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Map Legend


open class FUIMapLegend: FUIResizablePopoverContainer

FUIMapLegend extends UIViewController to show the Map Legend.

FUIMapLegend is presented in a UIPopoverView on iPad and presented in a UIPresentationController on iPhone

Available in FUIMapLegend

  • headerTextView: a TextView intended to display a footnote text.
  • passThroughViews: an array of UIView that a user can interact with while popover is visible

Example Initialization and Configuration

In view controller's viewDidLoad method:

let toolbar = FUIMapToolbar(mapView: mapView)
let legend = FUIMapLegend()
legend.toolbarButton = FUIMapToolbarLegendButton()
legend.headerTextView.text = "MapView Example Legend"
legend.passThroughViews = [toolbar, mapView]

var venueItem = FUIMapLegendItem(title: "Self Service")
venueItem.backgroundColor = UIColor.preferredFioriColor(forStyle: .map1)
let venueImage = FUIAttributedImage(image:
venueImage.tintColor = .white
venueItem.icon = FUIMapLegendIcon(glyphImage: venueImage)

var valetItem = FUIMapLegendItem(title: "Valet")
valetItem.backgroundColor = UIColor.preferredFioriColor(forStyle: .map2)
let valetImage =  FUIAttributedImage(image:
valetImage.tintColor = .white
valetItem.icon = FUIMapLegendIcon(glyphImage: valetImage)
valetItem.line = FUIMapLegendLine(dashPattern: [10,8], dashPhase: 3.0)

let highActivityRegion = FUIMapLegendFillItem()
highActivityRegion.fillColor = UIColor.preferredFioriColor(forStyle: .map3)
highActivityRegion.borderColor = UIColor.preferredFioriColor(forStyle: .map3)
var highActivityRegionItem = FUIMapLegendItem(title: "High Activity Region")
highActivityRegionItem.fillItem = highActivityRegion

var highTrafficPathItem = FUIMapLegendItem(title: "High Traffic Path")
highTrafficPathItem.backgroundColor = UIColor.preferredFioriColor(forStyle: .map4)
highTrafficPathItem.line = FUIMapLegendLine(dashPattern: [2,2], dashPhase: 0.0)

legend.items = [highActivityRegionItem, valetItem, venueItem, highTrafficPathItem]

let legendHandler: ((FUIButton) -> Void)? = { [weak self] button in
    DispatchQueue.main.async {

        var dismissLegendAndRestoreCachedController = { [unowned self, unowned button] in
           self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: {
           button.isSelected = false

        let presentNewLegendPhone = {
           self.present(legend, animated: true, completion: nil)

        let presentNewLegendPad = {
           legend.setupPopoverAttributes(popOver: legend.popoverPresentationController!, sender: button)
           if self.presentedViewController == nil {
               self.present(legend, animated: false, completion: nil)

        guard button.isSelected else {

        let presentNewClosure = UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .phone ? presentNewLegendPhone : presentNewLegendPad

        guard let presentedController = UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .phone ? self.presentedViewController : self.popoverPresentationController?.presentedViewController else {

        if presentedController == legend {
        } else {
           self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: {
legend.toolbarButton?.didSelectHandler = legendHandler
let locationButton = FUIMapToolbarUserLocationButton(mapView: self.mapView)
toolbar.items = [legend.toolbarButton!, locationButton]


fdlFUIMapLegendContainer_headerTextView {
font-color: @primary3;
font-name: semiboldSystem;
font-style: footnote;


  • See implementation of FUIMapLegend using a FUIMapToolbarLegendButton for a complete implementation.

Last update: April 14, 2021