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Sectioned Table Extension

All Sectioned Table extension classes must extend the IView interface.

For Mobile Development Kit version 6.2 or older, the return value of the view() method must be a subclass of a native view (i.e. a subclass of UIView for iOS or android.view.View for Android) for section/table and form cell extensions. The viewIsNative() must also be overridden to return true.

With Mobile Development Kit version 6.3 or newer, it is possible to return a NativeScript view through the view() method. In this case, the viewIsNative() must also be overridden to return false.

Example - Creating Extension Using Native Views

Implementing the Extension control to return native iOS / Android views using TypeScript Marshalling.

You have the following the file in the Extensions folder: /MyMDKExtensionModule/controls/MyExtensionViewControl.ts:

//file: MyExtensionViewControl.ts
import * as app from '@nativescript/core/application';
import { Color } from '@nativescript/core/color';
import { IView } from 'mdk-core/IView';

export class MyExtensionView extends IView {
  private _label: any;
  private _value: any;

  public initialize(props) {
    const color = new Color('yellow');
    if (this.definition().data.ExtensionProperties.Prop1) {
      this._value = this.definition().data.ExtensionProperties.Prop1.Value;
    else {
      this._value = "Default Value";
    if (app.ios) {
      this._label = UILabel.alloc().init();
      this._label.numberOfLines = 3;
      this._label.backgroundColor = color.ios;
    } else {
      this._label = new android.widget.TextView(this.androidContext());

  public view() {
    //Use provided ValueResolver to resolve value to support bindings, rules, etc in your extension
    this.valueResolver().resolveValue(this._value).then((resolvedValue)=> {
      if (app.ios) {
        this._label.text = resolvedValue;
      } else {
    return this._label;

  public viewIsNative() {
    return true;

Consuming the extension control in your app e.g. in a Section of a Sectioned Table:

  "Module": "MyMDKExtensionModule",
  "Control": "MyExtensionViewControl",
  "Class": "MyExtensionView",
  "Height": 200,
  "ExtensionProperties": {
      "MinValue": 0,
      "MaxValue": 100,
      "Unit": "mi",
      "Title": "Distance"
  "Value": 10,
  "OnPress": "/MDKApp/Actions/ShowMessage.action",
  "_Type": "Section.Type.Extension",
  "_Name": "MyNSProgress2"

Example - Creating Extension Using NativeScript Views

Implementing the Extension control to return NativeScript views.

You have the following the file in the Extensions folder: /MyMDKExtensionModule/controls/NSProgressControl.ts:

//file: NSProgressControl.ts
import { GridLayout, Label, Progress, Button, PropertyChangeData } from '@nativescript/core';
import { IView } from 'mdk-core/IView';

function toNumber(value: any, defaultIfNaN = 0): number {
  if ((typeof value !== 'number' && typeof value !== 'string') || (typeof value === 'string' && value.trim().length === 0)) {
    return defaultIfNaN;
  const n = +value;
  return isNaN(n) ? defaultIfNaN : n;

function toNumberGenerator(defaultIfNaN = 0): (value: any) => number {
  return (value: any) => toNumber(value, defaultIfNaN);

export class NSProgress extends IView {
  private _nsView: GridLayout;
  private _progress: Progress;
  private _progressValueText: Label;
  private _unit = '';

  public view(): any {
    const defaultMaxValue = 10000;
    if (!this._nsView) {
      this._nsView = new GridLayout();
      (this._nsView as any).rows = 'auto,auto';
      (this._nsView as any).columns = 'auto,*,auto';
      const headerGrid = new GridLayout();
      const progressLabel = new Label();
      progressLabel.className = 'progress-label';
      const progressValue = new Label();
      this._progressValueText = progressValue;
      progressValue.className = 'progress-value';
      headerGrid.colSpan = 3;
      headerGrid.className = 'header-wrapper';

      const progress = new Progress();
      this._progress = progress;
      progress.row = 1;
      progress.col = 1;
      progress.className = 'progress';
      progress.on('valueChange', (evt: PropertyChangeData) => {
        this.setValue(evt.value, true, false);
      const progressMinValueLabel = new Label();
      progressMinValueLabel.row = 1;
      progressMinValueLabel.col = 0;
      progressMinValueLabel.className = 'progress-min-value-label';
      progressMinValueLabel.text = "0";
      const progressMaxValueLabel = new Label();
      progressMaxValueLabel.row = 1;
      progressMaxValueLabel.col = 2;
      progressMaxValueLabel.className = 'progress-max-value-label';

      this._nsView.className = 'wrapper';
      .wrapper {
        padding: 20;
      .progress-label {
        horizontal-align: left;
        font-weight: bold;
      .progress-value {
        horizontal-align: right;

      .header-wrapper {
        margin-bottom: 10;
      .progress {
        margin-left: 10;
        margin-right: 10;
        vertical-align: middle;
      .progress-min-value-label, .progress-max-value-label {
        vertical-align: middle;


      // set the unit
      this.resolve(this.definition().data.ExtensionProperties.Unit).then((unit) => {
        this._unit = unit ?? '';
        // update the text

      // set title
      this.resolve(this.definition().data.ExtensionProperties.Title).then((v) => {
        progressLabel.text = `${v ?? ''}`;

      // set max value
        .then((v) => {
          progress.maxValue = v;
          progressMaxValueLabel.text = `${v}`;

      // set start value
      this.resolve(this.definition().data.Value).then((v) => {
        this.setValue(v, false, false);
    return this._nsView;

  public viewIsNative() {
    return false;

  public setContainer(container: IControl) {
    // do nothing

  public async setValue(value: any, notify: boolean, isTextValue?: boolean): Promise<any> {
    let finalNumber = toNumber(value, NaN);
    if (isNaN(finalNumber)) {
      throw new Error('Error: Value is not a number');
    finalNumber = Math.max(0, Math.min(this._progress.maxValue, finalNumber));

  private resolve(v: any): Promise<any> {
    return this.valueResolver().resolveValue(v, this.context);

  private _setProgressValue(value: number) {
    this._progress.value = value;
  private _setProgressValueText(value: number) {
    const roundValue = Math.round(value);
    this._progressValueText.text = `${roundValue}${this._unit ? ' ' + this._unit : ''}`;

Consuming the extension control in your app e.g. in a Section of a Sectioned Table:

  "Module": "MyMDKExtensionModule",
  "Control": "NSProgressControl",
  "Class": "NSProgress",
  "Height": 200,
  "ExtensionProperties": {
      "MinValue": 0,
      "MaxValue": 100,
      "Unit": "mi",
      "Title": "Distance"
  "Value": 10,
  "OnPress": "/MDKApp/Actions/ShowMessage.action",
  "_Type": "Section.Type.Extension",
  "_Name": "MyNSProgress2"

Last update: September 15, 2022