since 1905
This method returns the first RestTemplate from the restTemplateFactorycache, if no RestTemplate
found then a new RestTemplate Object will be returned.
since 1905
This method returns the first RestTemplate from the restTemplateFactorycache, if no RestTemplate
found then a new RestTemplate Object will be returned.
since 1905
This method practically does nothing as it is not following the caching concept while storing the
RestTemplate for the given credentials. It is there only for the backward compatibility.
since 1808. the property is not used and not functional anymore
the property name for looking up the default rule group (defined e.g. in
since 18.11.0 - this method is obsolete because the key under which the configuration engine state and
price summary states have been saved consists of configuration id an user session id
since 18.08 Use
Ensures that configuration is available in session
since 18.11.0 - this method is obsolete because the key under which the configuration engine state and
price summary states have been saved consists of configuration id an user session id
since 18.11.0 - this method is obsolete because the key under which the configuration engine state and
price summary states have been saved consists of configuration id an user session id
since 18.11.0 - this method is obsolete because the key under which the configuration engine state and
price summary states have been saved consists of configuration id an user session id
Since 6.3. Please see quote functionality from commerce.
The Interface B2BSaleQuoteService. This service places a customer's order which requests a sales quote from an
account manager.
PriceFactory methods are deprecated to use when the Hybris Platform is configured to use the
service-layer based (the 'pdt.calculation.mode' is set to the 'sl' value) cart calculation (prices, tax &
discounts) processing strategy. In this case please use dedicated replacements for methods.
This class is deprecated since 1811. This class was used to replicate OneTimeChargeEntryModel with BillingEventModel'onetime'.
Same functionality is now achieved in SAP Cloud Platform Integration Message Mapping feature.
This class is deprecated since 1811. Market to catalog mapping is now achieved in SAP Cloud Platform Integration
by maintaining a separate Value Mapping
This class is deprecated since 1811. Use the date function is SAP Cloud Platform Message Mapping
SapRevenueCloudSubscriptionPricePlanPostPersistenceHook can be used for setting the end date for SubscriptionPricePlanModel