Other Classes

The following classes are available globally.

  • UICollectionViewCell subclass for FUIDataTableCardView card type, where FUIDataTable are centered in the card.

    Extends FUIDataTableCardView API, by extension on FUIBaseDrawingCollectionViewCell.


    let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: FUIDataTableCardCollectionViewCell.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath) as! FUIDataTableCardCollectionViewCell
    cell.title.text = "Machine Health Monitoring"
    cell.subtitle.text = "ID 3940151"
    cell.status.text = "3hr"
    self._innerView.data = [[FUIText("Need Attention"), FUIText("Yesterday")],
                            [FUIText("Stable"), FUIText("Jul 5, 2021")],
                            [FUIText("Need Attention"), FUIText("Jul 4, 2021")]]
    return cell




    Supported TEXT class paths:

    fdlFUIDataTableCardCollectionViewCell_title {}
    fdlFUIDataTableCardCollectionViewCell_subtitle {}
    fdlFUIDataTableCardCollectionViewCell_status {}
    fdlFUIDataTableCardCollectionViewCell_footnote {}
    fdlFUIDataTableCardCollectionViewCell_textItem {}: TEXT theme for all cells in FUIDataTable. It has lowest priority.
    fdlFUIDataTableCardCollectionViewCell_textItem_row2 {}: TEXT theme for one speciif column in FUIDataTable. # is the column index. It has third priority.
    fdlFUIDataTableCardCollectionViewCell_textItem_column1 {}: TEXT theme for one specific row in FUIDataTable. # is the row index; header is row 0 if it existis. It has second priority.
    fdlFUIDataTableCardCollectionViewCell_textItem_row2_column1{}: TEXT theme for one specific cell. Row index and column index are required. It has highest priority.

    Supported TEXT properties:

    font-color: Color;
    font-style: UIFontTextStyle;
    text-line-clamp: Integer;
    text-align: NSTextAlignment;

    Supported IMAGE class paths:

    fdlFUIDataTableCardCollectionViewCell_imageItem {}: IMAGE theme for all cells in FUIDataTable. It has lowest priority.
    fdlFUIDataTableCardCollectionViewCell_imageItem_column# {}: IMAGE theme for one speciif column in FUIDataTable. # is the column index. It has third priority.
    fdlFUIDataTableCardCollectionViewCell_imageItem_row# {}: IMAGE theme for one specific row in FUIDataTable. # is the row index; header is row 0 if it existis. It has second priority.
    fdlFUIDataTableCardCollectionViewCell_imageItem_row#_column# {}: IMAGE theme for one specific cell in FUIDataTable. Row index and column index are required. It has highest priority.

    Supported IMAGE properties:

    tint-color: Color;
    image-name: String;



    open class FUIDataTableCardCollectionViewCell : FUIBaseDrawingCollectionViewCell<FUIDataTableCardView>
  • A FUIDataTableCardView is used to track the current and historical development of valuations (= text) based measuring points (e.g. color, viscosity) over time. This helps users to identify unforeseen changes in the development immediately.


    let view = FUIDataTableCardView()
    view.title.text = "Machine Health Monitoring"
    view.subtitle.text = "ID 3940151"
    // set it as needed
    view.subtitle.textColor = UIColor.preferredFioriColor(forStyle: .criticalLabel)
    view.status.text = "3hr"
    view.detailImage = UIImage(named: "")
    view.data = [[FUIText("Need Attention"), FUIText("Yesterday")],
                 [FUIText("Stable"), FUIText("Jul 5, 2021")],
                 [FUIText("Need Attention"), FUIText("Jul 4, 2021")]]




    Supported TEXT class paths:

    fdlFUIDataTableCardView_title {}
    fdlFUIDataTableCardView_subtitle {}
    fdlFUIDataTableCardView_status {}
    fdlFUIDataTableCardView_footnote {}
    fdlFUIDataTableCardView_textItem {}: TEXT theme for all cells in FUIDataTable. It has lowest priority.
    fdlFUIDataTableCardView_textItem_row2 {}: TEXT theme for one speciif column in FUIDataTable. # is the column index. It has third priority.
    fdlFUIDataTableCardView_textItem_column1 {}: TEXT theme for one specific row in FUIDataTable. # is the row index; header is row 0 if it existis. It has second priority.
    fdlFUIDataTableCardView_textItem_row2_column1{}: TEXT theme for one specific cell in FUIDataTable. Row index and column index are required. It has highest priority.

    Supported TEXT properties:

    font-color: Color;
    font-style: UIFontTextStyle;
    text-line-clamp: Integer;
    text-align: NSTextAlignment;

    Supported IMAGE class paths:

    fdlFUIDataTableCardView_imageItem {}: IMAGE theme for all cells in FUIDataTable. It has lowest priority.
    fdlFUIDataTableCardView_imageItem_column# {}: IMAGE theme for one speciif column in FUIDataTable. # is the column index. It has third priority.
    fdlFUIDataTableCardView_imageItem_row# {}: IMAGE theme for one specific row in FUIDataTable. # is the row index; header is row 0 if it existis. It has second priority.
    fdlFUIDataTableCardView_imageItem_row#_column# {}: IMAGE theme for one specific cell in FUIDataTable. Row index and column index are required. It has highest priority.

    Supported IMAGE properties:

    tint-color: Color;
    image-name: String;
    See more


  • A base collection view layout class using section layout manager for generating layout attributes for views in a collection view.

    See more



    open class FUIBaseCollectionViewLayout<LayoutManager> : UICollectionViewLayout where LayoutManager : FUISectionLayoutManager
  • A collection view section layout manager that computes the position and size in a section. This is a base class which defines the common properties of a collection section. This class is not supposed to be used directly. Instead, subclass this one and implement prepare() for calculating frames for views in collection view.

    See more



    open class FUISectionLayoutManager : NSObject
  • The base view of a calendar cell view.

    This is for SAPFiori internal use only.

    See more



    public class FUIBaseDrawingCalendarItemCollectionViewCell<InnerView> : FUIBaseCalendarItemCollectionViewCell, FUIStyleByStringAttributes, InnerViewContainer where InnerView : FUIBaseFixedMarginsView, InnerView : FUIBackgroundSchemeSupporting, InnerView : FUICalculateLayout, InnerView : FUIStyleByStringAttributes
  • This class defines the dates to be displayed as disabled in the FUICalendarView.

    User cannot choose disabled days in the calendar.

    See more



    public class FUICalendarDisabledDates
  • This is the view that contains the weekday title labels in FUICalendarView.

    See more



    public class FUIWeekLabelView : FUITintableDrawingView<FUIControlState>, FUITitleComponent
  • Card-based drawing view. Not typically used directly by application developers. A streamlined interface for laying out a collection of views in either a column or rows. It calls each view in contents with systemLayoutSizeFitting(_:withHorizontalFittingPriority:verticalFittingPriority:) to determine its optimal size and layout with other properties.

    See more



    open class FUICardBaseDrawingView : FUITintableDrawingView<FUIControlState>
  • Showing card view as inner view for collection view cell.

    Example Initialization and Configuration:

    let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: FUICardCollectionViewCell.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath) as! FUICardCollectionViewCell
    // set up main header
    cell.mainHeader.detailImageView.image = UIImage(named: "imageName")
    cell.mainHeader.title.text = "Title"
    cell.mainHeader.subtitle.text = "Subtitle"
    cell.mainHeader.overflowAction.isHidden = false
    cell.mainHeader.counter.text = "3 of 36"
    // set up the icon stack
    let dot = FUIAttributedImage(image: FUIIconLibrary.indicator.dot.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate))
    let attachment = FUIAttributedImage(image: FUIIconLibrary.indicator.attachment.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate))
    mainHeader.iconImages = [dot, attachment, "1"]
    // set up media view
    cell.mediaView.detailImageView.image = UIImage(named: "imageName")
    cell.mediaView.title.text = "Title"
    // set a customized height if needed
    mediaView.detailImageViewHeight = 300
    // set up extended view
    cell.extHeader.row1.contents = [
        FUILabelItem(text: "Negative", image: UIImage(systemName: "exclamationmark.triangle.fill"), alignment: .leading),
        FUILabelItem(text: "Critical"),
        FUILabelItem(text: "label")
    cell.extHeader.row1.separatorStyle = .automatic
    cell.extHeader.row2.contents = [FUIRatingControl(style: .standard)]
    cell.extHeader.row3.contents = [...]
    let dollars = FUIKPIUnitItem(string: "$")
    let metric = FUIKPIMetricItem(string: "888.88")
    let unit = FUIKPIUnitItem(string: "M")
    cell.extHeader.kpiItems = [dollars, metric, unit]
    cell.extHeader.kpiFootnote.text = "Label"
    // set up body
    cell.body.contents = [
    // set up footer
    cell.footer..primaryButton.isHidden = false
    cell.footer..primaryAction.setTitle("Primary", for: .normal)
    cell.footer..secondaryAction.isHidden = false
    cell.footer..secondaryAction.setTitle("Secondary", for: .normal)
    See more



    open class FUICardCollectionViewCell : FUIBaseDrawingCollectionViewCell<FUICardView>
  • Card Extended Header
 The optional Extended Header block can contain up to 3 rows (row1, row2, and row3) and a KPI. A row can be optionally filled with the following UI components:

    • Labels (for text, status or timestamp)
    • star rating
    • tags

    Example Initialization and Configuration:

    // set up extended view
    let extHeader = FUICardExtHeaderView()
    extHeader.row1.contents = [
        FUILabelItem(text: "Negative", image: UIImage(systemName: "exclamationmark.triangle.fill"), alignment: .leading),
        FUILabelItem(text: "Critical"),
        FUILabelItem(text: "label")
    extHeader.row1.separatorStyle = .automatic
    extHeader.row2.contents = [FUIRatingControl(style: .standard)]
    extHeader.row3.contents = [...]
    // set up kpi
    let dollars = FUIKPIUnitItem(string: "$")
    let metric = FUIKPIMetricItem(string: "888.88")
    let unit = FUIKPIUnitItem(string: "M")
    extHeader.kpiItems = [dollars, metric, unit]
    extHeader.kpiFootnote.text = "Label"


    Supported Text class paths:


    Supported Text attributes: font-color (Color) font-name (FontName) font-style (UIFontTextStyle) font-size (Number) text-align (TextAlign) text-line-clamp (Integer)

    Supported ImageView class paths:

    fdlFUICardExtHeaderView_labelItem_imageView {}

    Supported ImageView attributes: image-name (Image) tint-color (Color)

    Supported TagView class paths:

    fdlFUICardExtHeaderView_tagViewSubView {}

    Supported TagView attributes: font-color (Color) font-name (FontName) font-style (UIFontTextStyle) font-size (Number) fill-color (Color) corner-radius (Float) border-width (Float) border-color (Color) content-insets (Box)

    Supported FUIRatingControl class path:


    Supported RatingControl properties: on-color { -standard | -accented | -editable-disabled | -editable-disabled }: Color; off-color { -standard | -accented | -editable-disabled | -editable-disabled }: Color; on-image { -standard | -editable }: Image; off-image { -standard | -editable }: Image;

    See more
  • Card Main Header
 The main header block can contain a thumbnail, icon stack, title, subtitle, an Action button, and a Counter.

    Example Initialization and Configuration:

    // set up main header
    let mainHeader = FUICardMainHeaderView()
    mainHeader.detailImageView.image = UIImage(named: "imageName")
    mainHeader.title.text = "Title"
    mainHeader.subtitle.text = "Subtitle"
    mainHeader.overflowAction.isHidden = false
    mainHeader.counter.text = "3 of 36"
    // set up the icon stack
    let dot = FUIAttributedImage(image: FUIIconLibrary.indicator.dot.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate))
    let attachment = FUIAttributedImage(image: FUIIconLibrary.indicator.attachment.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate))
    mainHeader.iconImages = [dot, attachment, "1"]


    Supported Text class paths:

    fdlFUICardMainHeaderView_title {}
    fdlFUICardMainHeaderView_subtitle {}
    fdlFUICardMainHeaderView_counter {}
    fdlFUICardMainHeaderView_overflowAction {}

    Supported Text attributes: font-color (Color) font-name (FontName) font-style (UIFontTextStyle) font-size (Number) text-align (TextAlign) text-line-clamp (Integer)

    Supported ImageView class paths:

    fdlFUICardMainHeaderView_detailImageView {}

    Supported ImageView attributes: image-name (Image) tint-color (Color)

    See more
  • Card media view. The media block can contain an optional title and an image that spans the complete width of the card.

