Invoice Preferences
To use these options:
Click Profile > Profile Settings > Invoice Preferences (in the Invoice Settings section of the left-side menu).
Make the desired choices.
Send email when...
The status of an invoice changes
If selected, an email is sent when the status changes, such as from Submitted to Approved.
An invoice is awaiting approval
If selected, the approver is sent an email when an employee submits an invoice for the approver to approve.
An invoice image is received
If selected, an email is sent to the invoice owner that an image associated with the invoice has been received by Concur's imaging service.
An invoice has been assigned
If selected, an email is sent to the user that they have been assigned an invoice.
An invoice has been sent back from Purchasing
If selected, an email is sent to the user that the invoice has been sent back to them from Purchasing.
The status of a purchase request changes
If selected, an email is sent to the user when the status of the request has changed.
A purchase request is pending approval
If selected, an email is sent to the user when a purchase request is pending approval.
Prompt... Description For approver when submitting an invoice
If selected, every time you click Submit for an invoice, a page will appear for you to select an approver. If you have a default approver already set up, that person's name will appear in the Default Approver field. You have the option of changing the name.
If this option is not selected, then the invoice is sent to your default approver. If you do not have an approver designated, then the Invoice Approvers page appears for you to select an approver, typically your direct manager.
For adding line items after creating a new invoice
If selected, the Add Line Items window appears immediately after filling out the invoice header information.
Display... Description
Display invoice images inline
If selected, the image displays in the same window as the invoice.
Display invoice images in a new window
If selected, the image displays in a new browser window.
Automatically display image (inline) when opening an invoice
If selected, the image displays automatically when the user opens the invoice.
Purchase Request/Invoice (for Tax Validation)
Default Shipping Address
In this list, the administrator or user selects the default shipping address for purchase requests or tax validation.
NOTE: The addresses are created by using the Company Locations tool.
Click Save.