page

The Business Intelligence (BI) Manager Set Up tab on the Reporting Configuration page (Administration > Expense or Invoice) in Concur Professional will be renamed to Preferences. Also, the BI Manager settings on the page will be renamed to improve the readability of the settings.

Business Purpose / Client Benefit: These changes improve the usability of the tab and expand the purpose of the tab to support the addition of future preference settings.


The tab is renamed to Preferences and the settings are renamed:

  • The If true and the BI Manager field is blank, then use the claim approver for the BI Manager setting is renamed to If the BI Manager is blank, use the claim approver for the BI Manager.
  • The Allow users with the BI Manager field populated to view the Cognos link setting is renamed to Display the Reporting menu option for BI Managers.


To access the Preferences tab (Professional only):

  1. Click Administration > Expense or Invoice > Reporting Configuration (left menu). The Reporting Configuration page appears.

  2. Click the Preferences tab.

For more information, refer to the Shared: Reporting Configuration Setup Guide (English Only).


Concur will automatically implement this change; there are no configuration or activation steps.

Other Changes: **Planned Changes** Microsoft IE v.10 Browser Support Ends 18 August 2017

Support for Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) version 10 browsers under Concur products will end on 18 August 2017. Concur strongly advises clients using IE v.10 to update to the latest IE browser version before that date, or to install and work with another supported browser.

Other Changes: **Planned Changes** Support for TLS v 1.0 Encryption Protocol to End – DATE MOVED FOR THE US DATACENTRE

Please note these dates:

- EU datacentre: Completed on Tuesday, 4 April 2017

- US datacentre: MOVED TO Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Concur announces an End of Support cycle for version 1.0 of the TLS encryption protocol, continuing support for the more secure 1.1 and 1.2 versions of TLS. As background, the TLS protocol allows secure back and forth communications between a phone or computer and a cloud-based service.

Note that, since less than 1% of Concur users are logging in to Concur Solutions using browsers or phones limited to version 1.0, a very small number of users are affected by this support discontinuation.


We have moved the date in order to give our clients ample time to understand and make the required manual changes to their browser's security settings. These changes will be detailed in an upcoming service release.

Business Purpose / Client Benefit: Concur is taking this step after careful consideration of both the client’s security and ease of upgrade to the newer, more secure 1.1 and 1.2 versions of TLS. This end of life plan for TLS v 1.0 ensures our clients are communicating with Concur services in a safe and secure manner using TLS v. 1.1 and newer.