    Example Initialization and Configuration:

    let mediaView = FUICardMediaView()
    // set up media view
    mediaView.detailImageView.image = UIImage(named: "imageName")
    mediaView.title.text = "Title"
    // set a customized height if needed
    mediaView.detailImageViewHeight = 300


    Supported Text class paths:

    fdlFUICardMediaView_title {}

    Supported Text attributes: font-color (Color) font-name (FontName) font-style (UIFontTextStyle) font-size (Number) text-align (TextAlign) text-line-clamp (Integer)

    Supported ImageView class paths:

    fdlFUICardMediaView_detailImageView {}

    Supported ImageView attributes: image-name (Image) tint-color (Color)

    See more
  • Showing card view as inner view for table view cell.

    Example Initialization and Configuration:

    let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: FUICardTableViewCell.reuseIdentifier,
                                             for: indexPath)  as! FUICardTableViewCell
    // set up main header
    cell.mainHeader.detailImageView.image = UIImage(named: "imageName")
    cell.mainHeader.title.text = "Title"
    cell.mainHeader.subtitle.text = "Subtitle"
    cell.mainHeader.overflowAction.isHidden = false
    cell.mainHeader.counter.text = "3 of 36"
    // set up the icon stack
    let dot = FUIAttributedImage(image: FUIIconLibrary.indicator.dot.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate))
    let attachment = FUIAttributedImage(image: FUIIconLibrary.indicator.attachment.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate))
    mainHeader.iconImages = [dot, attachment, "1"]
    // set up media view
    cell.mediaView.detailImageView.image = UIImage(named: "imageName")
    cell.mediaView.title.text = "Title"
    // set a customized height if needed
    mediaView.detailImageViewHeight = 300
    // set up extended view
    cell.extHeader.row1.contents = [
        FUILabelItem(text: "Negative", image: UIImage(systemName: "exclamationmark.triangle.fill"), alignment: .leading),
        FUILabelItem(text: "Critical"),
        FUILabelItem(text: "label")
    cell.extHeader.row1.separatorStyle = .automatic
    cell.extHeader.row2.contents = [FUIRatingControl(style: .standard)]
    cell.extHeader.row3.contents = [...]
    let dollars = FUIKPIUnitItem(string: "$")
    let metric = FUIKPIMetricItem(string: "888.88")
    let unit = FUIKPIUnitItem(string: "M")
    cell.extHeader.kpiItems = [dollars, metric, unit]
    cell.extHeader.kpiFootnote.text = "Label"
    // set up body
    cell.body.contents = [
    // set up footer
    cell.footer..primaryButton.isHidden = false
    cell.footer..primaryAction.setTitle("Primary", for: .normal)
    cell.footer..secondaryAction.isHidden = false
    cell.footer..secondaryAction.setTitle("Secondary", for: .normal)
    See more



    open class FUICardTableViewCell : FUIBaseDrawingTableViewCell<FUICardView>
  • The card has five elements: media view FUICardMediaView, main header FUICardMainHeaderView, extended header FUICardExtHeaderView, body FUICardBaseDrawingView and footer FUICardFooterView. The main header FUICardMainHeaderView is the only mandatory element. All others are optional.

    Example Initialization and Configuration:

    let card = FUICardView()
    // set up main header
    card.mainHeader.detailImageView.image = UIImage(named: "imageName")
    card.mainHeader.title.text = "Title"
    card.mainHeader.subtitle.text = "Subtitle"
    card.mainHeader.overflowAction.isHidden = false
    card.mainHeader.counter.text = "3 of 36"
    // set up the icon stack
    let dot = FUIAttributedImage(image: FUIIconLibrary.indicator.dot.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate))
    let attachment = FUIAttributedImage(image: FUIIconLibrary.indicator.attachment.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate))
    card.mainHeader.iconImages = [dot, attachment, "1"]
    // set up media view
    card.mediaView.detailImageView.image = UIImage(named: "imageName")
    card.mediaView.title.text = "Title"
    // set a customized height if needed
    card.mediaView.detailImageViewHeight = 300
    // set up extended view
    card.extHeader.row1.contents = [
        FUILabelItem(text: "Negative", image: UIImage(systemName: "exclamationmark.triangle.fill"), alignment: .leading),
        FUILabelItem(text: "Critical"),
        FUILabelItem(text: "label")
    card.extHeader.row1.separatorStyle = .automatic
    card.extHeader.row2.contents = [FUIRatingControl(style: .standard)]
    card.extHeader.row3.contents = [...]
    let dollars = FUIKPIUnitItem(string: "$")
    let metric = FUIKPIMetricItem(string: "888.88")
    let unit = FUIKPIUnitItem(string: "M")
    card.extHeader.kpiItems = [dollars, metric, unit]
    card.extHeader.kpiFootnote.text = "Label"
    // set up body
    card.body.contents = [
    // set up footer
    card.footer.primaryAction.isHidden = false
    card.footer.primaryAction.setTitle("Primary", for: .normal)
    card.footer.secondaryAction.isHidden = false
    card.footer.secondaryAction.setTitle("Secondary", for: .normal)


    Supported Text class paths:

    fdlFUICardMediaView_title {}
    fdlFUICardMainHeaderView_title {}
    fdlFUICardMainHeaderView_subtitle {}
    fdlFUICardMainHeaderView_counter {}
    fdlFUICardMainHeaderView_overflowAction {}
    fdlFUICardFooterView_primaryAction {}
    fdlFUICardFooterView_secondaryAction {}

    Supported Text attributes: font-color (Color) font-name (FontName) font-style (UIFontTextStyle) font-size (Number) text-align (TextAlign) text-line-clamp (Integer)

    Supported ImageView class paths:

    fdlFUICardMediaView_detailImageView {}
    fdlFUICardMainHeaderView_detailImageView {}
    fdlFUICardExtHeaderView_labelItem_imageView {}

    Supported ImageView attributes: image-name (Image) tint-color (Color)

    Supported TagView class paths:

    fdlFUICardExtHeaderView_tagViewSubView {}

    Supported TagView attributes: font-color (Color) font-name (FontName) font-style (UIFontTextStyle) font-size (Number) fill-color (Color) corner-radius (Float) border-width (Float) border-color (Color) content-insets (Box)

    Supported FUIRatingControl class path:


    Supported RatingControl properties: on-color { -standard | -accented | -editable-disabled | -editable-disabled }: Color; off-color { -standard | -accented | -editable-disabled | -editable-disabled }: Color; on-image { -standard | -editable }: Image; off-image { -standard | -editable }: Image;

    See more



    open class FUICardView : FUICardBaseDrawingView
  • Gridline properties for an Axis.

    See more



    public class FUIChartGridlineAttributes : FUIChartLineAttributes
  • Style definition for the chartView. Gives access to the chart theming.

    See more



    public class FUIChartStyle : Equatable
  • FUIEmptyStateView: conforms to the UIView class and contains SwiftUI component EmptyStateView as a container.

    Usage 1: simple

      let emptyView = FUIEmptyStateView()
      emptyView.title.text = "Custom placeholder title"
      emptyView.body.text = "This is a text to describe what you can do when there is no data"
      emptyView.detailImageView.image = UIImage(named: "errorMessage")
      let actionButton = FUIButton()
      // ... configure button style
      // actionButton.setContentHuggingPriority(.defaultHigh, for: .horizontal)
      // actionButton.setContentHuggingPriority(.defaultHigh, for: .vertical)
      emptyStateView.primaryAction = actionButton

    Usage 2: customization

      let emptyStateView = FUIEmptyStateView()
      emptyStateView.title.text = ...
      emptyStateView.titleAttributedText = ...
      emptyStateView.body.text = ...
      emptyStateView.bodyAttributedText = ...
      let detailImageView = FUIImageView()
      // ... configure imageView style
      emptyStateView.detailImageView = detailImageView
      let actionButton = FUIButton()
      // ... configure button style
      // actionButton.setContentHuggingPriority(.defaultHigh, for: .horizontal)
      // actionButton.setContentHuggingPriority(.defaultHigh, for: .vertical)
      emptyStateView.primaryAction = actionButton
    See more
  • The default implementation of the FUITintAttributesProvider with FUIControlState as the TintState type.

    See more



    open class FUIControlStateTintAttributesProvider : FUITintAttributesProvider
  • Undocumented

    See more



    public class FUIMultiLineText : FUIText
  • UICollectionView subclass, which invokes a sizeChangeHandler: (() -> Void)? closure, when the current content size of the collection does not match the intrinsic content size. The sizeChangeHandler property is internal to the SDK.

    Developers should generally not initialize FUIResizingCollectionView directly. Instead, instances of the class are typically accessed through the FUITableViewCollectionSection API’s.


    Resizing behavior will only be executed, if the sizeChangeHandler is implemented.



    @available(*, deprecated, message: "If using as subview of UITableViewCell: use FUICollectionViewTableViewCell instead; if using generally: use UICollectionView instead.")
    public class FUIResizingCollectionView : UICollectionView
  • Undocumented

    See more



    public class ObservableArray<Element> : Sequence, ObservableObject where Element : ObservableObject, Element : Hashable, Element : Identifiable
    extension ObservableArray: Collection
    extension ObservableArray: RandomAccessCollection
  • FUIBarButtonItem is an enhanced UIBarButtonItem to provide a way to specify the image to be displayed based on the state when title is nil or empty.

    For now, only normal and disabled states are used.

    FUIBarButtonItem also provides a few convenience init()s to return a newly initialized SAPFiori Style UIBarButtonItem. It has the SAPFiori styles, font & color for title and icon, .quaternaryFill background color for .highlighted state, and a minimum 44x44 touch area.

    See more



    open class FUIBarButtonItem : UIBarButtonItem
  • A UITableViewHeaderFooterView subclass, which supports top and bottom padding and separators.

    See more



    open class FUIBaseTableViewHeaderFooterView : UITableViewHeaderFooterView, FUIViewBorderDrawing
  • Undocumented



    open class FUIDrawingView : FUIBaseDrawingView, FUIAttributesProvider
  • The base class for an Inline Validation form table view cell.

    See more



    open class FUIInlineValidationDrawingTableViewCell<InnerView> : FUIBaseDrawingTableViewCell<InnerView>, InnerViewContainerEventHandling, FUIInlineValidation where InnerView : FUIBaseFixedMarginsView, InnerView : FUIBackgroundSchemeSupporting, InnerView : FUICalculateLayout, InnerView : FUIStyleByStringAttributes
  • UIView subclass to draw text and glygh image using TextKit apis. Typically not used by developer.

    See more



    public class FUITextKitView : UIView, PrepareForReuse, FUIContentCopyable
  • Undocumented

    See more



    open class FUITintableDrawingView<T> : FUIBaseDrawingView, FUITintAttributesProvider, FUIAttributesProvider, FUIEnabledComponent, FUIStyleTintByStringAttributes, TintStyleGrabbing where T : Defaultable, T : Enableable, T : Hashable
  • FUIToolbar is a subclass of ‘UIToolbar’ which displays the UIBarButtonItem array in Fiori style.

    Developers needs to create UINavigationController with the following code to use FUIToolbar as its toolbar.

    UINavigationController(navigationBarClass: nil, toolbarClass: FUIToolbar.self)

    Then in the viewDidLoad function of the UIViewController use the following code to set the toolbar items for text buttons:

    var buttons: [FUIButton] = [...]
    setFioriStyleToolbarItems(buttons, helperText: helperText, animated: true)

    Or, for icon type items:

    let item1 = UIBarButtonItem(image: shareIcon, ...) // item1 is the primary item
    let item2 = UIBarButtonItem(image: trashIcon, ...)
    var items: [UIBarButtonItem] = [item1, item2, ...]
    setFioriStyleToolbarItems(items, helperText: helperText, animated: true)


    Supported TEXT class paths:

    fdlFUIToolbar_helperText {}

    Supported TEXT properties:

    font-color: Color;
    font-style: UIFontTextStyle;

    Supported UIBarButtonItem class path:

    fdlFUIToolbar_overflowButton {}

    Supported UIBarButtonItem properties:

    image: Name;
    See more



    open class FUIToolbar : UIToolbar
  • A FUIDimensionSelector object is a horizontal control made up of multiple segments, each segment functioning as a discrete button. Selection is mutually exclusive.

