
open class FUIBasicAuthenticationScreen : FUIWelcomeController, FUISolidNavigationBarProtocol, UIScrollViewDelegate
extension FUIBasicAuthenticationScreen: UITextFieldDelegate

This FUIBasicAuthenticationScreen is an UIViewController to display the screen to prompt user to enter username and password to do basic authentication.

It has a headline label and a detail label to display the title and a detail message for this screen. There are two input fields for user input username and password. And one primary action button. The button will be enabled when both the username and password are not empty.

There is also a cancel button on the navigation bar for user to cancel the basic authentication process.

Developer should implement FUIBasicAuthenticationDelegate and set it to the delegate property to handle user responses.

func presentDynamicAuthenticationScreen() {
    let controllers = FUIBasicAuthenticationScreen.createInstanceFromStoryboard()

    let basicAuthController = controllers.basicAuthenticationScreen
    basicAuthController.delegate = self

    self.navigationController?.present(controllers.navigationController, animated: true, completion: nil)

func didSignIn(_ controller: FUIBasicAuthenticationScreen, username: String, password: String, completion: @escaping ((_ errorMessage: String?) -> Void)) {
    var signInErrorMessage: String? = nil

    // Send username and password to server for verification here

    // Simulate callback from verification process
    DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 5.0) {
        // This is for testing purposes only.
        if !self.signInOk || username == password {
            signInErrorMessage = "Sign In Failed"

        if signInErrorMessage == nil {
            controller.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)

func didCancel(_ controller: FUIBasicAuthenticationScreen) {
    print("User Cancelled Basic Authentication")
    controller.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)


fdlFUIBasicAuthenticationScreen_headlineLabel {
   font-size: 28;
   font-name: thinSystem;
   font-color: @primary1;

fdlFUIBasicAuthenticationScreen_detailLabel {
   font-style: body;
   font-color: @primary1;

fdlFUIBasicAuthenticationScreen_primaryActionButton {
   font-style: callout;
   font-color: @primary6;
   corner-radius: 8;
   background-color-normal: @tintColorDark;
   background-color-highlighted: @backgroundGradientTop;

   background-color-disabled: @line;
   font-color-disabled:  #28666666; /*primary2 with 0.4 alpha; "28" is the hex value of 20% for alpha; "666666" is primary2
  • The headline title label to display the title of this screen. The default text of this label is “Authentication” from the localized strings files.



    weak public private(set) var headlineLabel: UILabel! { get }
  • The detail message label to display the message of this screen. The default text of this label is “Please provide your username and password to authenticate.” from the localized strings files.



    weak public private(set) var detailLabel: UILabel! { get }
  • The field for inputting the username.

    The default placeholder string is “username” from the localized strings files. Developer could customize the placeholder string similar to the following:

    basicAuthController.usernameInputView.emailTextField.placeholder = "enter username"



    weak public private(set) var usernameInputView: FUIEmailInputView! { get }
  • The field for inputting the password.

    The default placeholder string is “password” from the localized strings files. Developer could customize the placeholder string similar to the following:

    basicAuthController.passwordInputView.emailTextField.placeholder = "enter password"



    weak public private(set) var passwordInputView: FUIEmailInputView! { get }
  • The sign in button. The default button title is “Sign In” from the localized strings files.



    weak public private(set) var primaryActionButton: FUIOnboardingButton! { get }
  • The FUIBasicAuthenticationDelegate for this FUIBasicAuthenticationScreen.



    public weak var delegate: FUIBasicAuthenticationDelegate?
  • The message displayed on the banner when verifying the message. The default text of this label is “Verifying Information…” from the localized strings files.



    public var verifyingMessage: String?
  • The custom error message when failed to sign in. If this property is not set, the default error message is “Incorrect credentials. Try again.” from the localized strings files.



    public var signInErrorMessage: String?
  • Creates a FUIBasicAuthenticationScreen object from storyboard.



    public class func createInstanceFromStoryboard() -> (navigationController: UINavigationController, basicAuthenticationScreen: FUIBasicAuthenticationScreen)

    Return Value

    A tuple of UINavigationController and FUIBasicAuthenticationScreen objects.

  • Undocumented



    public func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView)