Adding New Users
The User administrator can add new Travel and/or Expense users on the View Company Users page. The Employee Maintenance roles cannot create a new user account.
Note the following:
Your system configuration determines the role check boxes that are displayed. If you are not seeing the role check boxes for all your Concur products, contact Concur Client Support to have your module properties updated.
If any of the required fields on the employee form are set to read-only, you will not be able to use the user interface to create new users. You will have to use the User Import instead. Administrators who attempt to create users with these form settings will receive the following error: "Users cannot be created via this UI. Please import new users."
To add new users:
- On the User Administration page, click Add New User on the main page or Add User in the left menu. The User Detail page appears.
- Complete the required fields.
User Roles
Travel Wizard User
The user is able to access Travel and book travel.
Request User
The user is able to access Request and submit requests.
Request Approver
The user is able to access Request and approve requests. This approval may be subject to limitations.
Expense User
The user is able to access Expense and submit expense claims.
Expense Approver
The user is able to access Expense and approve expense claims. This approval may be subject to limitations.
Invoice User
The user is able to access Invoice and create payment demands.
Invoice Approver
The user is able to access Invoice and approve payment demands.
Company Bill Statement User
The user is able to access Company Bill Statements.
Company Bill Statement Approver
The user is able to approve Company Bill Statements.
Expense Group Configuration
Choose the group configuration that applies to the user. This field is only available when the Expense User, Expense Approver, Invoice User or Invoice Approver roles are selected.
General Settings Section
CTE Login Name
User's name for logging in.
Password and Verify Password
Password for logging in.
This is the field to use if you also want to reset a password.
If you reset a password to the user's Login name, the system will automatically prompt the user to change it the next time they log in.
Preventing Access: A module property is available to restrict the ability to change passwords - contact Concur directly to have the Password Access Restriction feature activated.
User's title.
First Name, Middle Name, Last Name
User's name.
The user's name should always be the name that appears on their identification for travel purposes.
User's nickname.
User's suffix, if applicable.
Account Activation Date
Date the user record was created.
Account Termination Date
Date the user will stop using Travel or Expense.
If someone is leaving the company or will no longer be travelling, set this date to the last date on which the person will use the system. You can set this to a date in the past to deactivate someone immediately.
Employee ID
User's employee ID number.Email Address
User's email address.
On the remainder of the page, additional fields are displayed or hidden, depending on which user role is selected and the company configuration.
Non-Employee Settings: If the company uses the Sponsored Guest User feature, the administrator will see the Non-Employee Settings section on the User Details page.
For more information, refer to the Expense: Sponsored Guest User Setup Guide.Travel users: For new users with the Travel Wizard User role, the Travel Settings section appears.
Expense and Invoice users: For new users with the Expense User or Invoice User role, the Expense and Invoice Settings section appears.
Note the following:
Clients using the Email method may see the Logon ID field in the Expense and Invoice Settings section. This field may have a different label depending on the Employee form configuration.
The Default Travel Agency field may appear in this section if the user has the Request User and Expense User roles.
Request users: For new users with the Request User role, the Request Settings section appears.
- Complete the additional fields as desired.
- At this point, you can:
Save the information. To do so, click Save.
Save the information and add another new user. To do so, click Save and New.
• Notify the new user via email. To do so:
Make any desired changes in the Message Text area (if any).
Click Save and Notify New User.