    Code usage:

    let dimensionSelector = FUIDimensionSelector(titles: titles)
    dimensionSelector.selectedIndex = 1
    dimensionSelector.interItemSpacing = 20
    dimensionSelector.selectionDidChangeHandler = { [weak self] index in
    print("selected: \(index ?? -1)")


    Attribute setting:

    Setting the items’ styling for title and border with setAttribute(attribute, for:). Currently .normal, .selected and .disabled are supported.

    let attribute = FUISegmentAttribute(textColor: .red, borderColor: .blue)
    dimensionSelector.setAttribute(attribute: attribute, for: .selected)


    fdlFUIDimensionSelector {
    title-color: green;
    title-color-selected: red;
    title-color-disabled: gray;
    border-color: blue;
    border-color-selected: orange;
    border-color-disabled: gray;
    interItem-spacing: 20;
    title-inset: 5 10 5 10;
    content-inset: 0 40 0 40;
    See more



    open class FUIDimensionSelector : UIView
  • A UIView subclass for showing key-value text in a vertical stack.


    let view = FUIKeyValueContentView()
    view.title.text = "title text"
    view.value = "value text"


    Supported TEXT class paths:

    fdlFUIKeyValueContentView_title {}
    fdlFUIKeyValueContentView_valueText {}

    Supported TEXT properties:

    font-color (Color)
    font-name (FontName)
    font-style (UIFontTextStyle)
    font-size (Number)
    text-align (TextAlign)
    text-line-clamp (Integer)
    See more


  • A UITableViewCell subclass for showing key-value text in a vertical stack.


    override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
        guard let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: FUIKeyValueTableViewCell.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath) as? FUIKeyValueTableViewCell else {
            return UITableViewCell()
        cell.title.text = "Short title text"
        cell.value = "Short value text"
        cell.accessoryType = .detailButton
        return cell


    Supported TEXT class paths:

    fdlFUIKeyValueTableViewCell_title {}
    fdlFUIKeyValueTableViewCell_valueText {}

    Supported TEXT properties:

    font-color (Color)
    font-name (FontName)
    font-style (UIFontTextStyle)
    font-size (Number)
    text-align (TextAlign)
    text-line-clamp (Integer)
    See more



    open class FUIKeyValueTableViewCell : FUIInlineValidationDrawingTableViewCell<FUIKeyValueContentView>
  • Undocumented

    See more



    public class FUILabelItem : FUIDrawingView
  • The FUITableViewCollectionSection control is designed to be used, when a section in a UITableView should be dedicated to displaying a UICollectionView, and, the height of that section should adjust to fit its contents.


    The collection section produces a single FUICollectionViewTableViewCell, which refreshes its height, after its subview FUICollectionView calculates the sizes of its subview UICollectionViewCell items.

    A developer uses the FUITableViewCollectionSection, by assigning a data source (/and delegate) to its collectionView: FUICollectionView property; then, he or she should supply its collectionViewTableViewCell property to a UITableViewDataSource.tableView(_:cellForRowAt:) implementation.


    A developer should retain a strong reference to a FUITableViewCollectionSection.

    ## Usage

        let workorders: [WorkOrder] = [WorkOrder]()
        override public func viewDidLoad() {
            let workOrdersLayout = FUICollectionViewLayout.horizontalFlow
            workOrdersLayout.itemSize = CGSize(width: 200, height: 200)
            self.workOrdersSection = FUITableViewCollectionSection(tableView: self.tableView, collectionViewLayout: workOrdersLayout)
            self.workOrdersSection.collectionView.dataSource = self
            self.workOrdersSection.collectionView.register(FUISimpleCollectionViewCell.self, forCellWithReuseIdentifier: FUISimpleCollectionViewCell.reuseIdentifier)
            self.workOrdersSection.collectionView.delegate = self
            self.workOrdersSection.collectionView.isScrollEnabled = false
            self.tableView.estimatedRowHeight = 98
            self.tableView.rowHeight = UITableView.automaticDimension
        // MARK:  UITableViewDataSource
        override public func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
            return 1
        public override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
            return self.workOrdersSection.collectionViewTableViewCell
        // MARK:  UICollectionViewDataSource
        public func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
            switch collectionView {
            case workOrdersSection.collectionView:
                let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: FUISimpleCollectionViewCell.reuseIdentifier,
                                                                              for: indexPath) as! FUISimpleCollectionViewCell
                cell.contentImageView.image = UIImage(named: "WorkOrderImage")
                cell.titleLabel.text = "Work Order: \(indexPath.item)"
                return cell
                // ...
    See more



    @available(*, deprecated, message: "Use FUICollectionViewTableViewCell instead.")
    open class FUITableViewCollectionSection
  • FUITagView is an enhanced FUILabel that applies Fiori Design tag color schemes to the label by default.


    • Initializing programmatically:
    let tagView = FUITagView(FUITag("tag1"))
    See more



    public class FUITagView : UIView
  • Undocumented

    See more



    public class FUILinearProgressIndicator : FUIBaseDrawingView, FUITitleMultiLineComponent
    • The reusable UI component implemented as a UICollectionViewCell to manage selecting attachments.

    FUIAttachmentsCollectionViewCell uses a FUIAttachmentsViewController to display the title of the cell and a collection of icons to represent the attachments. The attachment icon size may change, depending on the system font size settings. The controller arranges the attachment icons so that as many icons can be fitted into a row as possible, in as many rows as possible, to display all the attachment icons. It will also try to make the row spacing equal to the spacing between icons. However, the row spacing is limited to a maximum of 20 pixels.

    Developers should use the attachmentsController property to provide attachment information; the delegate, the dataSource and the list of FUIAttachmentAction implementations for the desired type of attachments. The app can use the built-in types or implement additional types as desired.

    Color settings:

    Setting tintColor to add a button for a state using the setTintColor(_:for:) API. Currently normal and .selected are supported.

     cell.setTintAttributes([NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: UIColor.red], for: .actionTitle, state: .normal)

    There are three versions of the built-in FUIAttachmentAction:

     override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
         let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: FUIAttachmentsCollectionViewCell.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath) as! FUIAttachmentsCollectionViewCell
         cell.attachmentsController.delegate = self
         cell.attachmentsController.dataSource = self
         let addPhotoAction = FUIAddPhotoAttachmentAction()
         addPhotoAction.delegate = self
         let takePhotoAction = FUITakePhotoAttachmentAction()
         takePhotoAction.delegate = self
         let filePickerAction = FUIDocumentPickerAttachmentAction()
         filePickerAction.delegate = self
         return cell
     var attachmentURLs: [URL] = [URL]()
    // MARK: FUIAttachmentsViewControllerDataSource methods
    func attachmentsViewController(_ attachmentsViewController: FUIAttachmentsViewController, iconForAttachmentAtIndex index: Int) -> (image: UIImage, contentMode: UIViewContentMode)? {
        let urlString = self.attachmentURLs[index].absoluteString
        guard let image = self.attachmentThumbnails[urlString] else {
            return nil
        return (image!, .scaleAspectFill)
    func numberOfAttachments(in attachmentsViewController: FUIAttachmentsViewController) -> Int {
        return attachmentURLs.count
    func attachmentsViewController(_ attachmentsViewController: FUIAttachmentsViewController, urlForAttachmentAtIndex index: Int) -> URL? {
        return attachmentURLs[index]
    // MARK:  FUIAttachmentsViewControllerDelegateMethods
    func attachmentsViewController(_ attachmentsViewController: FUIAttachmentsViewController, couldNotPresentAttachmentAtIndex index: Int) {
    func focusOnNewAttachment() {
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            if let cell = ... { // find the attachment cell
                if let newDoc = cell.accessibilityElements?.last {
                    UIAccessibility.post(notification: .layoutChanged, argument: newDoc)
    func attachmentsViewController(_ attachmentsViewController: FUIAttachmentsViewController, didPressDeleteAtIndex index: Int) {
        self.attachmentURLs.remove(at: index)
        self.tableView.reloadSections(IndexSet(integer:attachmentSection), with: .automatic)
    //MARK: FUIAddPhotoAttachmentActionDelegate
     func addPhotoAttachmentAction(_ action: FUIAddPhotoAttachmentAction, didSelectPhoto asset: PHAsset, at url: URL) {
        setupThumbnails(url, with: asset)
    //MARK: FUITakePhotoAttachmentActionDelegate
    func takePhotoAttachmentAction(_ action: FUITakePhotoAttachmentAction, didTakePhoto asset: PHAsset, at url: URL) {
        setupThumbnails(url, with: asset)
    func addAttachmentURL(_ url: URL) {
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            self.tableView.reloadSections(IndexSet(integer:self.attachmentSection), with: .automatic)
            self.tableView.scrollToRow(at: IndexPath(row: 0, section: self.attachmentSection) , at: .middle, animated: true)
            if UIAccessibility.isVoiceOverRunning {
     func setupThumbnails(_ url: URL, with asset: PHAsset) {
         let imageManager = PHImageManager.default()
         imageManager.requestImage(for: asset, targetSize: CGSize(width: 80, height: 80), contentMode: .default, options: nil, resultHandler: { image, array in
             self.attachmentThumbnails[url.absoluteString] = image
             DispatchQueue.main.async {
                 self.tableView.reloadSections(IndexSet(integer:self.attachmentSection), with: .automatic)
                 self.tableView.scrollToRow(at: IndexPath(row: 0, section: self.attachmentSection) , at: .middle, animated: true)
     //MARK: FUIDocumentPickerAttachmentActionDelegate {
     var documentPicker: UIDocumentPickerViewController {
         return UIDocumentPickerViewController(documentTypes: ["public.data"], in: .import)
     func documentPickerAttachmentAction(_ action: FUIDocumentPickerAttachmentAction, didPickFileAt url: URL) {
         if let savedUrl = saveFileToTempFolder(url) {
         self.tableView.reloadSections(IndexSet(integer:self.attachmentSection), with: .automatic)
         if UIAccessibility.isVoiceOverRunning {

    ## Theming

    Supported TEXT class paths:

     fdlFUIAttachmentsFormView_attachmentTitleLabel {}
     fdlFUIAttachmentsViewController_alertActionTitle {}
     fdlFUIFileThumbnailCollectionItemView_titleLabel {}

    Supported TEXT properties:

     font-color: Color;
     font-style: UIFontTextStyle;

    Supported IMAGE class paths:

     fdlFUIFileThumbnailCollectionItemView_detailImageView {}

    Supported IMAGE properties:

     tint-color: Color;

    Supported BUTTON class paths:

    fdlFUIAddButtonCell_addButton {}

    Supported BUTTON properties:

     image: Image;
     tint-color: Color;

    Supported CELL class paths:

     `fdlFUIAttachmentsFormCell_thumbnailCell {}`
     fdlFUIAttachmentsFormCell_addButtonCell {}

    Supported CELL properties:

     border-color: Color;
     border-width: Integer;
     corner-radius: Integer;

    Supported style classes

    See more



    open class FUIAttachmentsCollectionViewCell : FUIInlineValidationDrawingCollectionViewCell<FUIAttachmentCellView>, FUIStateTintable
  • Undocumented



    open class FUIAttachmentCellView : FUITintableDrawingView<FUIControlState>
  • The reusable UI component implemented as a UICollectionViewCell to allow users to enter notes.


    The cell height is automatically adjusted to allow all of the content to be displayed. However, the cell height is also limited to the height of the screen above the soft keyboard height.


    The following is an example of usage in an application with UIViewController and UICollectionViewDataSource:

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        self.collectionView.register(FUINoteCollectionViewCell.self, forCellReuseIdentifier: FUINoteCollectionViewCell.reuseIdentifier)
    override func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
        let cell = self.collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: FUINoteCollectionViewCell.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath) as! FUINoteCollectionViewCell
        cell.onChangeHandler = { [unowned self] newValue in
             self.noteText = newValue
        cell.placeholder.text = "Enter Description"
        cell.value = noteText
        cell.isTrackingLiveChanges = true
        return cell


    Supported TEXT class paths:

       fdlFUINoteFormCell_valueText {}
       fdlFUINoteFormCell_placeholder {}

    Supported TEXT properties:

       font-color: Color;
       font-style: UIFontTextStyle;

    Supported TINTABLE class paths:

       fdlFUIKeyValueFormCell_valueText {}

    Supported TINTABLE properties:

       tint-color { -disabled }: Color;
       font-style { -disabled }: UIFontTextStyle;
    See more



    open class FUINoteCollectionViewCell : FUIInlineValidationDrawingCollectionViewCell<FUINoteFormCellContentView>
  • The reusable UI component implemented as a UICollectionViewCell to display or edit a textfield.

    The developer should set the following properties on the cell in their implementation of the UITableViewDataSource cellForRow(at:) function:

    • keyName: The key name of the property.
    • value: The value of the property.

    And, an onChangeHandler:

    • onChangeHandler: a handler closure that is invoked on changes to the value.

    Optionally, the developer may provide

    • isEditable: Indicates whether the cell’s value may be modified. The default is true.

    • isStacked: A Boolean value to determine whether the cell should use a stacked or linear layout. If the device’s accessibility settings font size is increased, the cell will force a stacked layout. By default, this property is set to true.

    • maxKeyWidth: The maximum width of the key with a linear layout. By default, the width is 115 for compact and 160 for regular. The set value must meet the minimum default threshold.

    • alternativeInputButton: An FUIButton that manages an alternative method to fill the textField.

    • isAlternativeInputEnabled: A Bool that shows or hides the alternativeInputButton. This button will indicate whether isAlternativeInputEnabled and isEditable are true.

