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23.8 Release Notes

Mobile Development Kit Client 23.8.8

  • Fixed the performance issues that were caused by the onReturning handler of the parent page when list picker is rendered in a modal
  • Fixed the app crashes that occur after resetting from demo mode
  • Fixed the issue where the tab control's setSelectedIndex was not working when invoked in the onLoaded event
  • Fixed the slow animation issue in list picker
  • Fixed the screen jumping issue on iOS that occurs during the section redraw
  • Fixed the date picker styling issue on Android where the date picker was visible but not editable
  • Fixed the issue where the camera dialog was opening behind the modal page in Tab on iOS
  • Enhanced the attachment control to support attachments with same URI on client data
  • Fixed the app crashes on Android that occurred while downloading app updates over a slow network
  • Adjusted the icon text position to make it center aligned for ActionBar items on Android
  • Fixed the issue where the default text was missing on the back navigation button
  • Fixed the issue where the data table column was losing focus on Android
  • Fixed the NumberOfLines issue that occurred in DataTableColumn on Android
  • Fixed the issue where the CallFunction action was not populating the right error message when the action fails
  • Adjusted the margin to a non-native view on iPad
  • Fixed the issue where the back button was not showing in the side drawer case
  • Upgraded to SAP BTP SDK for iOS version 9.2.8
  • Upgraded to SAP BTP SDK for Android version 7.0.9
  • Updated NativeScript iOS runtime to 8.6.4 for supporting XCode 15.3

Mobile Development Kit Client 23.8.7

  • Fixed the issue where the back button was not showing in the side drawer case
  • Fixed the issue where the back button disappears when the OnBackButtonPressed event is defined on iOS
  • Fixed the onboarding restore issue that occurred when there is a 403 rejection error
  • Fixed the offline OData DownloadMedia action issue
  • Fixed the issue where the unselect option was not working in the FilterFormCell and SegmentedFormCell on Android
  • Fixed the FilterFeedbackBar selection issue that occurred when certain items are not available in the standard filter
  • Fixed the issue where FilterFeedbackBar was not getting displayed in the multiple section scenario on Android
  • Fixed the issue where the attachment control validation view was not getting displayed on web and iOS
  • Fixed the text overlapping issue in Object Cells on Android tablet
  • Fixed the button styling issue in button tables on app startup page (iOS)
  • Fixed the styling issue in DataTable
  • Fixed the custom logo rendering issue that occurred after client reset
  • Updated OpenDocument action to remove edit mode on iOS

Mobile Development Kit Client 23.8.6

  • Addressed the blank page issue and the custom logo issue after the client reset
  • Resolved the issue that occurs when the user attempts to cancel a search in the Object Table
  • Fixed the issue where a white background appears when users hover over items in the contact cell
  • Fixed the issue where the Style.less file could not be retrieved from the CIM file
  • Fixed the ObjectTable multiple selection issue when the SearchDelay and MinimumCharacterThreshold properties are not defined
  • Fixed the issue where BodyText and FootNote gets displayed when empty labels are defined on Android
  • Fixed the issue where the OnReturning event was not being triggered when navigating back from the OpenDocument action on iOS
  • Fixed the margin issue in the modal page on iOS
  • Enhanced the OnLinkDataReceived event to return a JSON object via the getAppEventData API
  • Fixed the issue where the SideDrawer displays multiple active items after the app resumes from background
  • Enhanced the "Cancel" button behavior for iOS client onboarding
  • Fixed the matching issue between the FastFilter and ArrayFilterProperty when ShowAllFilters is set to false Resolved Object Cell List Picker crashes on Android after selecting all items and performing a search with no results
  • Fixed KPIHeader styling reset issue
  • Resolved the issue where a pencil icon was getting displayed on the FomCell Simple Property control while entering a text
  • Updated GridRowItem documentation for the ImageSizeAffectsRowHeight property
  • Fixed the reset issue after reaching the retry limit of the passcode
  • Fixed ListPicker empty list page issue on tabs and modal tabs scenario
  • Fixed the ListPicker list page display issue on modal tabs by preloading tabs on iOS
  • Fixed the OfflineInitSyncScreen crash issue with Android API level 34
  • The "Apply" button will now be invisible when ListPicker is in single select mode and isPickerDismissedOnSelection is set to true
  • Enhanced OData log with additional parameters
  • Fixed the issue where the MaxItemCount parameter was not accepting 'undefined' as the return value from a rule
  • Enhanced DatePicker feature to align with the device time format settings
  • Fixed the multiple selection issues in ListPicker on Android
  • Fixed the toggling search enabled issue in both iOS and web client
  • Fixed the issue that occurs while cancelling the reset passcode process
  • Fixed the tab background and tab item image styling issue
  • Upgraded to SAP BTP SDK for Android version 7.0.8
  • Supports Android OS version 14 and API level 34
  • Supports xCode 15.1

