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Editing Panel


open class FUIEditingPanel<GeometryType: FUIGeometry>

An object that manages editing data in the detailPanel. The developer specifies the items a user can create and which geometries he/she can use. A controller is presented when saving a geometry to add additional changes to the work order. When the geometry is saved, it is up to the developer to update their model with editing geometry.

Variables Available in FUIEditingPanel

  • createGeometryItems: An array of FUIMapLegendItem that displays the types of work orders that can be created. The items are presented in a table and when selected presents the editing panel. The panel takes the title of the item and sets it as the headline. The icon and title text has a white background and a tint color of UIColor.preferredFioriColor(forStyle: .tintColorDark)

  • basemapTypes: An array of MKMapType a user can pick from during editing. MapType is returned to the original state after editing is completed. By default, the user can pick from .standard, .hybrid, .mutedStandard, and .satellite.

  • isCreatePointEnabled: A Bool that enables the creation of a point geometry. By default, point geometry creation is enabled. Select the point symbol on the segmented control within the editing panel to begin editing.

  • isCreatePolylineEnabled: A Bool that enables the creation of a polyline geometry. By default, polyline geometry creation is enabled. Select the polyline symbol on the segmented control within the editing panel to begin editing.

  • isCreatePolygonEnabled: A Bool that enables the creation of a polygon geometry. By default, polygon geometry creation is enabled. Select the polygon symbol on the segmented control within the editing panel to begin editing.

  • createGeometryResultsController: A view controller that is presented when an editing geometry is saved. Used to make additional changes to the work order before a save is committed. The controller is presented modally over the map. The saved geometry is handled by the developer in the didSaveGeometry method where the map model should be updated.

  • willShowCreateGeometryResultsController: A closure that provides custom behaviors before showing createGeometryResultsController. This closure will only be called if createGeometryResultsController is displayed in .push mode. It is up to the developer to implement this closure and define custom actions before entering the editing results screen.

  • didDismissGeometryResultsController: A closure that provides custom behaviors before dismissing createGeometryResultsController. This closure will only be called if createGeometryResultsController is displayed in .push mode. It is up to the developer to implement this closure and define custom actions before dismissing the editing results screen.

  • didCommitGeometryResults: A closure that provides the committed saved geometry. It is up to the developer to implement this closure and update his/her own model with the saved geometry.

Last update: April 14, 2021