public protocol NibDesignableProtocol : NSObjectProtocol
Protocol for NibDesignable
pattern (related to @IBDesignable
) for loading xib-based views for UIView
subclasses in an @IBDesignable
-compatible way. Views which are NibDesignable
may typically be rendered in Interface Builder.
See also
NibDesignable project on (MIT License)
Identifies the view that will be the superview of the contents loaded from the Nib. Referenced in setupNib().
var nibContainerView: UIView { get }
Return Value
Superview for Nib contents.
Called in the default implementation of loadNib(). Default is class name.
var nibName: String { get }
Return Value
Name of a single view nib file.
Called in the default implementation of loadNib(). Default is the bundle of the custom view class.
var bundle: Bundle { get }
Return Value
the bundle of the NibDesigable to look for the Nib for.
Specifies which class should be responsible for loading the Nib of this NibDesignable. Defaults to the class that implements NibDesignable protocol. However, if subclasses of NibDesignable views (i.e. subclasses of subclasses of NibDesignable) don’t want to handle their own Nib but rely on that of their superclass, they should override this variable and return the super class handling Nib-loading.
var nibLoadingClass: AnyClass { get }
Return Value
the class that handles the nib loading. This class needs to be implementing NibDesignableProtocol.