December 2016 Expense Professional Edition Admin Summary
Audit Rules - Ticket and Credit Card Matching Fix Prevents Exceptions
With this release, the system will now truncate the Ticket Number field from 14 characters to 13 characters, reversing a change introduced through a fix in early 2016. This update will prevent an audit rule from triggering an exception based on non-matching total numbers as the original 14-character, non-truncated ticket number was not matching the 13-character transaction. Now, the audit rule exception will no longer trigger based on the total number of characters, but instead on non-matching record data.
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: This enhancement fixes an issue that causes an audit rule to generate an erroneous exception in matching when in fact the ticket and credit card values are a match and the system should associated them to one other.
Can Copy Down New Travel Fields from a Credit Card Feed
With the December release, Concur may map the following fields from a Visa Commercial Format (VCF4) feed to Concur expense entries:
Table | Column | CTEShortCode | CESShortCode |
CT_CC_TRANS_TRAVEL | CUSTOM1 | TravelCustom1 | TravelCustom1 |
CT_CC_TRANS_TRAVEL | CUSTOM2 | TravelCustom2 | TravelCustom2 |
CT_CC_TRANS_TRAVEL | CUSTOM3 | TravelCustom3 | TravelCustom3 |
CT_CC_TRANS_TRAVEL | CUSTOM4 | TravelCustom4 | TravelCustom4 |
CT_CC_TRANS_TRAVEL | CUSTOM5 | TravelCustom5 | TravelCustom5 |
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: This change allows for additional read-only information, such as passenger name, to display in expense entries.
Import Extract Admin – Job Run Confirmation and Logging Changes
With this release, the Import/Extract Administrator and Import/Extract Monitor roles will now see a confirmation message when they elect to execute an import or extract job using options in the Import/Extract Administrator tool. In addition, when the job is requested, the action is logged by the system to the Change Log tool where the email address of the employee originating the job run is recorded for auditing purposes.
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: This enhancement prevents accidental job runs by forcing the admin to perform a second step to confirm they want the job to run.
Online Help - New Languages Available
Concur has updated and expanded the translated online help available for clients. In the December 2016 release, the Help menu links point to the new translated help. The following languages have been promoted from Tier 2 to Tier 1:
Czech (cs)
Danish (da)
Finnish (fi)
Korean (ko)
Norwegian (no)
Polish (pl)
Russian (ru)
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: The new help content provides current translations for 21 languages, giving the end users of global clients more information to help them succeed.
Release Note Admin Summaries Now Available in Online Help
Concur has enhanced the release note information available in the online help, by adding new pages that present release note information and Admin Summaries. The What's New and Release Note Admin Summary links now appear in the left menu of the online help for all admin users. The release note Admin Summaries (HTML format) will be translated into all Tier 1 languages. The administrator can also view the full release notes (English only, in DOC or PDF format), and the release calendar. The translated Admin Summaries will be available through these pages shortly after the monthly release.
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: The What's New page brings together all the information that Concur provides for each release, giving busy administrators a single location to check. The new Admin Summary translations provide global administrators a summary of monthly changes in their language.
Update Background Images on the Sign-In page for
Every quarter Concur refreshes the cycled background images on the Sign-In page with new images. This refresh applies to Sign-In page. This refresh applies to both Professional and Standard versions.
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: This refresh adds a fresh look to the Sign-In page.
**Coming Soon** Terminology Change – Spanish
English Term | Current Spanish Term | Updated Spanish Term |
receipt | recibo | comprobante |
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: This change improve accuracy and consistency of the Spanish version of the Concur user interface.
**Coming Soon** Terminology Change – Traditional Chinese
English Term | Current Traditional Chinese Term | Updated Traditional Chinese Term |
segment | 節段 | 區間 |
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: This change improves accuracy and consistency of the Traditional Chinese version of the Concur user interface.
**Coming Soon** Terminology Changes – Dutch
English Term | Current Dutch Term | Updated Dutch Term |
airfare | vluchttarief | vluchtprijs |
extract | samenvatting | uitvoerbestand |
location | locatie | plaats |
match | matchen | koppelen |
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: These changes improve accuracy and consistency of the Dutch version of the Concur user interface.
**Coming Soon** Terminology Changes – German
English Term | Current German Term | Updated German Term |
Report Totals | Abrechnungssummen | Abrechnungsdetails |
Less Cash Advance Returns | Abzüglich Barvorschussrückzahlungen | Abzug Barvorschuss |
Less Personal Amount | Abzüglich privater Beträge | Abzug private Beträge |
Amount Due Employee | An Mitarbeiter zu erstattender Betrag | Betrag an Mitarbeiter |
Amount Claimed | Angeforderter Betrag | Kosten für Unternehmen |
Requested Amount | Angeforderter Betrag | Kosten für Unternehmen |
Total Amount Claimed | Erstatteter Gesamtbetrag | Geforderter Betrag |
Amount Due | Fälliger Betrag | Betrag Unternehmen |
Total Requested | Gesamt angefordert | Kosten für Unternehmen |
Total Paid By Company | Gesamter vom Unternehmen bezahlter Betrag | Kosten für Unternehmen |
Total Amount | Gesamtsumme | Gesamtbetrag |
Report Total | Summe aller Beträge | Gesamtbetrag |
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: These changes improve accuracy and consistency of the German version of the Concur user interface.
JPT Jorudan Maintenance
The Japan Public Transportation (JPT) database of stations and lines received routine maintenance changes such as additions, name changes and removals.
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: Lists in Expense continue to reflect JPT's current stations and lines.
**Coming Soon** Simplified Employee Authentication for Network IC Card Readers
For Japan Public Transportation (JPT) employees who will use Network IC Card Readers, Concur will reduce the number of initially required authorisation steps.
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: This change makes initial authorisation easier for employees.