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Date Time Picker Form Cell

The date/time picker form cell represents a key value cell, where the value is a date and/or time. Like other form cells, this form cell also supports facilities to set helper or error texts.

Using the DateTimePickerFormCell

This form cell can be used within your activity like any traditional Android view.

        android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

It is important to note that in order to utilize MaterialTimePicker and MaterialDatePicker, you need to pass in a FragmentManager:

DateTimePickerFormCell mDateTimePickerFormCell = findViewById(;
FragmentManager manager = getSupportFragmentManager();

Editable and Non-Editable Modes

This form cell can be set to editable or non-editable modes. For this cell, editable and enabled attributes are same: a non-editable form cell is not enabled (not clickable, not focusable). By default, the form cell is editable and enabled. You can control the editability of the cell using XML attribute app:isEditable="false. You can also fetch the view in your activity and set it to be editable:


For more information about the editable attribute, see FormCell.

Date/Time Picker Modes

The form cell can be used in four different modes: date and time, date range, date only, or time only.


This is the default mode of the cell and allows the user to pick a date and time. You can use the app:dateTimePickerMode="date_time" XML attribute or setDateTimePickerMode(@NonNull DateTimePicker.DateTimePickerMode) method to set the cell in date-time mode.

Date Time Picker

Date Range

This mode allows the user to pick a start date and end date and does not show the dialog to pick a time. You can use the app:dateTimePickerMode="range" XML attribute or setDateTimePickerMode(@NonNull DateTimePicker.DateTimePickerMode) method to set the cell in date range mode.

Date Range Picker

Date Only

This mode allows the user to pick only a date and does not show the dialog to pick a time. You can use the app:dateTimePickerMode="date" XML attribute or setDateTimePickerMode(@NonNull DateTimePicker.DateTimePickerMode) method to set the cell in date mode.

Date Picker

Time Only

This mode allows the user to pick only a time and does not show the dialog to pick a date. You can use the app:dateTimePickerMode="time" XML attribute or setDateTimePickerMode(@NonNull DateTimePicker.DateTimePickerMode) method to set the cell in time mode.

Time Picker

Text Input Mode

To determine whether the date picker or time picker opens in text input mode, use setUseTextDate(boolean) or setUseTextTime(boolean).

Text Input Mode


You may want to change the format of the date and time displayed to a user based on locale or some other logic. To change the format, set the Duration Formatter using setDateTimeFormatter(DateFormat) API on the cell. As shown below,DateTimePickerFormCell values presented to user in the cell will be first formatted using yourCellValueChangeListener formatter.

Date Time Formatting

To format the date and time with an icon, invoke the setDateTimeFormatter(new SpannableDateFormatter( "MMM dd, yyyy", "HH:mm") method.

Date Time Formatting with icon(...)

Setting the Min/max Date

To set the minimum and maximum dates, use the method setMinMaxDate(Date min, Date max). The following code sets the minimum date to Oct 15, 2024 00:00 and the maximum date to Nov 29, 2024 00:00. Once these values are set, any date before Oct 15, 2024 00:00, or after Nov 29, 2024 00:00, will not be selectable.

mDateTimePickerFormCell.setMinMaxDate(dateCellformat.parse("Oct 15, 2024 00:00"), dateCellformat.parse("Nov 29, 2024 00:00"));

Adding Day View Decorator

Day view decorators can be added to the date-time picker as below. DayViewDecorator is a part of the Android SDK. For more details, refer to this document.

        DayViewDecorator dayViewDecorator = new DayViewDecorator() {

            public Drawable getCompoundDrawableBottom(@NonNull Context context, int year, int month, int day, boolean valid, boolean selected) {
                if (day == 3 || day == 10 || day == 17 ) {
                    Drawable d = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.ic_dot_black_12dp);
                    assert d != null;
                    d.setBounds(0, 0, 20, 20);
                    return d;
                } else {
                    return null;

            public int describeContents() {
                return 0;

            public void writeToParcel(@NonNull Parcel dest, int flags) {



Decorators can be added for each date using the method addDayViewDecorator(DayViewDecorator decorator).

Error and Helper Text

Follow design guidelines and see: FormCell

Listening for Cell Value Changes

To listen for updates of the cell value, attach a CellValueChangeListener using setCellValueChangeListener:

mDateTimePickerFormCell.setCellValueChangeListener(new FormCell.CellValueChangeListener<Date>() {
            protected void cellChangeHandler(@NonNull Date value) {
                // Application logic here

Required Field

A form cell can be marked as a required field by passing true to the setIsRequired() method or setting the isRequired XML attribute to true. This will add an asterisk (*) at the end of the label, to indicate that a date or time must be selected. Note that this does not validate whether a date or time has been chosen or not. To validate the requirement, refer to Error and Helper Text.

DateTimePickerFormCell mDateTimePickerFormCell = findViewById(;
    app:key="Required Date Picker"

Also see FormCell

Last update: December 13, 2024