
open class FUITextFieldFormCell : FUIInlineValidationDrawingTableViewCell<FUITextFieldContentView>, FUIFormCell
extension FUITextFieldFormCell: FUITintAttributesProvider

The reusable UI component implemented as an UITableViewCell to display or edit a key-value pair property.

The developer should set the following properties on the cell, in their implementation of UITableViewDataSource cellForRow(at:) function:

  • keyName: The key name of the property.
  • value: The value of the property.

And an onChangeHandler:

  • onChangeHandler: a handler closure, which is invoked on changes to the value

Optionally, the developer may provide

  • isEditable: Indicates if the cell’s value may be modified. Defaults to true.

  • isStacked: A boolean value to determine if the cell should use a stacked or linear layout. If the device’s accessibility settings font size is increased, the cell will force a stacked layout. By default, this property is set to true.

  • maxKeyWidth: The maximum width of the key with a linear layout - By default, the width is 115 for compact and 160 for regular. The set value must meet the minimum default threshold.

  • alternativeInputButton: An FUIButton that manages an alternative method to fill the textField.

  • isAlternativeInputEnabled: A Bool that shows or hides the alternativeInputButton. This button will be displayed if isAlternativeInputEnabled and isEditable are true.

  • isReadOnly: Indicates if the cell is read-only or not. The default is false.

  • isTrackingLiveChanges: Indicates if the onChangeHandler will be invoked for every letter entered. The default is false.

  • isCharCountEnabled: A Boolean value to enable a character counter and show the updated character count number during editing. The default is false.

  • maxTextLength: The maximum length of the text.

  • allowsBeyondLimit: A Boolean value to determine whether the user can continue to input text even after maxValueTextLength has been reached. If it is true, it will be in an error state with an error message and a semantic negative color when the text input exceeds maxTextLength. The default is false.

  • showsErrorInValidationMsg: A Boolean value to determine whether an error message will be shown in the validationMessage or in the errorView in the same layout as the hintView. The default is true.

  • hasError: A Boolean value to indicate if there is an error in the text input value. It will be in an error state with an error message and a semantic negative color if it is true. The default is false.

Color settings:

Manage the color of the control by setting the textColor and tintColor programmatically.

The following is an example of usage in an application UITableViewController:


The app’s UITableViewController must subclass FUIFormTableViewController
override func viewDidLoad() {
    self.tableView.register(FUITextFieldFormCell.self, forCellReuseIdentifier: FUITextFieldFormCell.reuseIdentifier)

override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
    let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: FUITextFieldFormCell.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath) as! FUITextFieldFormCell

    cell.keyName = "Editable"
    cell.value = myObject.productName

    // MARK:  implement onChangeHandler
    cell.onChangeHandler = { newValue in
        myObject.productName = newValue

    // MARK: Implement alternative input, i.e. use OCR to capture input

    cell.isAlternativeInputEnabled = true
    let inputImage = FUIIconLibrary.system.camera
    cell.alternativeInputButton.setImage(inputImage.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate), for: .normal)
    cell.alternativeInputButton.didSelectHandler = { [weak self, weak cell] (button) in

        //Import SAPML to use OCR capability
        let textRecController = FUITextRecognitionViewController()
        textRecController.recognitionView.observationHandler = { [unowned textRecController] observations in
            let filteredObservations = <#filter out unwanted text#>
            textRecController.recognitionView.showTexts(for: filteredObservations)
            let areObservationsValid = <#filteredObservations meets desired criteria#>
            if areObservationsValid {
                DispatchQueue.main.async {
                    cell?.value = filteredObservations.map { $0.value }.joined(separator:" ")
                return true
            return false

        textRecController.onClose = {
            self?.dismiss(animated: true)
        self?.present(UINavigationController(rootViewController: textRecController), animated: true)

    return cell

## Theming


 fdlFUITextFieldFormCell {}

Supported TEXT class paths:

 fdlFUITextFieldFormCell_keyText {}
 fdlFUITextFieldFormCell_valueText {}

Supported TEXT properties:

 font-color: Color;
 placeholder-color: Color;
 font-style: UIFontTextStyle;

Supported BUTTON class paths:

 fdlFUITextFieldFormCell_alternativeInputButton {}

Supported BUTTON properties:

 background-color: Color;
 font-color: Color;
  • The enum for the version to be displayed in FUITextFieldFormCell.

    See more



    public enum Version
  • The version to be displayed.

    The default is .v2



    public var version: Version { get set }
  • The key name of the property.



    open var keyName: String? { get set }
  • The UILabel holds the key name string.



    @available(*, deprecated, message: "This property has been deprecated.  Please set the `title.text` property.")
    public var keyLabel: UILabel
  • The FUITextField holds the value string.



    open var valueTextField: FUITextField { get }
  • A boolean value to determine if the cell should use a stacked or linear layout.

    For version v1if the device’s accessibility settings font size is increased, the cell will force a stacked layout. By default, this property is set to true.

