June 2017 Invoice Professional Edition Admin Summary
Last Update: 7 July 2017
Purchase Requests and Purchase Orders
Purchase Request User Can Now Expand/Collapse Distribution Tab PanelsPurchase request users will now be able to expand and collapse the distributions tab panels on the purchase request details page.
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: This enhancement will make it easier for clients to select the view that best fits their needs.
Payment Request Creators Can Now Create Payment Requests from Their Own Purchase OrdersWith this release, payment request creators who need to create payment requests from their open purchase order list can now do so.
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: This enhancement will make it more efficient for clients to create payment requests manually based on their purchase orders.
Easier for PR and PO Processors to Identify Change RequestsBy changing the view on the Process Purchase Requests and Process Purchase Orders pages respectively, purchase request processors and purchase order processors will now be able to more easily identify change requests.
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: This enhancement will make it easier for clients to find all their change requests.
New Central Receiving Permission RoleConcur has now created a new Central Receiving user permission role for users who, for example, receive goods for their company and need to be able to enter, update and delete receipt data without having the ability to transmit and process purchase orders or invoices.
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: This enhancement helps clients to be compliant with duty segregation best practices by separating the Central Receiving role from the Purchase Order Processor role.
PO PDF Now Supports Accented International CharactersInvoice now supports accented international characters in the purchase order PDF.
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: This enhancement provides international clients whose language uses accented characters with more accurate information on the purchase order PDF.
Receipt Extract Now AvailableClients will now be able to extract receipt data from Invoice into their ERP systems.
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: This enhancement allows the client to move Concur entered receipts into their ERP systems, so that their inventory will reflect the quantities received in Concur.
Company Address in PO Configuration Now OptionalWith this release, the company address in the Purchase Order Configuration tool is now optional when, for example, a user belonging to a group (and country A) creates a purchase request for a user in another group (and country B). Invoice will then allow the user to send the purchase order with just the company name and not the address to ensure that the correct country address (for country A) is used for this purchase order.
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: This enhancement is useful for clients who have shared service centres where employees create purchase order across countries and want to remove the purchase requester’s company address that is displayed on the transmitted purchase order.
Expense Type Search EnhancementFor users, the Expense Type list is currently a type-ahead list only. With this release, Invoice will now support conditional searches within the list. This means that the user can type either "%" or "*" as part of the search criteria.
This enhancement also applies to the Expense Type lists for purchase requests and Capture Processing.
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: This enhancement will make it quicker and easier to find the relevant expense type; especially for clients who perform searches on large amounts of expense types.
The Date of Comments Will Now Reflect the Location of the UserInvoice users who open payment requests to view comments by clicking Details > Comments will now see the date of the comments in the Comment History window in their own time zone.
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: This enhancement makes it easier for clients to see the date the comment was made in their own time zone to better keep track of when comments were entered.
Accessibility Setting in ProfileCurrently, a client can elect to configure their Concur site to comply with current accessibility standards. Soon, the accessibility feature will no longer be optional. The feature will be defaulted to ON for all Concur sites and users will not be able to change it.
This process will take several months to complete. During this period, the accessibility setting that users see in Profile will be removed.
User Experience UpdatesConcur has implemented the following two user experience updates to make navigation improvements when working with payment requests:
- Single click on all payment request pages apart from in Payment Manager to open new pages
- Resizable lines on payment request pages
The concept of a single click, instead of double-clicking, to open a new page will be familiar for Invoice users who also use Expense where it is already available. For Invoice-only users, this concept will make for a smoother user experience by just having to click once to open a new payment request page.
The resizable lines on payment request pages enable users to resize the Invoice Details section in relation to the Supplier Information, Itemisation Summary and Invoice Image sections.
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: These enhancements help clients to navigate more efficiently in Invoice.
Supplier Manager
New Payment Method TypeTo accommodate clients who use third-party pay companies to handle their payment process, Concur has provided a new option, Payment Provider, of payment method types for clients to select in Supplier Manager.
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: This enhancement allows clients to flag suppliers that they are using a payment provider from outside of Concur.
HTML Editor
Upgrade Legacy HTML EditorWith this release, the HTML editor on some administration pages has been upgraded. For example, the Company Info Administrator in Expense, Request and Invoice uses an HTML editor to edit the text that appears in the Company Notes section of the home page.
Be aware that existing HTML will not be affected, but going forward, unsupported HTML tags and attributes will no longer be accepted. Unsupported tags and attributes are most often found in content that is copied and pasted into the HTML editor from an external source, such as Microsoft Word.
User / Client Benefit: This change provides the admin an up-to-date HTML editor utilising today’s standards including HTML5. It also removes security vulnerability where a malicious user could inject dangerous code.
Internet Browsers
Removal of Users by Browser Report FeatureIn earlier release notes, we announced that the Users by Browser report would be removed in June.
The decision has been made to keep the report. A replacement may become available in the future. An announcement will be made in future release notes.
Planned Changes
**Planned Changes** Enhanced Fiscal Calendar for Analysis/IntelligenceConcur is targeting to release the enhanced fiscal calendar for Analysis/Intelligence in July. A fiscal calendar allows organisations to define their accounting periods independent of the standard calendar year. Many organisations define their own calendars to model their financial reporting to reflect seasons in their business, to compare results with direct competitors and to avoid the busy year-end season in January.
The new fiscal calendar will be available in the Reporting Configuration tool, which is accessed by clicking Administration > Invoice.
**Planned Changes** Quick Tips Section to be Removed from Concur Solutions PageThe Quick Tips section of the Concur Solutions home page (concursolutions.com) is targeted to be removed in the July service release.
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: This update simplifies the look-and-feel of the home page, making it easier to view and access the information on the page.
**Planned Changes** Microsoft IE v.10 Browser Support Ends 18 August 2017Support for Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) version 10 browsers under Concur products will end on 18 August 2017. Concur strongly advises clients using IE v.10 to update to the latest IE browser version before that date, or to install and work with another supported browser.
Users still using IE v.10 will see a banner.
**Planned Changes** Support for TLS v 1.0 Encryption Protocol to End – DATE MOVED FOR THE US DATA CENTREUPDATE: Please note these dates:
- EU datacentre: Completed on Tuesday, 4 April 2017
- US datacentre: MOVED TO Wednesday, 12 July 2017
Concur announces an End-of-Support cycle for version 1.0 of the TLS encryption protocol, continuing support for the more secure 1.1 and 1.2 versions of TLS. As background, the TLS protocol allows secure back and forth communications between a phone or computer and a cloud-based service.
Note that, since less than 1% of Concur users are logging in to Concur Solutions by using browsers or phones limited to version 1.0, a very small number of users are affected by this support discontinuation.
PLEASE NOTE NEW END DATE OF SUPPORTWe have moved the date in order to give our clients ample time to understand and make the required manual changes to their browser's security settings. These changes will be detailed in an upcoming service release.
Business Purpose / Client Benefit: Concur is taking this step after careful consideration of both the client’s security and ease of upgrade to the newer, more secure 1.1 and 1.2 versions of TLS. This end-of-life plan for TLS v 1.0 ensures our clients are communicating with Concur services in a safe and secure manner using TLS v. 1.1 and later versions.
Client Notifications
Concur Non-Affiliated SubprocessorsThe list of non-affiliated subprocessors is available here: Concur Non-Affiliated Subprocessors (English Only)
Monthly Browser CertificationsMonthly browser certifications, both current and planned, are available with the other Concur monthly release notes, accessible from What's New - Professional Edition