    Color settings:

    Manage the color of the control by programmatically setting the textColor and tintColor.

    The following is an example of usage in an application with UIViewController and UICollectionViewDataSource:

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        self.collectionView.register(FUITextFieldCollectionViewCell.self, forCellReuseIdentifier: FUITextFieldCollectionViewCell.reuseIdentifier)
    override func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
        let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: FUITextFieldCollectionViewCell.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath) as! FUITextFieldCollectionViewCell
        cell.keyName = "Editable"
        cell.value = myObject.productName
        // MARK:  implement onChangeHandler
        cell.onChangeHandler = { newValue in
            myObject.productName = newValue
        // MARK: Implement alternative input, i.e. use OCR to capture input
        cell.isAlternativeInputEnabled = true
        let inputImage = FUIIconLibrary.system.camera
        cell.alternativeInputButton.setImage(inputImage.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate), for: .normal)
        cell.alternativeInputButton.didSelectHandler = { [weak self, weak cell] (button) in
            //Import SAPML to use OCR capability
            let textRecController = FUITextRecognitionViewController()
            textRecController.recognitionView.observationHandler = { [unowned textRecController] observations in
                let filteredObservations = <#filter out unwanted text#>
                textRecController.recognitionView.showTexts(for: filteredObservations)
                let areObservationsValid = <#filteredObservations meets desired criteria#>
                if areObservationsValid {
                    DispatchQueue.main.async {
                        cell?.value = filteredObservations.map { $0.value }.joined(separator:" ")
                    return true
                return false
            textRecController.onClose = {
                self?.dismiss(animated: true)
            self?.present(UINavigationController(rootViewController: textRecController), animated: true)
        return cell

    ## Theming


     fdlFUITextFieldFormCell {}

    Supported TEXT class paths:

     fdlFUITextFieldFormCell_keyText {}
     fdlFUITextFieldFormCell_valueText {}

    Supported TEXT properties:

     font-color: Color;
     placeholder-color: Color;
     font-style: UIFontTextStyle;

    Supported BUTTON class paths:

     fdlFUITextFieldFormCell_alternativeInputButton {}

    Supported BUTTON properties:

     background-color: Color;
     font-color: Color;
    See more



    open class FUITextFieldCollectionViewCell : FUIInlineValidationDrawingCollectionViewCell<FUITextFieldContentView>, FUIFormCell
  • UITableViewDiffableDataSource subclass to support editing for the cells in table view.

    See more



    open class FUIEditableTableViewDiffableDataSource<SectionIdentifierType, ItemIdentifierType> : UITableViewDiffableDataSource<SectionIdentifierType, ItemIdentifierType> where SectionIdentifierType : Hashable, ItemIdentifierType : Hashable
  • This class is an implementation of FUIAttachmentAction to allow users to choose items using PHPickerViewController from the Photo Library as attachments in FUIAttachmentsFormView.

    The implementation uses a PHPickerViewController to let user choose items from Photo Library.

    See more



    @available(iOS 14.0, *)
    open class FUIAddPhotoLibraryItemsAttachmentAction : FUIAttachmentAction
    extension FUIAddPhotoLibraryItemsAttachmentAction: PHPickerViewControllerDelegate
  • This class is an implementation of FUIAttachmentAction to allow user to choose a file using UIDocumentPickerViewController as an attachment in FUIAttachmentsFormView.

    If the application wants to have its Document directory accessible by the UIDocumentPickerViewController, the application needs to have the following 2 properties set to true in its plist:

    • “Supports opening documents in place” (LSSupportsOpeningDocumentsInPlace)
    • “Application supports iTunes file sharing” (UIFileSharingEnabled)

    Note that the file URL returned by the document picker is a temporary url. The content of the file may not be available after the document picker is closed. Therefore, developer should copy the file content to a location that it may attach the file content later.

    class TestFormTableViewController: FUIFormTableViewController {
        override func viewDidLoad() {
            // ...
            // prepare temporary directory to hold attachment files
        // ...
        override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
            // ...
            let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: FUIAttachmentsFormCell.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath) as! FUIAttachmentsFormCell
            cell.attachmentsController.delegate = self
            cell.attachmentsController.dataSource = self
            let documentPickerAction = FUIDocumentPickerAttachmentAction()
            documentPickerAction.delegate = self
            return cell
    extension TestFormTableViewController: FUIDocumentPickerAttachmentActionDelegate {
        var documentPicker: UIDocumentPickerViewController {
          return UIDocumentPick  erViewController(documentTypes: ["public.data"], in: .import)
        func documentPickerAttachmentAction(_ action: FUIDocumentPickerAttachmentAction, didPickFileAt url: URL) {
            if let savedUrl = saveFileToTempFolder(url) {
            self.tableView.reloadSections(IndexSet(integer:self.attachmentSection), with: .automatic)


    The delegate object with type FUIDocumentPickerAttachmentActionDelegate is declared as a weak reference. On deallocation it will be automatically set to nil. To keep it alive as expected, developer should retain the delegate object during its whole execution scope.

    See more



    open class FUIDocumentPickerAttachmentAction : NSObject, FUIAttachmentAction
    extension FUIDocumentPickerAttachmentAction: UIDocumentPickerDelegate
  • Base inner view for FUIButtonCollectionViewCell.

    See more



    open class FUIButtonFormView : FUIBaseDrawingView
  • A UICollectionViewCell subclass that allows a user to read or enter a value, using a date picker.

    And an onChangeHandler:

    • onChangeHandler: a handler closure that is invoked on changes to the value

    Optionally, UITableViewController could provide:

    • dateFormatter: A developer-defined UIDateFormatter for transposing between Date type and String.
    • datePickerMode: The UIDatePicker.Mode for the Date Picker. The default is .dateAndTime. Note that .countDownTimer mode is not supported. Use the FUIDurationPickerFormCell for duration values.

    Example of usage in an application, UICollectionViewController:


    The app’s UICollectionViewController must subclass FUIFormCollectionViewController.
    let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
    var date: Date?
    override func viewDidLoad() {
    dateFormatter.dateFormat = "dd-MM-yyyy"
    self.collectionView.register(FUIDatePickerCollectionViewCell.self, forCellWithReuseIdentifier: FUIDatePickerCollectionViewCell.reuseIdentifier)
    // ...
    override func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
    let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: FUIDatePickerCollectionViewCell.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath) as! FUIDatePickerCollectionViewCell
    cell.keyName = "End Date"
    cell.dateFormatter = dateFormatter
    cell.datePickerMode = .date
    cell.value = self.date
    // MARK:  implement onChangeHandler
    cell.onChangeHandler = { [unowned self] newValue in
    self.date = newValue
    return cell


    Supported TEXT class paths:

       fdlFUIDatePickerCollectionViewCell_valueText {}

    Supported TEXT properties:

       font-color: Color;
       font-style: UIFontTextStyle;

    Supported TINTABLE class paths:

       fdlFUIDatePickerCollectionViewCell_valueText {}

    Supported TINTABLE properties:

    font-color { -selected }: Color;
    font-style { -selected }: UIFontTextStyle;



    open class FUIDatePickerCollectionViewCell : FUIBaseDrawingCollectionViewCell<FUIDatePickerContentView>
  • The basic inner view for FUIDatePickerCollectionViewCell.

    See more
  • A UICollectionViewCell subclass, which allows a user to read or enter a value, using a duration picker.

    The developer should set the following properties on the cell, in their implementation of UICollectionViewDataSource cellForRow(at:) function:

    • title: The key name of the property
    • value: The value of the property, as TimeInterval

    And an onChangeHandler:

    • onChangeHandler: a handler closure, which is invoked on changes to the value

    Optionally, the developer may provide

    • minuteInterval: The minute interval to be used in the picker.
    • isEditable: Indicates if the cell’s value may be modified. Defaults to true.

    Color configuration:

    Call setTintColor(_:for:) to configure tint color for disabled, normal, selected UIControlState. Setting tintColor is equivalent to call setTintColor(color, for: UIControlState.normal).

    • disabled: Color to be used when control is disabled.
    • normal: Color to be used when control is enabled.
    • selected: Color to be used when control is selected.

    The following is an example of usage in an application UICollectionViewController:


    The app’s UICollectionController must subclass FUIFormCollectionViewController
     override func viewDidLoad() {
         self.collectionView.register(FUIDurationPickerCollectionViewCell, forCellReuseIdentifier: FUIDurationPickerCollectionViewCell.reuseIdentifier)
         // ...
     override func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
         let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: FUIDurationPickerCollectionViewCell.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath) as! FUIDurationPickerCollectionViewCell
         cell.title.text = "Duration"
         cell.value = myObject.eventDuration  // in seconds
         // MARK:  implement an onChangeHandler
         cell.onChangeHandler = { newValue in
            myObject.eventDuration = newValue
         return cell

    ## Theming Supported style classes

    See more



    open class FUIDurationPickerCollectionViewCell : FUIBaseDrawingCollectionViewCell<FUIDurationPickerContentView>
  • Undocumented

    See more



    open class FUIDurationPickerContentView : FUITintableDrawingView<FUIControlState>, FUITitleMultiLineComponent, FUIValueComponent, FUIDurationPickerComponent
    extension FUIDurationPickerContentView: UIPickerViewDelegate
    extension FUIDurationPickerContentView: UIPickerViewDataSource
  • The content view of a form cell.

    See more



    open class FUIFormCellContentView<ValueView, T, Text> : FUITintableDrawingView<T> where ValueView : UIView, ValueView : Initializable, T : Defaultable, T : Enableable, T : Hashable, Text : FUITextProtocol, Text : Initializable
  • When FUIListPickerCollectionViewCells are to be used in an application, the application’s implementation of UICollectionViewController that hosts these FUIListPickerCollectionViewCells must be a subclass of this FUIFormCollectionViewController. FUIFormCollectionViewController hides all the complexity and interactions for handling FUIListPickerCollectionViewCell.

    The application’s implementation of the UICollectionViewController needs to only implement the following functions:

     class FormCollectionViewCellTestTVC: UICollectionViewController {
        override func viewDidLoad() {
            // MUST: Call viewDidLoad function of super class.
            // Register FUIFormCells that will be used
            self.collectionView.register(FUIListPickerCollectionViewCell.self, forCellWithReuseIdentifier: FUIListPickerCollectionViewCell.reuseIdentifier)
        override func numberOfSections(in collectionView: UICollectionView) -> Int {
            // Return how many sections are in the collection
            return ...
        override func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
            // Return number of items in each section
            return ...
        override func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
            let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: FUIListPickerCollectionViewCell.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath) as! FUIListPickerCollectionViewCell
            cell.keyName = "Pick One"
            cell.isEnabled = true
            // MARK:  implement onChangeHandler
            cell.onChangeHandler = { newValue in
                myObject.title = newValue
            return cell
    See more



    open class FUIFormCollectionViewController : UICollectionViewController
  • A UICollectionViewCell subclass that allows a user to read or enter a set of values using a grid of buttons. This is commonly used for composing filters.

    The developer should set the following properties on the cell in their implementation of the UICollectionViewDataSource cellForItem(at:) function:

    • title: The title of the property.
    • value: An array of the selected indexes in the control. Uses the same index as the valueOptions array.
    • `valueOptions: A string array of titles for the buttons in the control

    And an onChangeHandler:

    • onChangeHandler: a handler closure, which is invoked on changes to the value

    Optionally, the developer may provide:

    • allowsMultipleSelection: Indicates whether multiple buttons may be selected simultaneously (true). If false, the control behaves in “radio” mode. The default is true.
    • allowsEmptySelection: Indicates whether the control allows zero items to be selected (true). If false, then once a value has been selected by the developer or user, taps by the user on the last selected item will be ignored instead of deselecting the item. The default is true.
    • isEditable: Indicates whether the cell’s value may be modified. The default is true.

