Concur Invoice Professional Edition Administration Help

Register a Credit Card

The Expense Credit Cards page displays the cards that are currently assigned to you in Concur Expense.

These cards can be assigned by an administrator, automatically matched to you from a corporate card feed or manually entered by you. Cards that are entered by the administrator or the card feed process are read-only. The ability to enter cards manually is configured by the company and may not be available.

If your company uses the automated personal card import (Yodlee) feature, you can have your personal credit or debit card transactions imported into Concur Expense by registering your card in Profile > Profile Settings > Expense Credit Cards (left menu). Once you have registered your card, Concur Expense will retrieve transactions for the past 30 days. After the initial registration, Concur Expense will import any new charges every time you log in.

To register a personal card:

  1. Click Profile > Profile Settings > Expense Settings > Expense Credit Cards (left menu).

  2. Click Add a New Personal Card.

  3. Read the data agreement, then click Accept. The user agreement only appears the first time you register a card.

  4. In the You are now leaving Concur message, click Continue.
  5. Select your card issuer from the list, or enter the card issuer name in the text box and click Search, then select your card issuer.

  6. Enter your card issuer online login and password, then click Submit.

  7. Verify the information, then click Close or click the X in the upper right corner of the page.

The linked account now displays on the Expense Credit Cards page. Click Available Expenses on the home page to view your transactions and add them to your expense claims.

To remove a personal card (only available for cards added manually):

  1. Click Profile > Profile Settings > Expense Credit Cards (left menu).

  2. Click the X next to the card to remove.

  3. Confirm the card deletion.