Concur Invoice Professional Edition Administration Help

November 2021 Mobile Professional Edition Admin Summary

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Release Note Summaries

This topic contains the admin summaries of the release notes for the SAP Concur mobile app functionality for the Professional Edition.
Android / iPhone / iPad – Validated Fapiao Icon and Message Displayed in the Mobile App

With the November (9.97) release, China mobile app users can now see a certified icon and message in expense claims, expenses and receipts for fapiaos that are validated from the original records using the SAP Concur Fapiao mini app within the WeChat™* app.

Business Purpose/Client Benefit: Mobile users now see an icon and message indicating that a fapiao has been validated in the mobile app.

Android / iPhone / iPad – Favourites Feature now Available for JPT on NextGen UI

With the November (9.97) release, the Favourites feature is now available for Japan Public Transport (JPT) on NextGen UI. JPT on the NextGen UI users in the SAP Concur mobile app. JPT on NextGen UI users can now create, edit, save and select a route from Favourites in the mobile app.

Japan Public Transport on NextGen UI is the only service that enables users to expense rail and bus travel in Japan using the NextGen UI and SAP Concur mobile. The ability to request and expense public transport is critical to the Japan market. A typical Japanese citizen makes multiple journeys per day and, in total, public transport represents 55% of all expenses in Japan.

Business Purpose/Client Benefit: JPT on NextGen UI users now have access to the Favourites feature in the SAP Concur mobile app.

Android / iPhone / iPad - Seat Maps Available for Spanish Rail (Renfe)

With this release, users will be able to select their seat from a seat map free of charge when choosing corporate fares either Tarifa Empresas or Prémium fares.

User/Customer Benefit: Previously, travellers would have to call an agent to reserve a seat or provide a seat preference of either aisle or window. With this release, if the traveller selects Tarifa Empresas or Prémium fares, the traveller will be able to select a seat.

Exclusions – The Renfe site allows travellers to select a seat for a price for fares such as, but not limited to, Básico or Elige. The ability to select a seat for an additional price is not included in this release.

Planned Change Summaries

The items in this section are summaries of the changes targeted for future releases. SAP Concur reserves the right to postpone implementation of – or completely remove – any enhancement/change mentioned here.

IMPORTANT: These Planned Changes may not be all of the upcoming enhancements and modifications that affect this SAP Concur product or service. The Planned Changes that apply to multiple SAP Concur products and/or services are in a consolidated document. Please review the additional Planned Changes admin summaries available in the November 2021 Shared Planned Changes Professional Edition Admin Summary.

Android/iPhone/iPad – (North American Data Centre) ** Planned Changes** Retirement of Real Time Alert for AMEX Corporate Card (Jan 2022)

ExpenseIt clients in the North American data centre using the U.S.-based AMEX corporate card in the SAP Concur mobile app will no longer have the use of the Real Time Alert (RTA) feature. This feature, which notifies the card user whenever their card is charged, displays a reminder to take a picture of the receipt for the charge.


The RTA feature is useful as a reminder for our clients, but adoption by users has dropped off significantly. At the same time, additional features, such as smart matching of card, e-receipt and paper receipt capture fulfill a similar business value. Additionally, retiring the RTA feature opens opportunities for additional feature work that will benefit the client in other areas of the product.

Business Purpose/Client Benefit: This feature retirement allows development of additional features for ExpenseIt in the SAP Concur Mobile app.

Client Notifications

The items in this section provide reference material for all clients.

Accessibility Updates

SAP implements changes to better meet current Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Information about accessibility-related changes made to SAP Concur solutions is published on a quarterly basis. You can review the quarterly updates on the Accessibility Updates (English only) page.

SAP Concur Non-Affiliated Subprocessors

The list of non-affiliated subprocessors is available here: SAP Concur list of Subprocessors (English Only)

Supported Browsers

Supported browsers are available with the other SAP Concur monthly release notes, accessible from What's New - Professional Edition