    The following is an example of usage in an application, UICollectionViewController:

     // optionally, create an array of value option to localized string mappings
      let buttonTitles: [[String: String]] = [["radius": "Distance"], ["price": "Price"], ["rating": "Ratings"], ["avail": "Availability"]]
     // Register FUIFilterFormCollectionViewCell in viewDidLoad() method in the controller.
     override func viewDidLoad() {
         self.collectionView.register(FUIFilterFormCollectionViewCell.self, forCellWithReuseIdentifier:
     func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
         let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: FUIFilterFormCollectionViewCell.reuseIdentifier,
                                                       for: indexPath) as! FUIFilterFormCollectionViewCell
         cell.valueOptions = buttonTitles.flatMap { $0.map { $0.value }}
         cell.title = "Sort By"
         cell.value = [1]
         cell.allowsMultipleSelection = true
         cell.allowsEmptySelection = false
         // MARK:  implement onChangeHandler
         cell.onChangeHandler = { [weak self] newValue in
            self.applyFilter(forDimensions: newValue)      // here, the cell input is set to a filter function
        return cell

    ## Theming Supported style classes:

    See more



    open class FUIFilterFormCollectionViewCell : FUIInlineValidationDrawingCollectionViewCell<FUIFilterFormView>, FUIFormCell
  • Undocumented

    See more



    public class FUIFilterValueView : UIControl, Initializable, UICollectionViewDataSource, UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout
  • Undocumented

    See more



    open class FUIInlineValidationDrawingCollectionViewCell<InnerView> : FUIBaseDrawingCollectionViewCell<InnerView>, InnerViewContainerEventHandling, FUIInlineValidation where InnerView : FUIBaseFixedMarginsView, InnerView : FUIBackgroundSchemeSupporting, InnerView : FUICalculateLayout, InnerView : FUIStyleByStringAttributes
  • Undocumented

    See more



    open class FUIInlineValidationUIControlTintTableViewCell : FUIInlineValidationTableViewCell, FUIStyleByTintAttributes
  • Base inner view to display a key-value pair property for FUIListPickerCollectionViewCell.

    Please refer to the FUIListPickerCollectionViewCell documentation for details.

    See more



    public class FUIListPickerFormView : FUIDrawingView, FUITitleMultiLineComponent, FUIValueComponent
  • The section header view for the FUIListPickerTableViewController.


    Supported style classes

    See more



    public class FUIListPickerHeaderView : UITableViewHeaderFooterView
  • Base view for map snapshot form cell. Typically not used directly by developer.

    See more



    public class FUIFormEntryView<FormValueView> : FUIBaseDrawingView, FUITitleComponent, FUIStatusComponent, FUIAttributesProvider where FormValueView : UIView
  • Inner content view for map snapshot form cell. Typically not used directly by developer.



    public class FUIMapSnapshotContentView : FUIFormEntryView<FUITextKitView>
  • Map snapshot form cell, where the custom geometry is shown on a map-based imagery.

    Developer may specify the geometry object to display, and configure the title text, status text, and accessory type.

    This cell height is automatically adjusted to allow the whole content to be displayed.


    let snapshotFormCell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: FUIMapSnapshotFormCell.reuseIdentifier,
                                                         for: indexPath) as! FUIMapSnapshotFormCell
    snapshotFormCell.title.text = "Location"
    snapshotFormCell.geometry = self.provider?.editingGeometry
    if let coordinates = snapshotFormCell.coordinates {
       let numOfPoints = coordinates.count
       snapshotFormCell.status.text = numOfPoints > 1 ? "\(numOfPoints) Points Added" : "\(numOfPoints) Point Added"
    snapshotFormCell.accessoryType = .disclosureIndicator
    return snapshotFormCell
    See more



    public class FUIMapSnapshotFormCell : FUIBaseDrawingTableViewCell<FUIMapSnapshotContentView>
  • The base class for auto-fitting form table view cell, such as FUINoteFormCell.



    open class FUIAutofittingDrawingTableViewCell<InnerView> : FUIInlineValidationDrawingTableViewCell<InnerView> where InnerView : FUIBaseFixedMarginsView, InnerView : FUIBackgroundSchemeSupporting, InnerView : FUICalculateLayout, InnerView : FUIStyleByStringAttributes
  • The content view of a FUINoteFormCell.

    See more


  • FUIOrderPickerFormCell is a UITableViewCell subclass, which is used in the advanced sort pattern when there are multiple sort criteria involved. The component allows users to adjust priority of sort criteria and switch order direction flexibly.

    ## Usage Example:

     let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: FUIOrderPickerFormCell.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath) as! FUIOrderPickerFormCell
     cell.value = [
     FUISortCriterion(criterion: FUIMultiLineText("Priority"),
                      isSelected: true,
                      isAscending: false,
                      ascendingText: FUIMultiLineText("Lowest first"),
                      descendingText: FUIMultiLineText("Highest first")),
     FUISortCriterion(criterion: FUIMultiLineText("Name"),
                      isSelected: false,
                      isAscending: true,
                      ascendingText: FUIMultiLineText("Ascending"),
                      descendingText: FUIMultiLineText("Descending"))
    cell.onChangeHandler = { [unowned self] change, newValue in
         // change contains the info about immediate change to sort criterions
         // newValue contains the latest array of sort criterions
    return cell
     // more customization options
     // change the title
     cell.title = FUIText("Order by", font: UIFont.preferredFioriFont(forTextStyle: .largeTitle), textColor: UIColor.preferredFioriColor(forStyle: .negativeLabel))
     // change the selected icon for all sort criterions
     let config = UIImage.SymbolConfiguration(font: UIFont.preferredFioriFont(forTextStyle: .body))
     let icon = UIImage(systemName: "checkmark.circle", withConfiguration: config)
     cell.selectedIcon = icon
     // change the appearance of labels in sort criterion with font, textColor and numberOfLines in FUIMultiLineText
     FUIMultiLineText("Priority", font: UIFont.preferredFioriFont(forTextStyle: .body), textColor: UIColor.purple)
     // other options
     cell.isAtLeastOneSelected = false
     cell.isContentCopyable = false

    ## Theming

    Supported TEXT class paths:

        fdlFUIOrderPickerFormItemCell_title {}
        fdlFUIOrderPickerFormItemCell_subtitle {}

    Supported TEXT properties:

        font-color: Color;
        font-style: UIFontTextStyle;

    Supported IMAGE class paths:

        fdlFUIOrderPickerFormItemCell_leadingImageView {}

    Supported IMAGE properties:

        image-name: UIImage;
        font-style: UIFontTextStyle;
        tint-color: UIColor;

    See Theming support in FUIOrderPickerFormView and FUIOrderPickerFormItemView

    See more



    public class FUIOrderPickerFormCell : FUIBaseDrawingTableViewCell<FUIOrderPickerFormView>, FUIContentCopyable, FUITableAndCollectionCellUpdate
  • The table view cell in FUIOrderPickerFormCell


    Supported TEXT class paths:

       fdlFUIOrderPickerFormItemView_title {}
       fdlFUIOrderPickerFormItemView_subtitle {}

    Supported TEXT properties:

       font-color: Color;
       font-style: UIFontTextStyle;

    Supported IMAGE class paths:

       fdlFUIOrderPickerFormItemView_leadingImageView {}

    Supported IMAGE properties:

       image-name: UIImage;
       font-style: UIFontTextStyle;
       tint-color: UIColor;
    See more



    public class FUIOrderPickerFormItemCell : FUIBaseDrawingTableViewCell<FUIOrderPickerFormItemView>, FUIContentCopyable
  • The content view of FUIOrderPickerFormItemCell. Standard Fiori control for rendering business object data.

    See more
  • The content view of FUIOrderPickerFormCell. Standard Fiori control for rendering business object data.

    See more



    public class FUIOrderPickerFormView : FUITintableDrawingView<FUIControlState>, FUITitleComponent, FUIContentCopyable, UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate
  • A slider form cell displays a continuous range of values along a track where the user slides a handle using their thumb between the lower (minimum) value of the range and the upper (maximum value) of the range. The custom range slider supports both a single thumb or double thumb.

    Note: In voiceover mode, and when focusing on the thumb, the user can swipe up or down to change the value or double tap and hold to continuously change the value.

    See more



    open class FUIRangeSlider : UIControl
  • Declaration


    open class FUIRangeSliderContentView : FUIFormCellContentView<FUITextField, FUIControlState, FUIText>, FUITitleComponent, FUISubtitleComponent, UITextFieldDelegate
  • FUIRatingControl uses images to represent a rating.

    The number of “On” images denotes the rating. The default “On” image is a filled star while the default “Off” inmage is an unfilled star.

    When the style property is .editable, user can tap an individual image to set the rating. Users can also slide their finger from side to side over the control to select the rating. The FUIRatingControl will send UIControl.Event.valueChanged event when rating changed.


    Supported FUIRatingControl class paths:


    Supported RatingControl properties:

    on-color { -standard | -accented | -editable-disabled | -editable-disabled }: Color;
    off-color { -standard | -accented | -editable-disabled | -editable-disabled }: Color;
    on-image { -standard | -editable }: Image;
    off-image { -standard | -editable }: Image;
    See more



    open class FUIRatingControl : UIControl, Initializable
  • This is the content view of the FUIRatingControlFormCell.

    This view includes a FUITextKitView for title, a FUIRatingControl for the rating control, and another FUITextKitView for subtitle. When subtitle is not nil, the title will not be displayed.

    See more
  • The reusable UI component implemented as an UITableViewCell which includes a FUIRatingControl to allow user select a rating.

    This form cell uses FUIRatingControlContentView as its content view. FUIRatingControlContentView includes a FUITextKitView for hosting the keyName property, a FUIRatingControl for the rating control, and another FUITextKitView for subtitle.

    When the text in subtitle is not nil, the title will not be displayed.

    Control Styles

    The available style for the FUIRatingControl can be set by developer to editable, editableDisabled, standard, or accented.


    control.style = .editable
    control.ratingBounds = 0...5
    control.rating = 3
    control.onImage = UIImage(named: "filledStar").withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate)
    control.onImage = UIImage(named: "openStar").withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate)
    control.setTintColor(.orange, for: 0..<1)
    control.setTintColor(.red, for: 1..<5)
    control.setTintColor(.purple, for: 5..<6)



    fdlFUIRatingControlFormCell {}

    Supported TEXT class paths:

    fdlFUIRatingControlFormCell_title {}

    Supported TEXT properties:

    font-color: Color;
    font-style: UIFontTextStyle;

    Supported FUIRatingControl class path:


    Supported RatingControl properties:

    on-color { -standard | -accented | -editable-disabled | -editable-disabled }: Color;
    off-color { -standard | -accented | -editable-disabled | -editable-disabled }: Color;
    on-image { -standard | -editable }: Image;
    off-image { -standard | -editable }: Image;
    See more



    open class FUIRatingControlFormCell : FUIInlineValidationDrawingTableViewCell<FUIRatingControlContentView>
  • A UICollectionViewCell subclass that allows a user to view or select from a list of strings using a Fiori-styled segmented control.

    The value property of the cell is equal to the selectedSegmentIndex in the segmented control.

    Specify segment heights by setting the segmentHeight API. By default this is set to nil, which means a segment will adjust its height to fit the content.

    Color setting:

    Setting the text color of buttons in the cell for a state using the setButtonAttributes(_:for:) API. The supported states are: disabled, normal, and selected.

    let attributes = FUISegmentedControlButtonAttributes()
    attributes.titleAttributes = ...
    attributes.borderColor = ...
    cell.setButtonAttributes(attributes, for: .normal)

    Code Usage

    // Optionally, create an array of value options to localized string mappings.
    let buttonTitles: [[String: String]] = [["LO": "Low"], ["MED": "Medium"], ["HI": "High"]]
    // Register `FUISegmentedControlCollectionViewCell` in the `viewDidLoad()` method in the controller.
    override func viewDidLoad() {
    self.collectionView.register(FUISegmentedControlCollectionViewCell.self, forCellReuseIdentifier: FUISegmentedControlCollectionViewCell.reuseIdentifier)
    func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
    let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: FUISegmentedControlCollectionViewCell.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath) as! FUISegmentedControlCollectionViewCell
    cell.valueOptions = buttonTitles.flatMap { $0.map { $0.value } }
    cell.keyName = "Priority"
    cell.value = myObject.priority  // String value in the valid options set: ["LO", "MED", "HI"]
    // MARK: implement `onChangeHandler`.
    cell.onChangeHandler = { newValue in
    myObject.priority = buttonTitles[newValue].first!.key  // lookup valid String value, from the buttonTitles array
    return cell


    Supported style classes

    See more



    open class FUISegmentedControlCollectionViewCell : FUIInlineValidationDrawingCollectionViewCell<FUISegmentedControlFormView>, FUIFormCell
  • A base FUISegmentedControlFormView that allows a user to view or select from a list of strings using a Fiori-styled segmented control.

    The value property of the cell is equal to the selectedSegmentIndex in the segmented control.

    Specify the height for segments by setting the segmentHeight API. By default it is set to nil, which means the segment will adjust its height to fit the content.

    Color setting:

    Setting the text color of buttons in the cell for a state using the setButtonAttributes(_:for:) API. The supported states are: disabled, normal, and selected.

    let attributes = FUISegmentedControlButtonAttributes()
    attributes.titleAttributes = ...
    attributes.borderColor = ...
    self.setButtonAttributes(attributes, for: .normal)

    Code Usage

    // Optionally, create an array of value option to localized string mappings
    let buttonTitles: [[String: String]] = [["LO": "Low"], ["MED": "Medium"], ["HI": "High"]]
    let view = FUISegmentedControlFormView()
    view.valueOptions = buttonTitles.flatMap { $0.map { $0.value } }
    view.keyName = "Priority"
    view.value = myObject.priority  // String value in the valid options set: ["LO", "MED", "HI"]
    // MARK: implement `onChangeHandler`.
    view.onChangeHandler = { newValue in
    myObject.priority = buttonTitles[newValue].first!.key  // lookup valid String value, from the buttonTitles array


    Supported style classes

    See more



    open class FUISegmentedControlFormView : FUIBaseDrawingView
    extension FUISegmentedControlFormView: UICollectionViewDataSource, UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout
  • The content view of a FUIInlineSignatureFormCell.


