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Defining Database Indexes

SQL database indexes can be defined for entity sets, to enable better server performance for OData queries using $filter. This is achieved by use of the SQL.Indexes annotation term within the appropriate EntitySet elements.


<edmx:Edmx Version="4.0" xmlns:edmx="">
    <edmx:Reference Uri="vocabularies/">
        <edmx:Include Alias="SQL" Namespace=""/>
        <Schema Namespace="example" xmlns="" Alias="Self">
            <!-- type definitions omitted for brevity ... -->
            <EntityContainer Name="ExampleService">
                <Annotation Term="SQL.TrackChanges"/>
                <EntitySet Name="Customers" EntityType="Self.Customer">
                    <NavigationPropertyBinding Path="Orders" Target="Orders"/>
                    <Annotation Term="SQL.Indexes">
                            <Record Type="SQL.Index">
                                <PropertyValue Property="Name" String="DateOfBirthIndex"/>
                                <PropertyValue Property="Properties">
                            <Record Type="SQL.Index">
                                <PropertyValue Property="Name" String="HomeAddressCityIndex"/>
                                <PropertyValue Property="Properties">
                <EntitySet Name="Orders" EntityType="Self.Order">
                    <NavigationPropertyBinding Path="Customer" Target="Customers"/>


It might not be necessary to define database indexes when using column based data stores. When using SAP HANA, please consult the SAP HANA Performance Guide for Developers.

Last update: November 18, 2021