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Privacy Notice

The privacy notice can be used to explain to app users why the app needs specific permissions. It allows the application developer to describe why a specific feature that the user wants to access requires a particular permission.

There are two variations of the privacy notice that the application developer can use: FioriPrivacyNotice and FioriPrivacyNoticeDialog. Currently there are five predefined types of permissions supported: LOCATION, STORAGE, CALENDAR, CAMERA and CUSTOM. The first four permission types provide the privacy notice text, icons and, in the case of FioriPrivacyNotice, launching the Android system permission dialog out-of-the-box. For the CUSTOM permission type, the application developer needs to set the appropriate fields.

Privacy Notice Component

FioriPrivacyNotice is a traditional composable function that presents the privacy notice text, icon, etc., and it can be displayed while the user is onboarding. It allows the user to be made aware of all the permissions, and their purpose, that an app may require before being used.

Privacy Notice

Using the Privacy Notice

For the CUSTOM permissions type, you can initialize a FioriPrivacyNoticeSettings object and pass it into the FioriPrivacyNotice function with the settings parameter. In this case, you need to specify all of the information, such as permission, notice text, icon etc., into the FioriPrivacyNoticeSettings object. The parameter type should be FioriPrivacyNoticeType.CUSTOM and the parameter permission should be an android.Manifest.permission, such as Manifest.permission.CALL_PHONE.

For other predefined types of permissions (except the CUSTOM type), you can use the FioriPrivacyNotice function with a specified type parameter. In this case, the FioriPrivacyNotice will use default settings, such as privacy notice text, icons, etc., for those predefined permissions. You can also use the FioriPrivacyNoticeSettings object to set those predefined permission types. Use the getPrivacyNoticeSettings function to get the FioriPrivacyNoticeSettings object with the default settings for the predefined permission types. In this case, you can change the predefined notice information and pass the object back to FioriPrivacyNotice for customization.

val permissionGranted by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
    type = FioriPrivacyNoticeType.LOCATION,
    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
    onResult = {
        permissionGranted = it

    settings = FioriPrivacyNoticeSettings(
        type = FioriPrivacyNoticeType.CUSTOM,
        permission = Manifest.permission.CALL_PHONE,
        title = "Call Phone",
        description = "Allows an application to initiate a phone call without going through the Dialer user interface for the user to confirm the call",
        imgId = R.drawable.ic_audio_grey_24px
    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
    onResult = {
        permissionGranted = it

Privacy Notice Dialog

Use the FioriPrivacyNoticeDialog to display a dialog before the app is about to request a specific permission. This allows the app developer to only show the Privacy Notice dialog if and when the user accesses a feature of the app that requires a particular permission. FioriPrivacyNoticeDialog provides a button that takes the user to the app's info screen, where the user can grant the corresponding permission to the app.

Privacy Notice Dialog

Using the Privacy Notice Dialog

To display the Privacy Notice dialog containing the privacy notice, create a FioriPrivacyNoticeDialogSettings object and set the permission type using the type parameter. For the CUSTOM permissions type, the permission parameter is mandatory. You can also specify all other notice information here, including the title, message, etc. However, for predefined permission types (LOCATION, STORAGE, CALENDAR, and CAMERA), all default settings will be used if it isn't specified in FioriPrivacyNoticeDialogSettings. The FioriPrivacyNoticeDialog function also exposes two callbacks, onPositiveClick and onNegativeClick, to responds to the positive button or negative button click event when the dialog is dismissed.

    settings = FioriPrivacyNoticeDialogSettings(type = Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION),
    onPositiveClick = {},
    onNegativeClick = {}

    settings = FioriPrivacyNoticeDialogSettings(
        type = FioriPrivacyNoticeType.CUSTOM,
        permission = Manifest.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE,
        title = "WIFI State"


As with the simple text field, the Privacy Notice dialog also provides several customization methods using FioriPrivacyNoticeDefaults. Use these methods to customize the notice's colors, text styles, height, and width, etc. For additional information, see SimpleTextField.

Last update: February 20, 2023