    Supported FUIInlineSignatureFormView class path:


    Supported FUIInlineSignatureFormView properties:

    stroke-width: (Number)
    stroke-color: (Color)
    drawing-area-background-color: (Color)
    xmark-color: (Color)
    signature-line-color: (Color)

    Supported Text class path:


    Supported Text properties:

    font-color: Color;
    font-style: UIFontTextStyle;
    See more
  • The content view of FUISliderCollectionViewCell.


    Supported style classes.

    font-color { -disabled } (Color)
    font-style { -disabled } (UIFont.TextStyle)
    thumb-color { -disabled } (Color)
    minimum-track-color { -disabled } (Color)
    maximum-track-color { -disabled } (Color)
    view-alpha-value  { -disabled } (Float)
    See more


  • The content view of an FUIStepperFormCell.

    See more


  • The content view of a FUISwitchFormCell.

    See more


  • This is an implementation of FUIFormattedStringEditing on top of the regular iOS NumberFormatter.

    The main enhancement is to add the support to handle cursor positions.

    Here are two examples when using with the FUITextFieldFormCell:

    • As a currency number formatter

      let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: FUITextFieldFormCell.reuseIdentifier) as! FUITextFieldFormCell
      cell.keyName = "Price"
      cell.keyboardType = .decimalPad
      let formatter = FUINumberFormatter()
      formatter.numberStyle = .currency
      cell.formatter = formatter

      The text field will display “$12.34” when user types “12.34”.

    • With custom suffix

      let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: FUITextFieldFormCell.reuseIdentifier) as! FUITextFieldFormCell
      cell.keyName = "Weight"
      cell.keyboardType = .decimalPad
      let formatter = FUINumberFormatter()
      formatter.numberStyle = .decimal
      formatter.maximumFractionDigits = 3
      formatter.positiveSuffix = "lbs"
      cell.formatter = formatter

      The text field will display “1.234lbs” when user types “1.234”.



    open class FUINumberFormatter : NumberFormatter, FUIFormattedStringEditing
  • A FUIFormattedStringEditing implementation to format phone number.

    This formatter accepts only digit characters 0 through 9. All other characters user typed are ignored.

    The default format is “(###) ###-####”. Which correspond to US phone number system. Developer could change the format to fit phone number for other countries.

    See more



    open class FUIPhoneNumberFormatter : FUIFormattedStringEditing
  • The content view of an FUITextFieldFormCell.

    See more
  • The reusable UI component implemented as a UICollectionViewCell, allowing the user to enter a value using a UITextField.

    • value: The value of the property, as String

    And an onChangeHandler:

    • onChangeHandler: a handler closure that is invoked on changes to the value.

    Optionally, the developer may provide:

    • isEditable: Indicates whether the cell’s value may be modified. The default is true.

    Color settings:

    Setting tintColor for valueTextField for a state using the setTintColor(_:for:) API. Currently disabled and normal are supported.

     cell.setAttributes([.foregroundColor: UIColor.red], for: .valueText, state: .normal)


    The font-color attribute will be overridden by the tint-color-disabled attribute when the cell is switched to the disabled state. Do not set textColor for valueTextField when the cell is in the disabled state.

    Example of usage in an application, UICollectionViewController:


    The app’s UICollectionViewController must subclass FUIFormCollectionViewController.
    override func viewDidLoad() {
       self.collectionView.register(FUITitleFormCollectionViewCell.self, forCellWithReuseIdentifier: FUITitleFormCollectionViewCell.reuseIdentifier)
       // ...
    override func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
       let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: FUITitleFormCollectionViewCell.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath) as! FUITitleFormCollectionViewCell
       cell.placeholderText = placeHolderText
       cell.value = myObject.title
       cell.isEditable = true
       // MARK:  implement onChangeHandler
       cell.onChangeHandler = { newValue in
            myObject.title = newValue
       return cell

    ## Theming

    Supported TableViewCell class paths:

     fdlFUITitleFormCell {}

    Supported TableViewCell attributes:

     background-color (Color)
     background-color-disabled (Color)
     background-color-readonly (Color)

    Supported TextField class paths:


    Supported TextField properties:

     font-color: Color;
     font-color-disabled: Color;
     font-color-readonly: Color;
     placeholder-color: Color;
     font-style: UIFontTextStyle;
     font-style-disabled: UIFontTextStyle;
     font-style-readonly: UIFontTextStyle;
    See more



    open class FUITitleFormCollectionViewCell : FUIInlineValidationDrawingCollectionViewCell<FUITitleFormView>
    extension FUITitleFormCollectionViewCell: FUITintAttributesProvider
  • The content view of an FUITitleFormCollectionViewCell.

    See more



    open class FUITitleFormView : FUIFormCellContentView<FUITextField, FUIControlState, FUIText>
    extension FUITitleFormView: UITextFieldDelegate
  • A UICollectionViewCell subclass that allows a user to read or enter a value using a picker view.

    And an onChangeHandler:

    • onChangeHandler: a handler closure that is invoked on changes to the value

    Example of usage in an application, UICollectionViewController:


    The app’s UICollectionViewController must subclass FUIFormCollectionViewController.
    override func viewDidLoad() {
    self.collectionView.register(FUIValuePickerCollectionViewCell.self, forCellWithReuseIdentifier: FUIValuePickerCollectionViewCell.reuseIdentifier)
    // ...
    override func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
    let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: FUIValuePickerCollectionViewCell.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath) as! FUIValuePickerCollectionViewCell
    cell.title.text = "Value Picker Title"
    cell.valueOptions = ["1", "2", "3"]
    cell.value = 0
    cell.isTrackingLiveChanges = true
    // MARK: implement onChangeHandler
    cell.onChangeHandler = { [unowned cell] newValue in
    cell.value = newValue
    return cell


    Supported TEXT class paths:

       fdlFUIValuePickerCollectionViewCell_valueText {}

    Supported TEXT properties:

       font-color: Color;
       font-style: UIFontTextStyle;

    Supported TINTABLE class paths:

       fdlFUIValuePickerCollectionViewCell_valueText {}

    Supported TINTABLE properties:

    font-color { -selected }: Color;
    font-style { -selected }: UIFontTextStyle;
    See more



    open class FUIValuePickerCollectionViewCell : FUIBaseDrawingCollectionViewCell<FUIValuePickerContentView>
  • The basic inner view for FUIValuePickerCollectionViewCell.

    See more



    open class FUIValuePickerContentView : FUITintableDrawingView<FUIControlState>, FUITitleMultiLineComponent, FUIValueComponent, FUIValuePickerComponent
    extension FUIValuePickerContentView: UIPickerViewDelegate, UIPickerViewDataSource
  • The FUIGridRowSummaryItem is a subclass of FUIGridRowTextItem for representing a summary item in FUIGridTableViewCell. FUIGridRowSummaryItem is different from FUIGridRowTextItem in terms of style.


    Supported style classes

    See more



    open class FUIGridRowSummaryItem : FUIGridRowTextItem
  • FUIGridTableViewHeaderFooterView is a FIori UI component that extends UITableViewHeaderFooterView for showing a list of FUIGridRowItem column titles. It will display as a section header or footer in table view.

    Columns widths may be specified in absolute points, or as a set of fractions in 0.0..<1. A developer may also designate one column for flexible width, by assigning the value -1 to that column width.


    Developers should always use the same column widths or percents for all headers, footers and rows in a grid. Developers should also set common accessory types to rows, headers and footers.

    The FUIGridTableViewHeaderFooterView is adaptive for regular and compact horizontal content modes. It is hidden by design, when in compact mode. The AutoLayout automatic dimension technique should be used for computing the height.

    Example Initialization and Configuration:

    override open func viewDidLoad() {
    tableView.sectionHeaderHeight = UITableViewAutomaticDimension
    tableView.estimatedSectionHeaderHeight = 100
    tableView.register(FUIGridTableViewHeaderFooterView.self, forHeaderFooterViewReuseIdentifier: FUIGridTableViewHeaderFooterView.reuseIdentifier)

    Override tableView(_: viewForHeaderInSection:) dataSource method and configure header.

    // header data list
    var headerData: [FUIGridRowItem] {
    let item0 = FUIGridRowHeaderItem(text: " ")
    let item1 = FUIGridRowHeaderItem(text: "Symbol")
    let item2 = FUIGridRowHeaderItem(text: "Open")
    let item3 = FUIGridRowHeaderItem(text: "High")
    let item4 = FUIGridRowHeaderItem(text: "Low")
    let item5 = FUIGridRowHeaderItem(text: "Close")
    return [item0, item1, item2, item3, item4, item5]
    // set column widths.  Should be shared by rows and header.
    let columnWidths = [-1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]
    // configure header view
    header.items = headerData
    header.columnWidthPercent = columnWidths
    header.accessoryType = .disclosureIndicator // match row cell accessory types!
    See more



    open class FUIGridTableViewHeaderFooterView : FUIBaseTableViewHeaderFooterView, FUIContentCopyable
  • FUIGridTableViewSummaryFooter is a Fiori UI component that extends UITableViewHeaderFooterView for showing a list of FUIGridRowItem column titles. It displays as a section footer in table view.

    Columns widths may be specified in absolute points, or as a set of fractions in 0.0..<1. A developer may also designate one column for flexible width, by assigning the value -1 to that column width.


    Developers should always use the same column widths or percents for all headers, footers and rows in a grid. Developers should also set common accessory types to rows, headers and footers.

    The FUIGridTableViewSummaryFooter is adaptive for regular and compact horizontal content modes. It is hidden by design, when in compact mode. The AutoLayout automatic dimension technique should be used for computing the footer height.

    Example Initialization and Configuration:

    override open func viewDidLoad() {
    tableView.sectionFooterHeight = UITableViewAutomaticDimension
    tableView.estimatedSectionFooterHeight = 100
    tableView.register(FUIGridTableViewSummaryFooter.self, forHeaderFooterViewReuseIdentifier: FUIGridTableViewSummaryFooter.reuseIdentifier)

    Override tableView(_: viewForFooterInSection:) dataSource method and configure header.

    // header data list
    var footerData: [FUIGridRowItem] {
    let item0 = FUIGridRowSummaryItem(text: "Total")
    let item1 = FUIGridRowSummaryItem(text: "10")
    let item2 = FUIGridRowSummaryItem(text: "10")
    let item3 = FUIGridRowSummaryItem(text: "10")
    let item4 = FUIGridRowSummaryItem(text: "10")
    let item5 = FUIGridRowSummaryItem(text: "10")
    return [item0, item1, item2, item3, item4, item5]
    // set column widths.  Should be shared by rows and header.
    let columnWidths = [-1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]
    // configure header view
    footer.items = headerData
    footer.columnWidthPercent = columnWidths
    footer.accessoryType = .disclosureIndicator // match row cell accessory types!



    open class FUIGridTableViewSummaryFooter : FUIGridTableViewHeaderFooterView
  • FUIIllustratedMessage: conforms to the UIView class and contains SwiftUI component IllustratedMessage as a container.

    Usage 1: simple

      let illustratedMessage = FUIIllustratedMessage()
      illustratedMessage.title.text = "Custom placeholder title"
      illustratedMessage.body.text = "This is a text to describe what you can do when there is no data"
      illustratedMessage.detailImageView.image = UIImage(named: "errorMessage")
      let actionButton = FUIButton()
      // ... configure button style
      illustratedMessage.primaryAction = actionButton

    Usage 2: customization

      let illustratedMessage = FUIIllustratedMessage()
      illustratedMessage.title.text = ...
      illustratedMessage.titleAttributedText = ...
      illustratedMessage.body.text = ...
      illustratedMessage.bodyAttributedText = ...
      let detailImageView = FUIImageView()
      // ... configure imageView style
      illustratedMessage.detailImageView = detailImageView
      let actionButton = FUIButton()
      // ... configure button style
      illustratedMessage.primaryAction = actionButton
      illustratedMessage.detailImageSize = .large
      illustratedMessage.layoutAxis = .horizontal
    See more
  • A view controller showing popover list for creating geometry in map view.


    Initialize the popover content view controller.

    var popoverContent = FUICreateGeometryPopOverTableViewController()

    Define selection behavior and do some setup for map legend items.

