Querying and Modifying Data Using Proxy Classes¶
Get All Entities of an Entity Set¶
GET OData.svc/Products HTTP/1.1
List<Product> products = demoService.getProducts();
val products = demoService.products
Get a Specific Entity via Its Key¶
GET OData.svc/Products(8) HTTP/1.1
DataQuery query = new DataQuery().withKey(Product.key(8)); //Primary Key ID=8
Product product = demoService.getProduct(query);
// For an entity with a composite key (int, string),
// DataQuery query = new DataQuery().withKey(SomeEntity.key(123, “abc”));
val query = DataQuery().withKey(Product.key(8))
val product = demoService.getProduct(query)
Load an Entity¶
is often used to lazily load navigation properties or the entire set of properties on a detail page
GET OData.svc/Products(8) HTTP/1.1
Product product = new Product();
demoService.loadEntity(product); // product will hold the returned entity
val product = Product()
product.Id = 8
Query an Entity to Return only Primary Key Values in the Result¶
GET OData.svc/Products?$select=ID HTTP/1.1
DataQuery query = new DataQuery().selectKey();
List<Product> products = demoService.getProducts(query);
val query = DataQuery().selectKey()
val products = demoService.getProducts(query)
Query an Entity Using a Condition on Non-Key Properties¶
This code sorts data by multiple columns.
GET OData.svc/Products?$filter=substringof('DVD',Name)&$orderby=Name,Price HTTP/1.1
DataQuery query = new DataQuery()
.thenBy(Product.price, SortOrder.ASCENDING);
List<Product> products = demoService.getProducts(query);
val query = DataQuery()
.thenBy(Product.price, SortOrder.ASCENDING)
val products = demoService.getProducts(query)
Query an Entity to Get Data Including a Nested Entity and Its Association¶
GET OData.svc/Suppliers?$expand=Products,Products/ProductDetail&$orderby=Name HTTP/1.1
DataQuery query = new DataQuery()
//Include products from each supplier
List<Supplier> suppliers = demoService.getSuppliers(query);
val query = DataQuery()
//Include products from each supplier
val suppliers = demoService.getSuppliers(query)
Query to Retrieve an Entity Set Including Multiple Nested Entities¶
GET OData.svc/Products?$expand=Supplier,Categories HTTP/1.1
DataQuery query = new DataQuery().expand(Product.supplier, Product.categories);
List<Product> products = demoService.getProducts(query);
val query = DataQuery().expand(Product.supplier, Product.categories)
val products = demoService.getProducts(query)
Query Using a Logical Operator (Such as AND/OR)¶
GET OData.svc/Products?$filter=(substringof('DVD',Name) or substringof('LCD',Name)) HTTP/1.1
DataQuery query = new DataQuery()
List<Product> products = demoService.getProducts(query);
val query = DataQuery()
val products = demoService.getProducts(query)
Query Using a Binary Operator¶
GET OData.svc/Products?$filter=((substringof(‘DVD’,Name) or substringof(‘LCD’,Name)) and (Price lt 9.99e%2B1D)) HTTP/1.1
DataQuery quey = new DataQuery()
List<Product> products = demoService.getProducts(query);
val query = DataQuery()
val products = demoService.getProducts(query)
Query to Fetch Selected Properties of an Entity¶
GET OData.svc/Products?$select=Name,Categories,Price&$expand=Categories&$filter=substringof('DVD',Name) HTTP/1.1
DataQuery query = new DataQuery()
.select(Product.name, Product.categories, Product.price);
List<Product> dvds = demoService.getProducts(query); //only name, categories, and price hold values
val query = DataQuery()
.select(Product.name, Product.categories, Product.price)
val dvds = demoService.getProducts(query) //only name, categories, and price hold values
Get to Get Count Matching the Condition¶
GET OData.svc/Products/$count?$filter=(substringof('DVD',Name) or substringof('LCD',Name)) HTTP/1.1
// Note use of from() to specify the entity set since we are using generic executeQuery() method
DataQuery query = new DataQuery()
long count = demoService.executeQuery(query).getCount();
// Set count only indicator to false to execute query to get the actual data
List<Product> products = demoService.getProducts(query);
// Note use of from() to specify the entity set since we are using generic executeQuery() method
val query = DataQuery()
val count = demoService.executeQuery(query).getCount()
// Set count only indicator to false to execute query to get the actual data
query.countOnly = false
