
open class FUIToolbar : UIToolbar

FUIToolbar is a subclass of ‘UIToolbar’ which displays the UIBarButtonItem array in Fiori style.

Developers needs to create UINavigationController with the following code to use FUIToolbar as its toolbar.

UINavigationController(navigationBarClass: nil, toolbarClass: FUIToolbar.self)

Then in the viewDidLoad function of the UIViewController use the following code to set the toolbar items for text buttons:

var buttons: [FUIButton] = [...]
setFioriStyleToolbarItems(buttons, helperText: helperText, animated: true)

Or, for icon type items:

let item1 = UIBarButtonItem(image: shareIcon, ...) // item1 is the primary item
let item2 = UIBarButtonItem(image: trashIcon, ...)
var items: [UIBarButtonItem] = [item1, item2, ...]
setFioriStyleToolbarItems(items, helperText: helperText, animated: true)


Supported TEXT class paths:

fdlFUIToolbar_helperText {}

Supported TEXT properties:

font-color: Color;
font-style: UIFontTextStyle;

Supported UIBarButtonItem class path:

fdlFUIToolbar_overflowButton {}

Supported UIBarButtonItem properties:

image: Name;
  • The custom color for helper text.

    The default is nil: the default Fiori color will be used.



    open var helperTextColor: UIColor? { get set }
  • The custom font for helper text.

    The default is nil: the default Fiori font will be used.



    open var helperTextFont: UIFont? { get set }
  • The custom image for the overflow button.

    The default is nil: the default image will be used.

    Note that due to the limitations of the UIBarButtonItem image property, this property needs to be set before the items are set using the setFioriStyleToolbarItems API.



    open var overflowButtonImage: UIImage?
  • This property indicates whether the two buttons are edge-aligned when the helper text is not empty, regardless of the type of buttons.

    The default is false, meaning that edge-aligned is only for two tertiary buttons with helper text.



    open var alwaysEdgeAlignedForTwoButtons: Bool
  • Undocumented



    open override var accessibilityElements: [Any]? { get set }