Mobile Development Kit Client 23.8.4

  • Support Hash and OriginalURL fields in OnLinkDataReceived event
  • Fixed ObjectHeader Label and Label icon color issue on Android
  • Fixed ObjectHeader Label and Label icon size, color, border issues on iOS
  • Fixed the issue where the passcode screen gets displayed twice when cancelling the creation of passcode in multi-user mode
  • Fixed an issue that occurs when SearchEnabled is set by the rule on GridTable on iOS
  • Addressed the application crashes that occur when there is a change in the focus during sectioned table redraw on iOS
  • Fixed the issue where the lazy indicator gets displayed even after the ListPicker finishes loading data with one item
  • Fixed the iOS missing section issue by reloading the section
  • Addressed the issue where users were prompted for permission twice to take photos on iOS
  • Fixed the app crashes that occur after pressing "Forgot Passcode" button on iOS
  • Fixed the issue where "Universal Link Data" was not activating OnLinkDataReceived on iOS
  • Fixed the app crashes that occurred due to failure in suppressing the tab's OnReturning event during client reset
  • Fixed onPress navigation handling of SideDrawer menu
  • Fixed the issue where a blurry screen gets displayed after the user authentication is complete in the lock screen
  • Fixed the ObjectCardCollection UpdateRow issue on iOS
  • Fixed the issue where the loading section data was getting displayed twice in the initial page
  • Fixed the warning messages that appear while running the create client command
  • Fixed an extra back button on modal page if onBackButtonPressed is defined on iOS
  • Added font-size style support for ObjectCell Avatar image
  • Support app update in Airplane mode on Android
  • Improved the display of SideDrawer header in certain scenarios
  • Improved the rendering of AvatarStack image on iOS
  • Removed redundant GET requests within the DownloadStream Action
  • Improved SelectAll and DeselectAll functions in Web client
  • Fixed the issue that occurred when multiple selection is done in ObjectTable using the Selected property
  • Upgraded to SAP BTP SDK for iOS version 9.2.6

Mobile Development Kit Client 23.8.3

Addressed an issue that occurs while publishing an iOS app to the Apple App Store

Mobile Development Kit Client 23.8.2

  • Improved memory management of Tab control to reduce application crashes
  • Enhanced fast filters with filter items defined via rule when page redraw is triggered by data subscription
  • Fixed target binding with the REST service to return a proper object type when handling JSON objects
  • Improved application stability when scrolling through or navigating to Object Card Collection on iOS
  • Fixed the update of the caption in the header of Object Card Collection to reflect the correct number of cards
  • Enhanced Analytic Card Collection to support set MaxItemCount
  • Enhanced List Picker to save the selected value when there is only one return value on the screen
  • Enhanced OData trace to show service and action headers
  • Enhanced the rendering of SideDrawer with long lists of styled menu items
  • Improved application stability to display the Offline Transaction Issue screen instead of crashing in Android when adding another user
  • Improved color effect of text messages in certain scenarios
  • Fixed redraw of filter form cell to show correct values when resetting
  • Fixed the query option to show a proper count of the data set
  • Improved application stability to handle scenarios where the main screen takes longer time to load after restarting the app
  • Fixed grid table to show search bar on iOS
  • Improved the rendering of the Return to Sign in screen button in the Transaction Issue screen in Android for multi-user switch support
  • Improved handling and dismissal of the Sync In Progress banner when there is a pending transaction while switching between user accounts in multi-user mode
  • Fixed the styling of the Simple Property Form Cell's Caption and Value
  • Fixed Onboarding QR code getting rejected when custom URI schema is used and the URL contains dots
  • Improved support for RtoL text alignment in extension view
  • Fixed app crashes that occur when the UploadMedia action's Media property goes unresolved in Android
  • Improved support for menu items defined via rule in SideDrawer
  • Upgraded to SAP BTP SDK for Android version 7.0.5
  • Upgraded to SAP BTP SDK for iOS version 9.2.4
  • Support for XCode 15.0