val products = demoService.getProducts(query)
Main/Detail Queries¶
OData Request:
GET OData.svc/Suppliers?$select=ID,Name&$orderby=Name desc HTTP/1.1
GET OData.svc/Suppliers(1)/Products HTTP/1.1
DataQuery getSuppliers = new DataQuery()
.select(Supplier.id, Supplier.name)
.orderBy(Supplier.name, SortOrder.DESCENDING);
List<Supplier> suppliers = demoService.getSuppliers(getSuppliers); //OData #1
Supplier supplier = suppliers.get(0);
DataQuery queryForLoad = new DataQuery().expand(Supplier.products);
demoService.loadEntity(supplier, queryForLoad); //OData #2
val query = DataQuery()
.select(Supplier.id, Supplier.name)
.orderBy(Supplier.name, SortOrder.DESCENDING)
val suppliers = demoService.getSuppliers(query) //OData #1
val supplier = suppliers.get(0)
val queryForLoad = DataQuery().expand(Supplier.products)
demoService.loadEntity(supplier, queryForLoad) //OData #2
Get Paged Results¶
Server may ignore page size in odata.maxpagesize
GET OData.svc/Suppliers HTTP/1.1
// Backend OData service must support paging
DataQuery pagedQuery = new DataQuery()
.page(10); // maximum page size of 10
do {
QueryResult result = demoService.executeQuery(pagedQuery);
List<Supplier> suppliersPage = Supplier.list(result.getEntityList());
pagedQuery = result.getNextQuery();
} while (pagedQuery.getUrl() != null);
// Backend OData service must support paging
var pagedQuery = DataQuery()
.page(10) // maximum page size of 10
do {
val result = demoService.executeQuery(pagedQuery)
val suppliers = Supplier.list(result.entityList)
pagedQuery = result.nextQuery
} while (pagedQuery.url != null)
Query Using a Filter on a GUID Attribute¶
GET OData.svc/Advertisements(guid'F89DEE73-AF9F-4CD4-B330-DB93C25FF3C7') HTTP/1.1
GUID guid = GUID.fromString("f89dee73-af9f-4cd4-b330-db93c25ff3c7");
DataQuery query = new DataQuery().withKey(Advertisement.key(GuidValue.of(guid)));
List<Advertisement> advertisements = demoService.getAdvertisements(query);
val guid = GUID.fromString("f89dee73-af9f-4cd4-b330-db93c25ff3c7")
val query = DataQuery().withKey(Advertisement.key(GuidValue.of(guid)))
val advertisements = demoService.getAdvertisements(query)
Create a New Entity¶
POST OData.svc/Products HTTP/1.1
//Set properties of the new entity object
Product newProduct = new Product();
newProduct.setReleaseDate(GlobalDateTime.of(1996, 1, 29, 8, 0, 0));//Jan-1-1996 08:00:00
//Set properties of the new entity object
val newProduct = Product()
newProduct.id = id
newProduct.name = name
newProduct.description = desc
newProduct.rating = rating
newProduct.price = 39.99
newProduct.releaseDate = GlobalDateTime.of(1996, 1, 29, 8, 0, 0)) //Jan-1-1996 08:00:00
Update an Existing Entity Object (MERGE
/REPLACE Semantics)¶
MERGE OData.svc/Products(1000) HTTP/1.1
POST OData.svc/Products(1000) HTTP/1.1
X-HTTP-Method: Merge
RequestOptions ro = new RequestOptions();
ro.setUpdateMode(UpdateMode.MERGE);//default, REPLACE use is highly discouraged
demoService.updateEntity(newProduct, new HttpHeaders(), ro);
newProduct.discontinuedDate = GlobalDateTime.now()
RequestOptions ro = RequestOptions()
ro.setUpdateMode(UpdateMode.MERGE) //default, REPLACE use is highly discouraged
demoService.updateEntity(newProduct, HttpHeaders(), ro)
Delete an Entity¶
DELETE OData.svc/Products(...) HTTP/1.1
DataQuery query = new DataQuery()
List<Product> products = demoService.getProducts(query);
for (Product product: products) {
val query = DataQuery().filter(Product.name.contains("DVD"))
val products = demoService.getProducts(query)
for (product in products) {
Delete Using DataQuery()
Batch will contain all products to be deleted, each with its own DELETE request
GET OData.svc/Products?$filter=substringof('DVD',Name) HTTP/1.1
POST OData.svc/$batch HTTP/1.1
// Must use "from()" since we are using deleteByQuery()
DataQuery query = new DataQuery()
val query = DataQuery()
Create an Entity and Associate with an Existing Entity¶
POST OData.svc/Suppliers(1)/Products HTTP/1.1
// Load supplier to be associated with
Supplier supplier = new Supplier();
Product newProduct = new Product();
demoService.createRelatedEntity(newProduct, supplier, Supplier.products);
// Load supplier to be associated with
val supplier = Supplier()
supplier.id = 1
val newProduct = Product()
newProduct.id = 1001
newProduct.name = "Notebook"
demoService.createRelatedEntity(newProduct, supplier, Supplier.products)
