Viewing User Feedback Charts¶
(Native apps only) View user feedback reported for a mobile app.
The mobile app must be enabled to request, process, and upload user feedback. Supported user feedback includes scale ratings reactions, such as 1-5 stars, and text.
SAP mobile service cockpit users with developer or manager roles can view feedback from app users, to understand how users responded to user feedback requests.
In SAP mobile service cockpit, select Analytics > User Feedback.
(Optional) You can narrow the focus of user feedback by setting filters such as application name, application version, platform, platform version, context, device model, user name, date, and more. Select Reset to clear your filters.
Select Ratings to view the following feedback:
Total Ratings ‒ the total count for the feedback received.
Average Rating ‒ the average score for all feedback. The value should be between the minimum score and maximum score.
Comments Received ‒ the total count for feedback that includes comments.
Anonymous Ratings ‒ the total count for feedback from anonymous users.
Known User Ratings ‒ the total count for feedback from known users.
Daily Ratings ‒ trend line that shows the daily count for feedback. The Left Y-Axis is the count number, and the X-Axis is the date (each application appears in a different color).
Average Rating by App ‒ bar chart shows the average score for feedback by application.
Average Rating by Context ‒ bar chart shows the average score for feedback by application and context.
Average Rating by App ‒ trend line that shows the average score for feedback. The Left Y-Axis is the average score, and the X-Axis is the date (each application appears in a different color).
Average Rating by Context ‒ trend line that shows the average score for feedback. The Left Y-Axis is the average score, and the X-Axis is the date (the application and context appear in different colors).
Rating by App ‒ bar chart that shows the feedback count number by application and score.
Rating by Context ‒ bar chart that shows feedback count number by application, context and score.