    @objc private func presentCreatePopover() {
       popoverContent.items = createGeometryItems
       popoverContent.modalPresentationStyle = .popover
       let popover = popoverContent.popoverPresentationController
       let createGeometryResultsController = CreateGeometryResultsController()
       popoverContent.didSelectHandler = { [unowned self] createItem in
           createGeometryResultsController.editingGeometryMapLegendItem = createItem
           self.navigationController?.pushViewController(createGeometryResultsController, animated: true)
       popover?.barButtonItem = plusBarButtonItem
       self.present(popoverContent, animated: true, completion: nil)
    See more



    open class FUICreateGeometryPopOverTableViewController : FUIResizablePopoverContainer, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource
  • A subclass of MKPointAnnotation which conforms to FUIAnnotation and it is tied to a callout tag showing the name of a route on the map.

    See more



    open class FUICalloutAnnotation : MKPointAnnotation, FUIAnnotation
  • FUIEditingGeometryObject a generic object that specifies the accepted FUIGeometryType, Representation Type, and Map Type.

    Variables Available in FUIEditingGeometryObject:

    • geometry: The geometry associated with the editing object

    • cachedGeometry: The cached instance of the geometry

    • cachedIndex: The cached index for polylines and polygons for their selected index

    Methods Available in FUIEditingGeometryObject:

    • addRepresentation(to context: MapContextType): A method to add the geometry to the map.

    • removeRepresentation(from context: MapContextType): A method to remove the geometry from the map.

    • redrawRepresentation(in context: MapContextType, with existingCoordinates: [CLLocationCoordinate2D], scheme: FUIBackgroundColorScheme, traits: UIUserInterfaceStyle): A method to re-draw the geometry display in the map.

    See more



    public class FUIEditingGeometryObject<GeometryType, RepresentationType, MapContextType> : FUIManageRepresentation where GeometryType : FUIGeometry
  • Wrapper class of geometry types



    public class FUIGeometryBaseTypeWrapper<PointType, PolylineType, PolygonType> : FUIGeometryTypeWrapper where PointType : FUIInitCoordinate, PolylineType : FUIInitCoordinates, PolygonType : FUIInitCoordinates
  • MKPointAnnotation subclass to support selection state.



    public class FUIMKPointAnnotation : MKPointAnnotation
  • A generic class supports both MapKit and Esri for storing route segments and stops information.

    See more



    open class FUIRoute<LineGeometry, PointGeometry> where LineGeometry : FUIPolyline, PointGeometry : FUIPoint
    extension FUIRoute: Hashable
  • A subclass of FUIMKMapFloorplanViewController designed to be used with MapKit framework. It adds additional functionality to map floorplan controller to support routes display.


    Create a FUIRoute instance for each route you want to display. Make sure your route stop geometry type extends MKPointAnnotation and FUIAnnotation, and route segment geometry type extends MKPolyline and FUIOverlay.

    1. Implement FUIMKRoutingMapViewDataSource methods.

    In the routing floorplan controller viewDidLoad() set the datasource.

    self.dataSource = dataSource
    func numberOfRoutes(in mapView: MKMapView) -> Int { return 1 }
    func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, routeAt index: Int) -> FUIRoute<MKPolyline, MKPointAnnotation> { return fuiRoute }
    1. FUIMKRoutingMapViewDelegate provides more functionalities that you can make your app more powerful.

    In the floorplan controller viewDidLoad() set the delegate.

    self.delegate = delegate

    Determine how annotation view/overlay renderer should appear. You can customize the view/render provided with fiori default styles.

    func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, willRender annotationView: MKAnnotationView, forVertexAtIndex vertexIndex: Int, inRouteAt routeIndex: Int, in state: FUIMapFloorplan.State) {
       switch annotationView {
       case is FUICircleAnnotationView:
           (annotationView as! FUICircleAnnotationView).innerColor = .red
       case is FUIMarkerAnnotationView:
           (annotationView as! FUIMarkerAnnotationView).markerTintColor = .blue

    Respond to route select/deselect action

    func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didSelectRouteAt index: Int)
    func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didSelectVertexAt vertexIndex: Int, inRouteAt routeIndex: Int)
    func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didDeselectRouteAt index: Int)
    func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didDeselectVertexAt vertexIndex: Int, inRouteAt routeIndex: Int)


    See more



    open class FUIMKRoutingFloorplanViewController : FUIMKMapFloorplanViewController
  • Base inner view for FUIMapDetailTagObjectTableViewCell.



    public class FUIMapDetailTagObjectView : FUIObjectView
  • Base container for showing business object information.

    Example Initialization and Configuration:

    let view = FUICardBaseContainer<Header: UIView, InnerView: Drawing>()
    view.primaryAction.isHidden = false
    view.secondaryAction.isHidden = false
    view.primaryAction.setTitle(<#T##String?#>, for: <#T##UIControlState#>)
    view.secondaryAction.setTitle(<#T##String?#>, for: <#T##UIControlState#>)


    Please refer to FUIObjectCardView documentation for all supported attributes.

    See more


  • Base container for showing object actions in footer.

    Example Initialization and Configuration:

    let view = FUICardFooterView()
    view.primaryButton.isHidden = false
    view.primaryAction.setTitle("Primary", for: .normal)
    view.secondaryAction.isHidden = false
    view.secondaryAction.setTitle("Secondary", for: .normal)
    See more
  • Base container for showing business object header information.

    Example Initialization and Configuration:

    let view = FUICardHeaderView()
    view.detailImageView.image = UIImage(named: "imageName")
    view.overflowAction.isHidden = false
    view.title = "Title"


    Supported TEXT class paths:

    fdlFUICardHeaderView_title {} fdlFUICardHeaderView_overflowAction {}

    Supported TEXT properties:

    font-color: Color; font-style: UIFontTextStyle; text-align: NSTextAlignment;

    Supported IMAGE class paths:

    fdlFUICardHeaderView_detailImageView {}

    Supported IMAGE properties:

    tint-color: Color;

    See more



    open class FUICardHeaderView : FUITintableDrawingView<FUIControlState>, FUICardHeaderViewComponent
  • Showing business list card information as inner view for collection view cell.

    See more



    open class FUIListCardCollectionViewCell<ItemIdentifier> : FUIBaseDrawingCollectionViewCell<FUIListCardView<ItemIdentifier>> where ItemIdentifier : Hashable, ItemIdentifier : Identifiable
  • Base inner view showing business object information for FUIListCardView.

    Example Initialization and Configuration:

    let view = FUIListCardView<<#ItemIdentifier: Hashable & Identifiable#>>()
    view.register(<#T##cellClass: AnyClass?##AnyClass?#>, forCellReuseIdentifier: <#T##String#>)
    view.cellProvider = ((UITableView, IndexPath, ItemIdentifier) -> UITableViewCell)
    view.cellTappedHandler = ...



    open class FUIListCardContentView<ItemIdentifier> : FUIBaseDrawingView, FUIListCardComponent, UITableViewDelegate where ItemIdentifier : Hashable, ItemIdentifier : Identifiable
  • Showing business list card information as inner view for table view cell.

    See more



    open class FUIListCardTableViewCell<ItemIdentifier> : FUIBaseDrawingTableViewCell<FUIListCardView<ItemIdentifier>> where ItemIdentifier : Hashable, ItemIdentifier : Identifiable
  • Base container for showing business object header information.

    Example Initialization and Configuration:

    let view = FUIListCardView<ItemIdentifier>()
    view.detailImageView.image = UIImage(named: "imageName")
    view.title = "Title"
    view.primaryButton.isHidden = false
    view.primaryAction.setTitle("Primary", for: .normal)
    view.secondaryAction.isHidden = false
    view.secondaryAction.setTitle("Secondary", for: .normal)
    view.overflowAction.isHidden = false
    view.overflowAction.setImage(UIImage(systemName: "ellipsis"), for: .normal)
    view.register(cellClass: AnyClass?, forCellReuseIdentifier: "reuseIdentifier")
    view.cellProvider = ((UITableView, IndexPath, ItemIdentifier) -> UITableViewCell)
    view.cellTappedHandler = ...


    let view = FUIListCardView<ItemIdentifier>()


    Supported TEXT class paths:

    fdlFUICardHeaderView_title {} fdlFUIListCardView_overflowAction {} fdlFUIListCardView_primaryAction {} fdlFUIListCardView_secondaryAction {}

    Supported TEXT properties:

    font-color: Color; font-style: UIFontTextStyle; text-align: NSTextAlignment;

    Supported IMAGE class paths:

    fdlFUIListCardView_detailImageView {}

    Supported IMAGE properties:

    tint-color: Color;

    See more



    open class FUIListCardView<ItemIdentifier> : FUICardBaseContainer<FUICardHeaderView, FUIListCardContentView<ItemIdentifier>>, FUICardHeaderViewComponent where ItemIdentifier : Hashable, ItemIdentifier : Identifiable
    extension FUIListCardView: FUIListCardComponent
  • FUIObjectCard is a collection view UI component which extends FUIBaseAccessoryDrawingCollectionViewCell for showing rich business information for an object in a card format, including tags and rating. The FUIObjectCard can also be configured to use single action button.

    Initialization and Configuration:

    To use FUIObjectCard, it should be dequeued from a UICollectionView and returned in its data source method.

    Example of setting an FUIObjectCard by implementing cellForItemWith in the collection view:

       cell.title.text = "Business Object Title"
       cell.subtitle.text = "Business Object Subtitle"
       cell.footnote.text = "Business Object Footnote"
       cell.tags = [FUITag(title: "Tag - 1"), FUITag(title: "Tag - 2"), FUITag(title: "Tag - 3")]
       cell.rating = 5
       cell.trailingProperties = [.tags, .footnote, .rating]
       cell.status.text = "$26.99"
       cell.actionAccessoryType = .button
       cell.actionAccessoryView?.button.setImage(FUIIconLibrary.system.cartAdd.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate), for: .normal)
       cell.actionAccessoryView?.button.contentMode = .center

    Tags Compression Behavior:

    Based on Fiori Global Design guidance, if the content size of tags component goes beyond one line, it will be truncated automatically to be fitted into one line display mode with a placeholder showing a title of “+x more” information (x means the number of remaining tags that are hidden). Please note that the compression will not work when the tag’s content is too long or only one tag is set.

    Trailing Properties:

    The order of trailing properties, including .tags, .footnote and .rating, can be set by the developer. By default, the trailing properties is set to [.footnote, .rating, .tags]. If there are duplicated trailing properties, only the first one will be displayed.

    Default Styling:

    Depending on the selection state, the tint color and button style of hierarchy icon, the font size of the title text, and the cell’s background color will be updated automatically.


    Supported class paths:

    fdlFUIObjectCard {}

    Please refer to FUIObjectCardContentView documentation for all supported attributes.

    See more



    open class FUIObjectCard : FUIBaseAccessoryDrawingCollectionViewCell<FUIObjectCardContentView>, InnerViewContainerEventHandling, FUIContentCopyableView
  • Showing business object card information as inner view for collection view cell.

    See more



    open class FUIObjectCardCollectionViewCell : FUIBaseDrawingCollectionViewCell<FUIObjectCardView>
  • Base inner view showing business object information for FUIObjectCard.

    Example Initialization and Configuration:

    let view = FUIObjectCardContentView()
    view.title.text = "Business Object Title"
    view.subtitle.text = "Business Object Subtitle"
    view.footnote.text = "Business Object Footnote"
    view.status.text = "Business Object Status"
    view.statusImageView.image = UIImage(named: <#image#>)
    view.tags = [FUITag(title: "Tag - 1"), FUITag(title: "Tag - 2"), FUITag(title: "Tag - 3")]
    view.rating = 5
    view.trailingProperties = [.rating, .tags, .footnote]
    view.iconImages = ["1", FUIIconLibrary.indicator.veryHighPriority.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate)]


    Supported TEXT class paths:

    fdlFUIObjectCardContentView_title {} fdlFUIObjectCardContentView_subtitle {} fdlFUIObjectCardContentView_footnote {} fdlFUIObjectCardContentView_status {} fdlFUIObjectCardContentView_body {} fdlFUIObjectCardContentView_overflowAction {}

    Supported TEXT properties:

    font-color: Color; font-style: UIFontTextStyle; text-align: NSTextAlignment;

    Supported IMAGE class paths:

    fdlFUIObjectCardContentView_detailImageView {}

    Supported IMAGE properties:

    tint-color: Color;

    See more



    open class FUIObjectCardContentView : FUIObjectViewBase, FUIObjectCardComponent
  • Showing business object card information as inner view for table view cell.

    See more



    open class FUIObjectCardTableViewCell : FUIBaseDrawingTableViewCell<FUIObjectCardView>
  • Showing business object card information.

