Attendee Admin - Overview
The attendee admin tool allows the user to view, modify and activate or inactivate any attendee record in the system. This provides the capability to perform real-time update and correction of records that need intervention. Examples of these situations are:
Imported attendee records where the correction must be quickly made and cannot wait for the next import event.
User-entered attendee records with inaccurate or incomplete information.
Duplicate attendee records where one or more of the set of duplicates needs to be inactivated.
This has two roles:
Attendee Administrator: The user assigned this role can access, view and edit information for any attendee in the system, regardless of whether the attendee was imported or entered manually and regardless of whether the attendee is on a private or shared list. The Attendee Administrator can also activate and deactivate attendees
Attendee Administrator (Read Only): The user assigned this role can access and view information for any attendee in the system, regardless of whether the attendee was imported or entered manually and regardless of whether the attendee is on a private or shared list. This role cannot modify the attendee information.