Barcode Scan View¶
public class FUIBarcodeScanViewController: UIViewController, FUIBarcodeScannerDelegate
This UIViewController
is to be used for user to scan for 1D and 2D codes using the device's camera.
Developer may use segue in their storyboard to access this FUIBarcodeScanViewController
in FUIBarcodeScanViewController.storyboard.
The delegate
property of the FUIBarcodeScanViewController
and the properties of the FUIBarcodeScanner
may be set in the prepare for
segue function as follows:
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
let destination = segue.destination as! UINavigationController
let vc = destination.viewControllers[0]
if vc is FUIBarcodeScanViewController {
let scanViewController = vc as! FUIBarcodeScanViewController
switch segue.identifier! {
case "CustomScanSegue":
scanViewController.barcodeScanner.scanMode = .qr
scanViewController.barcodeScanner.indicatorBorderColor =
scanViewController.barcodeScanner.indicatorBorderWidth = 20
scanViewController.barcodeScanner.promptMessage = "Scan A QR Code"
scanViewController.barcodeScanner.scanResultTransformer = { s in
return s + "-transformed"
scanViewController.delegate = self
Or, developer may use codes to instantiate this controller as follows:
func customScanFromCode(_ sender: Any) {
let scanViewController = FUIBarcodeScanViewController.createInstanceFromStoryboard()
scanViewController.barcodeScanner.scanMode = .qr
scanViewController.barcodeScanner.indicatorBorderColor =
scanViewController.barcodeScanner.indicatorBorderWidth = 20
scanViewController.barcodeScanner.promptMessage = "Scan A QR Code"
scanViewController.barcodeScanner.scanResultTransformer = { s in
return "transformed"
scanViewController.delegate = self
let navController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: scanViewController)
self.navigationController?.present(navController, animated: true, completion: nil)
Also, developer needs to implement the FUIBarcodeScanViewControllerDelegate
to be notified with a scan result:
func barcodeScanViewController(_ barcodeScanViewController: FUIBarcodeScanViewController, didReceiveScanResult scanResult: FUIBarcodeScanResult?) {
print("scan result: \(String(describing: scanResult?.scanResultString))")
if scanResult?.scanResultString != "success" {
} else {
barcodeScanViewController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
The delegate object with type FUIBarcodeScanViewControllerDelegate
is declared as a weak reference. So on deallocation it will be automatically set to nil. To keep it alive as expected, developer should retain the delegate object during the whole execution scope.