Samples for Storage Service¶
In most mobile applications, the configuration used in the Application Storage is used as the default settings, and
the end users can customize the settings in the User Storage or Device Storage level in order to provide personalized
settings for the user or device. In such cases in order to make sure that only the Administrator can modify the
Application Storage configuration and other users can only view it (by Application Storage Runtime API or user/device
Storage Runtime API with "overwrite=true"
query parameter), the application storage configuration can be configured
with empty ReadRole
s and Administrator WriteRole
The application storage configuration HomeScreen
is created for application mobileApp
"ApplicationId": "mobileApp",
"HomeScreen": {
"Menu": {
"AutoHiding": false,
"Style": "blue",
"AutoHiding@odata.type": "Edm.Boolean",
"Style@odata.type": "Edm.String"
"ShortCuts": ["Overview", "Profile"],
"__metadata": {
"ReadRoles": [],
"WriteRoles": ["Administrator"]
"Menu@odata.type": "",
"ShortCuts@odata.type": "Collection(Edm.String)",
"__metadata@odata.type": ""
"HomeScreen@odata.type": ""
Only users with the Administrator role can modify these settings using Runtime API, but all other users can get these settings.
Then, the mobile application can get the settings on the device using https://<mobile services host>/mobileservices/application/mobileApp/Storage/v1/runtime/application/mobileApp/device/mydevice/HomeScreen?overwrite=true
and fill the screen with values you received. The response body looks like:
"Menu": {
"AutoHiding": false,
"Style": "blue"
"ShortCuts": ["Overview", "Profile"]
Assume the user configures the Menu/AutoHiding
property value to true at device level:
PATCH https://<mobile services host>/mobileservices/application/mobileApp/Storage/v1/runtime/application/mobileApp/device/mydevice/HomeScreen
"Menu": {
"AutoHiding": true
The response body of https://<mobile services host>/mobileservices/application/mobileApp/Storage/v1/runtime/application/mobileApp/device/mydevice/HomeScreen?overwrite=true
"Menu": {
"AutoHiding": true,
"Style": "blue"
"ShortCuts": ["Overview", "Profile"]
If you want to provide application level settings only to particular users and not all users (or settings provisioned in
mobile app), then the ReadRole
s can be defined, so that only users who have the Read role can get these settings.
For example, you want to provide a 2-factor authentication for managers to post some forms. Then another configuration
"2factorAuth" can be defined for mobileApp
application with specify ReadRole
s to "Manager". Then, the whole application
storage for mobileApp
looks like:
"ApplicationId": "mobileApp",
"HomeScreen": {
"Menu": {
"AutoHiding": false,
"Style": "blue",
"AutoHiding@odata.type": "Edm.Boolean",
"Style@odata.type": "Edm.String"
"ShortCuts": ["Overview", "Profile"],
"__metadata": {
"ReadRoles": [],
"WriteRoles": ["Administrator"]
"Menu@odata.type": "",
"ShortCuts@odata.type": "Collection(Edm.String)",
"__metadata@odata.type": ""
"2factorAuth": {
"RequestToken": {
"url": "<https://2factor.server/requesttoken/phone>",
"method": "POST",
"parameters": ["username", "phone"]
"VerifyToken": {
"url": "<https://2factor.server/verify>",
"method": "POST",
"parameters": ["token"]
"__metadata": {
"ReadRoles": ["Manager"],
"WriteRoles": ["Administrator"]
"RequsetToken@odata.type": "",
"VerifyToken@odata.type": "",
"__metadata@odata.type": ""
"HomeScreen@odata.type": "",
"2factorAuth@odata.type": ""
Then, the https://<mobile services host>/mobileservices/application/mobileApp/Storage/v1/runtime/application/mobileApp/device/mydevice/2factorAuth?overwrite=true
can return settings according to the login user's role, and mobile app can show screens and control flows according to
the 2factorAuth
The Application Storage configuration can also be used to persist settings for server application, if both ReadRole
s and
s are defined as a role (or roles) which never belong to any users. Then, your server application can read/write
these application storage configuration using a technical user who has the role.
Storage service supports two type of APIs:
Admin APIs
Runtime APIs