    For version v2, this property is always true.



    open var isStacked: Bool { get set }
  • The maximum width of the key with a linear layout - By default, the width is 115 for compact and 160 for regular. The set value must meet the minimum default threshold.



    open var maxKeyWidth: CGFloat { get set }
  • A FUIButton for an alternative text entry method. Implement the didSelectHandler to manage alternative entry. Also, supply an image to display on the button.



    open var alternativeInputButton: FUIButton { get }
  • Indicates if the value of the cell could be changed or not. For FUISimplePropertyFormCell this property is always false.



    open var isEditable: Bool { get set }
  • A Bool to enable alternative entry. The cell must also have isEditable set to true to display the button. The button will be hidden while text entry is in progress.

    The default value is false.



    open var isAlternativeInputEnabled: Bool { get set }
  • isEnabled and isEditable are in sync.



    override open var isEnabled: Bool { get set }
  • This is the maximum length of the text if maxTextLength is greater than 0.

    If the text length reaches this limit when isCharCountEnabled is false, the user cannot enter more text. Note: If the user pastes a string and the length plus the current text length is greater than the limit, the insert is rejected. Partial strings are not accepted in the text field.

    If the text length reaches this limit when isCharCountEnabled is true, the user cannot enter more text if allowsBeyondLimit is false. In the case where allowsBeyondLimit is true, the user can enter more text beyond the limitation in the error state.

    The default value for maxTextLength is 0, which means no limit.



    public var maxTextLength: Int { get set }
  • The value of the property.



    open var value: String { get set }
  • The error message when the character count limitation is reached.



    public var charCountReachLimitMsg: String { get set }
  • The error message when the character count exceeds the limitation.



    public var charCountBeyondLimitMsg: String { get set }
  • Implementation of change handler. Is invoked on changes to the value property.



    open var onChangeHandler: ((String) -> Void)? { get set }
  • The placeholder text for the value text field.



    @available(*, deprecated, message: "This property is deprecated.  Please use `placeholder.text`.")
    open var placeholderText: String? { get set }
  • Method determining the type of presented keyboard



    open var keyboardType: UIKeyboardType { get set }
  • The formatter for the UITextField in this cell.

    Currently, SAPFiori provides two implementations:



    open var formatter: FUIFormattedStringEditing? { get set }
  • If isTrackingLiveChanges == true, then onChangeHandler will be invoked for every letter entered. Otherwise, onChangeHandler will be invoked only after user taps “Done” key, or the field resigns first responder.

    The default is false.



    open var isTrackingLiveChanges: Bool { get set }
  • The customized text alignment for the valueTextField,

    If this property is nil, the default alignment is used.

    • For left to right languages and the cell is editable, the default is left aligned.
    • For left to right languages and the cell is not editable, the default is right aligned.
    • For righ to left languages and the cell is editable, the default is rignt aligned.
    • For righ to left languages and the cell is not editable, the default is left aligned.



    open var valueTextAlignment: NSTextAlignment? { get set }
  • The hint text.



    open var hintText: String? { get set }
  • Indicates if the cell is read-only or not.

    The default is false.



    open var isReadOnly: Bool { get set }
  • Indicates if the cell is mandatory field.

    The default is false.



    open var isRequired: Bool { get set }
  • Indiccates if to hide the read-only hint or not.

    A default hint is provided when this cell’s isReadOnly is true unless this property is true. The default is false, means the default read-only hint will be shown when isReadOnly is true.



    open var hidesReadOnlyHint: Bool { get set }
  • Declaration


    public override var validationMessage: String? { get set }
  • Declaration


    public override var inlineValidationStyle: FUIInlineValidationStyle { get set }
  • Message type of FUIInlineValidationView.



    public override var inlineValidationType: FUIInlineValidationType { get set }
  • If isCharCountEnabled is true, it will show the character count and the maxValueTextLength. The character count number will be updated during editing.

    The default is false.



    public var isCharCountEnabled: Bool { get set }
  • If showsErrorInValidationMsg is true, it will show the character count error message in the validationMessage of the FUITextFieldFormCell. Otherwise, the error message will be shown in the errorView in the same layout as the hintView.

    The default is true.



    public var showsErrorInValidationMsg: Bool { get set }
  • If allowsBeyondLimit is true, it will allow the user to input continuously even after maxValueTextLength is reached. It will be in an error state with an error message and a semantic negative color. If allowsBeyondLimit is false, it will auto-stop user input when maxValueTextLength is reached.

    The default is false.



    public var allowsBeyondLimit: Bool { get set }
  • The error text.



    open var errorText: String? { get set }
  • If hasError is true, it will be in an error state with an error message and a semantic negative color.

    The default is false.



    public var hasError: Bool { get set }
  • A Bool to indicate whether there is a character counting error. When it is true, the input character count exceeds the maxTextLength.



    public var hasCharCountError: Bool { get }