
A FUIDataTableCardView is used to track the current and historical development of valuations (= text) based measuring points (e.g. color, viscosity) over time. This helps users to identify unforeseen changes in the development immediately.


let view = FUIDataTableCardView()
view.title.text = "Machine Health Monitoring"
view.subtitle.text = "ID 3940151"
// set it as needed
view.subtitle.textColor = UIColor.preferredFioriColor(forStyle: .criticalLabel)
view.status.text = "3hr"
view.detailImage = UIImage(named: "")
view.data = [[FUIText("Need Attention"), FUIText("Yesterday")],
             [FUIText("Stable"), FUIText("Jul 5, 2021")],
             [FUIText("Need Attention"), FUIText("Jul 4, 2021")]]




Supported TEXT class paths:

fdlFUIDataTableCardView_title {}
fdlFUIDataTableCardView_subtitle {}
fdlFUIDataTableCardView_status {}
fdlFUIDataTableCardView_footnote {}
fdlFUIDataTableCardView_textItem {}: TEXT theme for all cells in FUIDataTable. It has lowest priority.
fdlFUIDataTableCardView_textItem_row2 {}: TEXT theme for one speciif column in FUIDataTable. # is the column index. It has third priority.
fdlFUIDataTableCardView_textItem_column1 {}: TEXT theme for one specific row in FUIDataTable. # is the row index; header is row 0 if it existis. It has second priority.
fdlFUIDataTableCardView_textItem_row2_column1{}: TEXT theme for one specific cell in FUIDataTable. Row index and column index are required. It has highest priority.

Supported TEXT properties:

font-color: Color;
font-style: UIFontTextStyle;
text-line-clamp: Integer;
text-align: NSTextAlignment;

Supported IMAGE class paths:

fdlFUIDataTableCardView_imageItem {}: IMAGE theme for all cells in FUIDataTable. It has lowest priority.
fdlFUIDataTableCardView_imageItem_column# {}: IMAGE theme for one speciif column in FUIDataTable. # is the column index. It has third priority.
fdlFUIDataTableCardView_imageItem_row# {}: IMAGE theme for one specific row in FUIDataTable. # is the row index; header is row 0 if it existis. It has second priority.
fdlFUIDataTableCardView_imageItem_row#_column# {}: IMAGE theme for one specific cell in FUIDataTable. Row index and column index are required. It has highest priority.

Supported IMAGE properties:

tint-color: Color;
image-name: String;