July 2017 Mobile Professional Edition Admin Summary
Last Update: 4 August 2017
Approvals Screen Offline ExperienceConcur has enhanced the user experience when using the newly redesigned Approvals screen offline.
Check In Location and Request Assistance Safety Feature Updates- A new Safety section has been added to the menu, to make it easier to access your safety options.
- On the Check In Location screen, you can check-in to your current location only while your mobile device is online.
- On the Request Assistance screen, you can request assistance only while your mobile device is online.
The Concur mobile app has added “most recently used” locations - which you can now find at the top of the Location list – while selecting a location for a manually entered expense.
**Planned Changes** Check In Location and Request Assistance Safety Feature UpdatesThe new Check In Location and Request Assistance screens were described last month.
Starting with the August release, these options will be available only for iPhone/iPad users whose company uses Concur Risk Messaging.
Expense Swipe OptionsThe Concur mobile app has added new simple swipe actions for existing expenses. This new option simplifies the reporting experience by making actions on expense entries more accessible to users.
Users can now swipe from the right to left to perform the following actions on existing expenses:
- For a receipt item, delete or create an expense entry
- For a credit card charge, e-receipt or an expense, delete or move to a claim
- For analysing receipts, delete or stop the analysis process
- For failed analysis, delete or retake the image or create an expense
For a credit card charge, e-receipt or expense, the user can delete or move it to an expense claim. To do so, the user swipes the charge/e-receipt/expense. When the user taps Move, the Select Claim screen appears. The user can create a new claim or select an existing claim.
For a receipt, the user can delete the receipt or use the receipt to create a mobile expense. To do so, the user swipes the receipt. When the user taps Expense, the receipt appears on the Expense screen. The user completes the fields and taps Save.
AllocationsConcur is pleased to announce that the Allocations feature is now available on the iPad. This new feature provides the user with the ability to easily allocate their expenses to different cost centres and streamlines the reporting experience.
CREATE, EDIT AND DELETE ALLOCATIONSWith the 9.47 release, iPad users can now allocate an expense by manually selecting the allocation percentage and cost centre. From the Expense Details window, the user taps Allocations. Then, the user taps New Allocation (or the + sign on the upper-right side of the screen), fills out the fields and saves the new allocation.
The New Allocation button appears if the expense is not yet allocated. Then, to add additional allocations, the user taps the +.