Manage Your Credit Card Information
Add or change the credit cards that you would like to use to pay for your travel.
To add or edit your credit card information:
Click Profile > Profile Settings > Credit Cards (in the Your Information section of the left-side menu).
To add a new card:
Click Add a Credit Card. The Add a Credit Card window appears.
Concur recommends that you set a credit card as the default for air, car and hotel travel. This way, the system will not prompt you to choose a credit card.
Make sure that the name on the credit card, the credit card number, the expiration date and the billing address are all correct and current.
In the Add a Credit Card window, click Save.
To edit card information:
Click the "pencil" icon for the desired card. The Edit Credit Card window appears.
Make the desired changes.
In the Edit Credit Card window, click Save.
Click Save.