October 2016 Expense Professional Edition Admin Summary
Improved Security for Printed Reports
A common Concur security review has resulted in an improvement for printed reports. On the Printed Reports page, for new or modified reports, Expense no longer permits JavaScript in these fields:
Printed Reports > Print Formats > Text
Printed Reports > Print Templates > Template Code
File Transfer Security Update
During the month of October 2016, Concur Operations will apply a routine security update to our File Transfer infrastructure (SecureTransport). This is part of our ongoing commitment to securing our customers’ data and meeting the audited security requirements of the "Concur Trust Platform". As part of this update, only TLS v1.1 and TLS v1.2 will be supported for FTP/S (FTP-SSL) and HTTPS protocols. New ciphers will be in place for EMEA (st-eu.concursolutions.com) on 8 Oct, and US migration (st.concursolutions.com) on 22 Oct. The expected time of each modification is 10 AM Eastern time.
For more information on TLS and cipher support, refer to the File Transfer User Guide (English only).
Concur has created a SecureTransport staging environment that US and EMEA customers can test against. The URL is st-staging.concursolutions.com. The testing is for connectivity only. It’s possible to upload files in this environment, however the files will not be processed. Protocols available in SecureTransport staging environment are: HTTPS, SSH (SCP, SFTP), and FTP/S.
**Coming Soon** Support for TLS v 1.0 Encryption Protocol to End March of 2017
Concur announces an End of Support (March 2017) cycle for version 1.0 of the TLS encryption protocol, continuing support for the more secure 1.1 and 1.2 versions of TLS. As background, the TLS protocol allows secure back and forth communications between a phone or computer and a cloud-based service. Note that, since less than 1% of Concur users are logging in to Concur Solutions using browsers or phones limited to version 1.0, a very small number of users are affected by this support discontinuation.
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: Concur is taking this step after careful consideration of both the client’s security and ease of upgrade to the newer, more secure 1.1 and 1.2 versions of TLS. This end of life plan for TLS v 1.0 ensures our clients are communicating with Concur services in a safe and secure manner using TLS v. 1.1 and newer.
More Information: Additional information about this change for TLS support will be included in upcoming release notes included in monthly service releases.
Expenses Linked to E-Receipts: Expense Fields Locked When Linked to an E-Receipt
Concur added new handling for expenses linked to e-receipts coming through the receipt API v4. This affects e-receipts from new or updated partner data connecting via the App Center.
To maintain the data integrity of key values, Concur locks the following fields in an expense entry when that entry is associated with an e-receipt:
Transaction date
Transaction amount and currency
Supplier name
No one will be able to edit these locked fields. This new functionality is similar to the current functionality for expenses linked to company card transactions.
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: This change takes advantage of the trusted nature of the data that has come directly from a supplier in the form of an e-receipt.
Form Field Definition Now Enforces Allocation Default Behaviour
With this release, a correction is included that prevents a user from allocating expenses that the system should not be allocating. This behaviour has been identified in scenarios where a user selects multiple expenses. The user interface will not change – the user will still be able to select the collection of expenses and provide allocation information – but the result will be that no allocation records are linked to those expense types that do not allow allocations. The other expenses in the collection will have the allocation records as they do today.
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: This correction enforces expected behaviour.
Spanish Terminology Changes
Concur made changes to five Spanish terms. These changes are for es-ES (European/Spain) Spanish, not es-CO (Latin American) Spanish.
US-English Term | Current Spanish Term | Updated Spanish Term |
depart | partida | salida |
report (expense report) NOTE: Missed instances of nota de gasto are now informe de gasto, to provide consistency in terminology. | nota | informe |
tax authority | autoridad impositiva | administración tributaria |
travel allowance | dieta de viaje | dietas por desplazamiento |
VAT rate | tasa de IVA | tipo impositivo |
Please make note of these changes as they may influence your company’s internal documentation or training materials.
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: These changes improve accuracy and consistency of the Spanish version of the Concur user interface.
Japan Public Transportation (JPT)
JPT Network IC Card Reader Support Using Concur’s E-Receipt Service
For Japan Public Transportation (JPT) users, Concur now supports a network IC (Integrated Circuit) Card reader. Using a network IC Card reader along with Concur’s E-Receipt service, this feature allows users to import IC Card routes into Concur. The routes display in Available Expenses.
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: This feature provides an alternative to USB IC Card readers.
JPT Jorudan Maintenance
The Japan Public Transportation (JPT) database of stations and lines received routine maintenance changes including additions, name changes and removals.
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: Lists in Expense continue to reflect JPT's current stations and lines.