Mobile Development Kit Client 23.8.1

  • Improved the readability of error messages that are displayed when the “back” function is used in the login page after scanning a QR code (Android)
  • Improved the padding for ListPicker when ObjectCell and PreserveIconStackSpacing are set to false
  • Improved the dismiss behavior of the loading indicator when scrolling to the bottom of a list
  • Addressed the filter properties issue where the rule gets called twice for "on load" and "on reset"
  • Improved application stability to address a crash when font size and display mode are changed
  • Addressed application crashes that occur when the QR code is scanned with AllowedDomains set to All
  • Improved the offline OData deep insert support for navigation properties with many cardinalities
  • Improved application stability to support the usage of filtering and sorting options
  • Improved application stability to support back navigation when the loading indicator is visible at the bottom of a page
  • Enhanced OnUserSwitch event for the multi-user scenario when resuming the app from background
  • Enhanced support for deselected items in an Object Table
  • Enhanced Object Table to retain current user selections when using the search option
  • Enhanced support for the getSelectedItems() function during Object Table initialization

Mobile Development Kit Client 23.8

Minimum OS version requirements for this release:

  • iOS/iPadOS 15.x and iOS/iPadOS 16.x (It has been tested with Xcode 14.2, iOS/iPadOS 15.5 and iOS/iPadOS 16.2)
  • Android OS 8.0 or newer (It has been tested with Android 9/10/11/12/13)

New and enhanced features available with the Mobile Development Kit Client 23.8


Additional OData ChangeSet Actions

OData ChangeSet has been enhanced to support the following additional actions:

Both online and offline OData services support these actions exclusively on mobile platforms (iOS and Android).

Enabled State for Buttons

We have introduced a new property for the button controls - Enabled. The default value for the property is set to True. For more information refer to the following documents:

Zero Selection Option for the Duration Picker

With this release, the duration picker control will accept zero as a valid selection in the iOS platform (this feature is already supported on the Android platform). For more information refer to this document.

BackStackVisible Property in Navigation Action

We have introduced a new property BackStackVisible in Navigation Action that will indicate if the user navigation is being stored in the navigation history or not. By default, the value of this property is set to true.


This property is only applicable for inner and outer navigation type and not the cross navigation type.

Done and Negative Sign Button in the Simple Property Control Keyboard in iOS

We have introduced two new elements in the Simple Property FormCell's control keyboard (iOS platform):

  • Done - You can find this button on the trailing side of the keyboard. Pressing this will close the active keyboard. This button will be available for all the keyboards: Number, NumberPassword and Phone.
  • - - You can find the minus sign button on the leading side of the keyboard. This button can be used when you have to input a negative number. This button will only be available for the Number keyboard.


Negative sign can only be entered as the first character of the input.

Mobile Development Kit Editor 2310

Title Type Environment Description Available as of
Support overriding fragments in CIM New Cloud Foundry (SAP Business Application Studio) Support overriding fragments in CIM Oct 19, 2023
Generate Using Extension Points Report New Cloud Foundry (SAP Business Application Studio) Generate Using Extension Points Report Oct 19, 2023
Provide CSDL check option New Cloud Foundry (SAP Business Application Studio) Provide CSDL check option Oct 19, 2023

Last update: April 18, 2024