
The reusable UI component implemented as an UITableViewCell to allow user enter notes.


This is the new implementation to replace the previous implementation of FUINoteFormCell. The cell height is automatically adjusted to allow the whole content to be displayed. However, the cell height is also limited to the height of the screen above the soft keyboard height.

Developer could use to UITableViewDelegate‘s func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, estimatedHeightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat to set a fixed height for the cell. Or, use minNumberOfLines and maxNumberOfLines properties to limit the cell height.

The character counter can be enabled by setting isCharCountEnabled. It will show the updated the character count number during editing or has been entered. The message will be shown if the maxNoteTextLength reached. The user can continue input the text if allowsBeyondLimit is true. It will show the text input field in error state with an error message and a semantic negative color. If allowsBeyondLimit is false, it will auto-stop user input when maxNoteTextLength is reached.

The application can validate the user input value and show error message by setting hasError and errorText. The text input field in error state with an error message and a semantic negative color. The error message can be shown in the validationMessage if showsErrorInValidationMsg is true. Otherwise, the error message will be shown in the errorView in the same layout as the hintView.


let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: FUINoteFormCell.reuseIdentifier) as! FUINoteFormCell
cell.onChangeHandler = { [unowned self] newValue in
    self.noteText = newValue
cell.placeholder.text = "Enter Description"
cell.value = noteText
cell.isTrackingLiveChanges = true


Supported TEXT class paths:

   fdlFUINoteFormCell_valueText {}
   fdlFUINoteFormCell_placeholder {}

Supported TEXT properties:

   font-color: Color;
   font-style: UIFontTextStyle;

Supported TINTABLE class paths:

   fdlFUIKeyValueFormCell_valueText {}

Supported TINTABLE properties:

   tint-color { -disabled }: Color;
   font-style { -disabled }: UIFontTextStyle;
  • The enum for the version to be displayed in FUINoteFormCell or FUIKeyValueFormCell.

    See more



    public enum Version
  • The version to be displayed.

    The default is .v2



    public var version: Version { get set }
  • Indicates if the note text could be modified or not. The default is true.



    public var isEditable: Bool { get set }
  • If isTrackingLiveChanges is true, then onChangeHandler will be invoked for every letter entered.

    Otherwise, onChangeHandler will be invoked only after user taps “Done” key, or the field resigns first responder.

    The default is false.



    public var isTrackingLiveChanges: Bool { get set }
  • If this is true, this FUINoteFormCell will grow in height and the cell will not be scrollable. Otherwise, the cell height will be fixed.



    @available(*, deprecated, message: "This property is deprecated. Please use 'maxNumberOfLines' property.")
    public var isAutoFitting: Bool { get set }
  • The minimum number of lines for the valueTextView .

    The cell height will be set to display the text with at least this number of lines.

    The default and the hard minumum value is 2 for Version.v2 and 1 for Version.v1. Setting this value to less than the hard minimum will set this value to the hard minimum. This property is ignored when the height of the cell is fixed.



    public var minNumberOfLines: Int { get set }
  • The maximum number of lines in this FUINoteFormCell.

    The cell height could grow to display the text with this number of lines. This property is ignored when the height of the cell is fixed. The view will be scrollable when the text entered needs more lines to be displayed. The default is 0, which means no limit.

    Note that more text may be displayed in the view due to extra top and buttom margins of the text view in the cell.



    public var maxNumberOfLines: Int { get set }
  • This is the maximum length of the note text, if maxNoteTextLength is greater than 0.

    If the text length reaches this limit when isCharCountEnabled is false, the user cannot enter more text. Note: If the user pastes a string and the length plus the current text length is greater than the limit, the insert is rejected. Partial strings are not accepted in the text field.

    If the text length reaches this limit when isCharCountEnabled is true, the user cannot enter more text if allowsBeyondLimit is false. In the case where allowsBeyondLimit is true, the user can enter more text beyond the limitation in the error state.

    The default value for maxNoteTextLength is 0, which means no limit.



    public var maxNoteTextLength: Int { get set }
  • The UI component holds the note text.



    public var valueTextView: FUITextView { get }
  • The FUIText which holds the text of the value.

    Use this property to customize the text color and font.



    public var valueText: FUIText { get }
  • The placeholder string to be put on the text area before user typed anything.



    @available(*, deprecated, message: "This property is deprecated.  Please use `placeholder.text`.")
    public var placeholderText: String? { get set }
  • The hint text.



    open var hintText: String? { get set }
  • Indicates if the cell is read-only or not.

    The default is false.



    open var isReadOnly: Bool { get set }
  • Indicates if the cell is mandatory field.

    The default is false.



    open var isRequired: Bool { get set }
  • Indiccates if to hide the read-only hint or not.

    A default hint is provided when this cell’s isReadOnly is true unless this property is true. The default is false, means the default read-only hint will be shown when isReadOnly is true.



    open var hidesReadOnlyHint: Bool { get set }
  • The error message when the character count limitation is reached.



    public var charCountReachLimitMsg: String { get set }
  • The error message when the character count exceeds the limitation.



    public var charCountBeyondLimitMsg: String { get set }
  • Declaration


    public override var validationMessage: String? { get set }
  • Declaration


    public override var inlineValidationStyle: FUIInlineValidationStyle { get set }
  • Message type of FUIInlineValidationView.



    public override var inlineValidationType: FUIInlineValidationType { get set }
  • If isCharCountEnabled is true, it will show the character count and the maxNoteTextLength. The character count number will be updated during editing.

    The default is false.



    public var isCharCountEnabled: Bool { get set }
  • If showsErrorInValidationMsg is true, it will show the character count error message in the validationMessage of the FUITextFieldFormCell. Otherwise, the error message will be shown in the errorView in the same layout as the hintView.

    The default is true.



    public var showsErrorInValidationMsg: Bool { get set }
  • If allowsBeyondLimit is true, it will allow the user to input continuously even after maxNoteTextLength is reached. It will be in an error state with an error message and a semantic negative color. If allowsBeyondLimit is false, it will auto-stop user input when maxNoteTextLength is reached.

    The default is false.



    public var allowsBeyondLimit: Bool { get set }
  • The error text.



    open var errorText: String? { get set }
  • If hasError is true, it will be in an error state with an error message and a semantic negative color.

    The default is false.



    public var hasError: Bool { get set }
  • A Bool that indicates whether there is a character counting error. When true, the input character count exceeds the maxTextLength.



    public var hasCharCountError: Bool { get }