Interface CMSContentPageService

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface CMSContentPageService
    Provides methods for managing content pages.
    Spring Bean ID:
    • Method Detail

      • getHomepage

        ContentPageModel getHomepage()
        Gets the homepage
        the homepage model
      • getHomepage

        ContentPageModel getHomepage​(PagePreviewCriteriaData pagePreviewCriteria)
        Returns homepage for PagePreviewCriteriaData.
        pagePreviewCriteria - the PagePreviewCriteriaData object.
        the homepage model
      • getPageForLabelAndStatuses

        ContentPageModel getPageForLabelAndStatuses​(java.lang.String label,
                                                    java.util.List<CmsPageStatus> pageStatuses)
                                             throws CMSItemNotFoundException
        Gets the page for label by page status.
        label - the label
        pageStatuses - the page statuses. i.e. (deleted, active)
        the page for label
        CMSItemNotFoundException - thrown when item was not found
      • getPageForLabelOrIdAndMatchType

        ContentPageModel getPageForLabelOrIdAndMatchType​(java.lang.String labelOrId,
                                                         boolean exactLabelMatch)
                                                  throws CMSItemNotFoundException
        Gets the page for label or id. When exactLabelMatch is TRUE, the page is found by matching exactly the provided labelOrId. Otherwise, the page containing a label that closely matches the provided labelOrId is returned instead.
        labelOrId - the label or id
        exactLabelMatch - determines if the label of the result page should exactly match the provided labelOrId or not.
        the page for label or id
        CMSItemNotFoundException - thrown when page was not found
      • getPageForLabelOrIdAndMatchType

        ContentPageModel getPageForLabelOrIdAndMatchType​(java.lang.String labelOrId,
                                                         PagePreviewCriteriaData pagePreviewCriteria,
                                                         boolean exactLabelMatch)
                                                  throws CMSItemNotFoundException
        Gets the page matching the provided for label or id filtered by the PagePreviewCriteriaData information. When exactLabelMatch is TRUE, the page is found by matching exactly the provided labelOrId. Otherwise, the page containing a label that closely matches the provided labelOrId is returned instead.
        labelOrId - the label or id
        pagePreviewCriteria - the PagePreviewCriteriaData object.
        exactLabelMatch - determines if the label of the result page should exactly match the provided labelOrId or not.
        the page matching the search criteria
        CMSItemNotFoundException - thrown when no page is found
      • findLabelVariations

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> findLabelVariations​(java.lang.String label,
                                                             boolean exactLabelMatch)
        Find possible variations of the provided label by splitting the sections using the slash as delimiter. The result list is sorted by the length of the label, starting with the longest label variation first. The result list also includes the provided label.
        label - the label from which the variations are generated
        exactLabelMatch - determines if the label of the result page should exactly match the provided label or not.
        list of label variations, including the provided label