    Example Initialization and Configuration:

    let view = FUIObjectCardView()
    view.primaryButton.isHidden = false
    view.primaryAction.setTitle("Primary", for: .normal)
    view.secondaryAction.isHidden = false
    view.secondaryAction.setTitle("Secondary", for: .normal)
    view.overflowAction.isHidden = false
    view.overflowAction.setImage(UIImage(systemName: "ellipsis"), for: .normal)
    view.title.text = "Business Object Title"
    view.subtitle.text = "Business Object Subtitle"
    view.footnote.text = "Business Object Footnote"
    view.status.text = "Business Object Status"


    let view = FUIObjectCardView()


    Supported class paths:

    fdlFUIObjectCardView {} fdlFUIObjectCardView_title {} fdlFUIObjectCardView_subtitle {} fdlFUIObjectCardView_footnote {} fdlFUIObjectCardView_status {} fdlFUIObjectCardView_body {} fdlFUIObjectCardView_primaryAction {} fdlFUIObjectCardView_secondaryAction {} fdlFUIObjectCardView_overflowAction {}

    See more
  • Typically not used by developer



    open class FUIBaseAccessoryDrawingCollectionViewCell<InnerView> : FUIBaseDrawingCollectionViewCell<InnerView> where InnerView : FUIBaseFixedMarginsView, InnerView : FUIBackgroundSchemeSupporting, InnerView : FUICalculateLayout, InnerView : FUIReactingToAccessory, InnerView : FUIStyleByStringAttributes
  • Typically not used by developer

    See more



    open class FUITableViewAccessoryDrawingCollectionViewCell<InnerView> : FUIBaseAccessoryDrawingCollectionViewCell<InnerView> where InnerView : FUIBaseFixedMarginsView, InnerView : FUIBackgroundSchemeSupporting, InnerView : FUICalculateLayout, InnerView : FUIReactingToAccessory, InnerView : FUIStyleByStringAttributes
  • A base class that is the FUIBaseDrawingTableViewCell subclass for presenting an object view inside a table view cell, which defines common layout elements shared by FUIObjectTableViewCell and FUIHierarchyItemTableViewCell.

    See more



    open class FUIObjectBaseTableViewCell<InnerView> : FUIBaseDrawingTableViewCell<InnerView>, FUIContentCopyable where InnerView : FUIBaseFixedMarginsView, InnerView : FUIBackgroundSchemeSupporting, InnerView : FUICalculateLayout, InnerView : FUIObjectBaseDrawing, InnerView : FUIReactingToAccessory, InnerView : FUIStyleByStringAttributes
  • Typically not used by developer

    See more
  • This controller is to display the photo picker to select a QR code for app activation.


    The delegate object with type FUIOnboardingPhotoPicker is declared as a weak reference. On deallocation it will be automatically set to nil. To keep it alive as expected, developer should retain the delegate object during its whole execution scope.

    See more



    public class FUIOnboardingPhotoPicker : UIViewController, PHPickerViewControllerDelegate
  • This UITableViewController is used to display a perissions screen to the application for settings. The screen mainly show the privacy authorization status of the application.

    let vc = FUIPrivacyNoticeSettingsController()
    vc.items = [FUIPrivacyNoticeItem]
    vc.footerText = "SAP Application uses the permissions below to provide you with the best experience we catered to you"
    vc.cellProvider = { tb, items, cell -> UITableViewCell in .... }
    self.navigationController?.pushViewController(vc, animated: true)


    Support TableViewCell class paths:

    fdlFUIPrivacyNoticeSettingsCell {}

    Supported TableViewCell attributes:

    tint-color (Color)
    background-color (Color)
    background-color-selected (Color)

    Supported Text class paths:

    fdlFUIPrivacyNoticeSettingsCell_title {}
    fdlFUIPrivacyNoticeSettingsCell_status {}
    fdlFUIPrivacyNoticeSettingsCell_statusImageView {}
    fdlFUIPrivacyNoticeSettingsCell_statusLabel {}
    fdlFUIPrivacyNoticeSettingsCell_detailImageView {}
    See more



    open class FUIPrivacyNoticeSettingsTableViewController : UITableViewController
  • This UITableViewController is used to display the edit operation of the permission.


    let vc = FUIPrivacyNoticeDetailSettingViewController()
    vc.item = item
    vc.footerText = "footer Text"
    vc.cellProvider = { tb, item, cell -> UITableViewCell in .... }
    vc.buttonCell.onChangeHandler = { value in
    See more



    open class FUIPrivacyNoticeDetailSettingViewController : UITableViewController
  • The reusable UI component implemented as a UITableViewCell to display as a SettingsCell.

    When implementing the UITableViewDataSource cellForRow(at:) function, set the following properties on the cell:

    • title.text: A String value that is used to display ‘Title’
    • status.text: A String value that is used to display ‘Status’
    • detailImageView: A UIImageView value that is used to display the image on the left.
    • isHideStatusImageView: A Boolean value that determines whether the statusImageView is hidden.


     tableView.register(FUIPrivacyNoticeSettingsCell.self, forCellReuseIdentifier: FUIPrivacyNoticeSettingsCell.reuseIdentifier)
     func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
         let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: FUIPrivacyNoticeSettingsCell.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath) as! FUIPrivacyNoticeSettingsCell
         cell.title.text = "Title"
         cell.status.text = "Authorization Status"
         cell.detailImageView.image = UIImage(systemName: "figure.roll")
         return cell

    Theming: Supported style classes:

     fdlFUIPrivacyNoticeSettingsCell {}
     fdlFUIPrivacyNoticeSettingsCell_detailImageView {}
     fdlFUIPrivacyNoticeSettingsCell_title {}
     fdlFUIPrivacyNoticeSettingsCell_status {}
     fdlFUIPrivacyNoticeSettingsCell_statusImageView {}
    See more



    open class FUIPrivacyNoticeSettingsTableViewCell : FUIBaseDrawingTableViewCell<FUISettingsContentView>
  • The content view of a SettingsCell.

    See more


  • View component of an FUIPrivacyNoticeController.


    let view = FUIPrivacyNoticeView()
    view.delegate = self
    view.title.text = "Default title"
    view.subtitle.text = "Default subtitle"
    view.detailImageView.image = UIImage(systemName: "")
    // delegate
    func privacyNoticeView(_ sender: AnyObject) { ... }


    Supported style classes

    fdlFUIPrivacyNoticeView {}
    fdlFUIPrivacyNoticeView_imageView {}
    fdlFUIPrivacyNoticeView_titleView {}
    fdlFUIPrivacyNoticeView_subtitleView {}
    fdlFUIPrivacyNoticeView_primaryAction {}
    See more
  • This UIViewController is used to display a permissions screen to the application for onboarding. The controller mainly shows the user the reason for requesting permission.


    let controller = FUIPrivacyNoticeViewController()
    controller.titleText.text = ""
    controller.subtitle.text = ""
    controller.detailImageView.image = UIImage()
    // didSelectHandler
    controller.primaryAction?.didSelectHandler = { button in ... }

    The FUIPrivacyNoticeItem is a struct type that provides five default types:

    • location: Location permissions
    • notification: Notifications permissions
    • photo: Photos permissions
    • calendar: Calendar permissions
    • camera: Camera permissions


    let controller = FUIPrivacyNoticeViewController.makeViewController(for: .location) { [weak self] (status: CLAuthorizationStatus) in
    guard let self = self else { return }

    Theming: Supported style classes

    See more



    open class FUIPrivacyNoticeViewController<AuthorizationStatus> : FUIBaseDrawingViewController<FUIPrivacyNoticeView>, CLLocationManagerDelegate
  • A UISegmentedControl subclass with Fiori styles.


    let segmentControl = FUISegmentControl(items: ["Segment 1", "Segment 2", "Segment 3"])
    segmentControl.addTarget(self, action: #selector(selectionChange(segmentControl:)), for: .primaryActionTriggered)

    Use segment control in a container with dark background

    segmentControl.backgroundColorScheme = .darkConstant


    fdlFUISegmentControl {
       background-color (Color)
       background-image { -selected | -highlighted | -disabled } (Image)
       tint-color (Color)
       selected-segment-tint-color (Color)
       // The divider image to be used when both left and right segment are in normal state
       divider-image (Image)
       font-color { -selected | -highlighted | -disabled } (Color)
       text-shadow-color { -selected | -highlighted | -disabled } (Color)
       text-shadow-offset { -selected | -highlighted | -disabled } (Size)
       font-name { -selected | -highlighted | -disabled } (FontName)
       font-size { -selected | -highlighted | -disabled } (Size)
       font-style { -selected | -highlighted | -disabled } (UIFont.TextStyle)
    See more



    open class FUISegmentControl : UISegmentedControl, FUIAttributedStringDrawing
  • The FUIStepProgressIndicator is a UIView subclass that enables a developer to present linear steps progress using the default Fiori indicator.

    Initialization and Configuration

    Example of setting an FUIStepProgressIndicator:

       let view = FUIStepProgressIndicator(selection: "step id",
                                           stepItems: [FUIStepItem])
       view.title.text = "step title"
       view.primaryAction.setTitle("All Steps: 4)", for: .normal)
       view.primaryAction.setImage(UIImage(systemName: "chevron.right"), for: .normal)
       view.selectionDidUpdated = { [view] selection in
           // handle new title for selected step


    Supported FUIStepProgressIndicator class paths:

    fdlFUIStepProgressIndicator {}
    fdlFUIStepProgressIndicator_title {}
    fdlFUIStepProgressIndicator_primaryAction {}

    Supported Text attributes:

    font-color (Color)
    font-name (FontName)
    font-style (UIFontTextStyle)
    font-size (Number)

    Supported FUIButton properties:

    font-style: (Font Style Name)
    font-color: (Color)
    background-color-normal: (Color)
    background-color-highlighted: (Color)

    Supported Step properties:

    fdlFUIStepProgressIndicator_normal/completed/error/disabled {
       node-foreground: white;
       node-foreground-highlighted: black;
       node-foreground-selected: black;
       node-background: white;
       node-background-highlight: white;
       node-background-selected: white;
       title-color: green;
       title-color-highlighted: black;
       title-color-selected: blue;
       title-color-selected-highlighted: red;
       font-name: callout;
       font-name-highlighted: callout;
       font-name-selected: callout;
       font-name-selected-highlighted: callout;
       font-name-vertical: callout;
       font-name-vertical-highlighted: callout;
       font-name-vertical-selected: callout;
       font-name-vertical-selected-highlighted: callout;


    See more



    open class FUIStepProgressIndicator : FUITintableDrawingView<FUIControlState>, FUIStepProgressIndicatorComponent
  • FUITimelineNowIndicatorCell is a UITableViewCell subclass, designed to present now indicator in a Timeline view.

    ## Usage

    override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
        let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "FUITimelineNowIndicatorCell", for: indexPath) as! FUITimelineNowIndicatorCell
        return cell

    ## Notes ### SingleLine Separator Between Timeline Items in the Table The default table view separatorStyle is .singleLine. Because of this default setting, there can be a 1.0 px divider line or a separator in-between each item on the timeline in the table. This is not an issue in timeline. To get rid of the separator, set separatorStyle to none in the TabelViewController class

     override func viewDidLoad() {
        // ...
        self.tableView.separatorStyle = .none
        // ...

    ### Hide the Separator in the next Timeline Items in the Table The Separator can be hiden in the next Timeline cell as following

        cell.separatorLineView.isHidden = true

    ## Theming Supported style classes

    See more



    open class FUITimelineNowIndicatorCell : NibDesignableFUIBaseTableViewCell, FUIStyleSheetAttributesApplying
  • Section layout manager subclass specifically designed for FUIStandardAutoSizingColumnFlowLayout which layout the cells in columns with the same width.

    See more



    open class FUIStandardAutoSizingColumnSectionLayoutManager : FUISectionLayoutManager
  • Manager class which supplies color palette values to Fiori components, and the UIColor.preferredFioriColor(...) API.

    Changes made to the manager affect all future calls to UIColor.preferredFioriColor(...). Most components do not reload dynamically, so calls to the ThemeManager should happen at the beginning of the application lifecycle.


    AppDelegate.didFinishLaunching(withOptions...) is the recommended location.

    Example Usage

    // Pin palette version used by application to a specific version (defaults to `.latest`)
    // Override some color definitions to match your application palette
    FUIThemeManager.shared.setColor(.darkGray, for: .primary2, background: .light)
    FUIThemeManager.shared.setHexColor("1b931d", for: .positive, background: .light)
    See more



    public class FUIThemeManager
  • The FUIBaseCalendarItemCollectionViewCell class defines the attributes and behavior of the cells that appear in calendar view objects.

    See more



    open class FUIBaseCalendarItemCollectionViewCell : UICollectionViewCell
  • Undocumented

    See more



    public class SkeletonAnimationBuilder
  • Undocumented

    See more



    public class SkeletonViewAppearance