Deep Insert¶
POST OData.svc/Products HTTP/1.1
** Send type info for Category and Supplier (required by this odata service)
** Usage of the option requires that odata service can handle the type info or else
** you may see some unexpected failure.
Category category = new Category();
Supplier supplier = new Supplier();
Address addr = new Address();
List<Category> catList = new ArrayList<Category>();
provider.serviceOptions.requiresType = true
val category = Category()
category.name = "Electronics"
category.id = 8802
val supplier = Supplier()
supplier.name = "Friendly"
supplier.id = 9902
val addr = Address()
addr.city = "Dublin"
addr.country = "USA"
addr.state = "CA"
addr.zipCode = "94568"
supplier.address = addr
val categories = ArrayList<Category>()
newProduct.categories = categories
newProduct.supplier = supplier
Create a Media Entity (hasStream=true) with Binary Content¶
PUT media/Images HTTP/1.1
// Image Entity is stream enabled; hasStream=true
Image image = new Image();
image.setLabel("my photo");
InputStream is = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("testImage.png");
ByteStream newContent = ByteStream.fromInput(is);
mediaService.createMedia(image, newContent);
val image = Image()
image.label = "my photo"
val is = this.class.classLoader.getResourceAsStream("testImage.png")
val newContent = ByteStream.fromInput(is)
newContent.mediaType = "image/png"
mediaService.createMedia(image, newContent)
Upload Binary Content to an Existing Media Entity (hasStream=true)¶
PUT media/Images(id)/$value HTTP/1.1
DataQuery query = new DataQuery().filter(Image.label.contains("Media"));
List<Image> images = mediaServices.getImages(query);
Image image = images.get(0);
InputStream is = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("testImage.png");
ByteStream newContent = ByteStream.fromInput(is);
mediaService.uploadMedia(image, newContent);
val query = DataQuery().filter(Image.label.contains("Media"))
val images = mediaService.getImages(query)
val image = images.get(0)
val is = this.class.classLoader.getResourceAsStream("testImage.png")
val newContent = ByteStream.fromInput(is)
newContent.mediaType = "image/png"
mediaService.uploadMedia(image, newContent)
Serialize Entity Object to Cache¶
// Initialize cache
SecureStoreCache<String> categoryCache = new SecureStoreCache(context, 32, "categorycache");
Category category = new Category();
// Build json representation from entity object
String jsonString = com.sap.cloud.mobile.odata.ToJSON.entity(category);
// Store json in cache
categoryCache.put(ID, jsonString);
// Initialize cache
val categoryCache = SecureStoreCache(context, 32, "categorycache")
val category = Category();
category.id = id
// Build json representation from entity object
val jsonString = com.sap.cloud.mobile.odata.ToJSON.entity(category)
// Store json in cache
categoryCache.put(id, jsonString)
Deserialize Entity Object From Cache¶
// Read entity json representation from cache
String jsonString = categoryCache.get(id);
// Build entity object from json representation
DataQuery query = com.sap.cloud.mobile.odata.FromJSON.entity(jsonString);
Category category = (Category) demoService.getCategory(query);
// Remove from cache if no longer needed
// Read entity json representation from cache
val jsonString = categoryCache.get(id)
// Build entity object from json representation
val query = com.sap.cloud.mobile.odata.FromJSON.entity(jsonString)
val category = demoService.getCategory(query)
// Remove from cache if no longer needed
Serialize Entity List Object to Cache¶
// Initialize cache
SecureStoreCache<String> entityListCache = new SecureStoreCache(context, 32, "entitylistcache");
List<Category> categories = demoService.getCategories();
// Build json representation from entity list object
String jsonString = com.sap.cloud.mobile.odata.ToJSON.entityList(categories);
// Store json in cache
entityListCache.put("categories", jsonString);
// Initialize cache
val entityListCache = SecureStoreCache(context, 32, "entitylistcache")
val categories = demoService.categories
// Build json representation from entity list object
String jsonString = com.sap.cloud.mobile.odata.ToJSON.entityList(categories)
// Store json in cache
entityListCache.put("categories", jsonString)
Deserialize Entity List Object From Cache¶
// Read entity list json representation from cache
String jsonString = entityListCache.get("categories");
// Build entity list object from json representation
DataQuery query = com.sap.cloud.mobile.odata.FromJSON.entityList(jsonString);
List<Category> categories = demoService.getCategories(query);
// Remove from cache if no longer needed
// Read entity list json representation from cache
val jsonString = entityListCache.get("categories")
// Build entity list object from json representation
val query = com.sap.cloud.mobile.odata.FromJSON.entityList(jsonString)
val categories = demoService.getCategories(query)
// Remove from cache if no longer needed
Last update: November 18, 2021