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Deep Link

You can now use Deep Link from a web page, email or from another app to launch the target app and then execute certain actions such as:

  • Navigating to and show product details
  • Execute actions such as approving a leave request

To support Deep Link a new app level event OnLinkDataReceived has been introduced.

For example when a link mdkclient:// is clicked, the app with URL scheme mdkclient will be launched and the OnLinkDataReceived event will be fired. Within this event the deep link data can be accessed using clientAPI.getAppEventData(). The data for above example will be returned as

    "URL": "",
    "Parameters": {
        "ProductId": "123"
    "URLScheme": "mdkclient"

In case of web the when the link https://<APP_URL>/index.html?Rule=Approve&Leaves=PL is clicked, Mobile Development Kit Client web app will be launched and following data can be accessed in OnLinkDataReceived using clientAPI.getAppEventData()

    "URL": "<APP_URL>/index.html",
    "Parameters": {
        "Rule": "Approve",
        "Leaves": "PL"
    "URLScheme": "https"

Last update: August 6, 2021