
public class FUIOrderPickerCollectionViewCell : FUIBaseDrawingCollectionViewCell<FUIOrderPickerFormView>, FUIContentCopyable, FUITableAndCollectionCellUpdate

FUIOrderPickerCollectionViewCell is a UICollectionViewCell subclass that is used in the advanced sort pattern when there are multiple sort criteria involved. The component allows users to adjust the priority of sort criteria and flexibly switch order direction.

## Usage Example:

 let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: FUIOrderPickerCollectionViewCell.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath) as! FUIOrderPickerCollectionViewCell

 cell.value = [
 FUISortCriterion(criterion: FUIMultiLineText("Priority"),
                  isSelected: true,
                  isAscending: false,
                  ascendingText: FUIMultiLineText("Lowest first"),
                  descendingText: FUIMultiLineText("Highest first")),
 FUISortCriterion(criterion: FUIMultiLineText("Name"),
                  isSelected: false,
                  isAscending: true,
                  ascendingText: FUIMultiLineText("Ascending"),
                  descendingText: FUIMultiLineText("Descending"))

cell.onChangeHandler = { [unowned self] change, newValue in
     // change contains the info about immediate change to sort criterions
     // newValue contains the latest array of sort criterions

return cell

 // more customization options
 // change the title
 cell.title = FUIText("Order by", font: UIFont.preferredFioriFont(forTextStyle: .largeTitle), textColor: UIColor.preferredFioriColor(forStyle: .negativeLabel))

 // change the selected icon for all sort criteria
 let config = UIImage.SymbolConfiguration(font: UIFont.preferredFioriFont(forTextStyle: .body))
 let icon = UIImage(systemName: "checkmark.circle", withConfiguration: config)
 cell.selectedIcon = icon

 // change the appearance of labels in sort criterion with font, textColor and numberOfLines in FUIMultiLineText
 FUIMultiLineText("Priority", font: UIFont.preferredFioriFont(forTextStyle: .body), textColor: UIColor.purple)

 // other options
 cell.isAtLeastOneSelected = false
 cell.isContentCopyable = false

## Theming

Supported TEXT class paths:

    fdlFUIOrderPickerFormItemCell_title {}
    fdlFUIOrderPickerFormItemCell_subtitle {}

Supported TEXT properties:

    font-color: Color;
    font-style: UIFontTextStyle;

Supported IMAGE class paths:

    fdlFUIOrderPickerFormItemCell_leadingImageView {}

Supported IMAGE properties:

    image-name: UIImage;
    font-style: UIFontTextStyle;
    tint-color: UIColor;

See Theming support in FUIOrderPickerFormView and FUIOrderPickerFormItemView.

  • The reuseIdentifier forFUIOrderPickerFormCell.



    public override class var reuseIdentifier: String { get }
  • The title for FUIOrderPickerFormCell

    The default text is “Sort by”, color is .primaryLabel; font-style: .headline semibold



    public var title: FUIText? { get set }
  • The icon for selected criterion

    The default icon is SF symbol: .checkmark; color: .tint; font-style: .body



    public var selectedIcon: UIImage? { get set }
  • Determines whether at least one sort criterion should be selected.

    The default is true.



    public var isAtLeastOneSelected: Bool { get set }
  • Determines whether at least one sort criterion should be selected.

    The default is true.



    @available(*, deprecated, message: "Please use isAtLeastOneSelected instead")
    public var atLeastOneSelected: Bool { get set }
  • Implementation of the change handler. This is invoked on changes to the value property.



    public var onChangeHandler: ((FUISortCriterion.Change, [FUISortCriterion]) -> Void)? { get set }
  • The array of sort criteria.



    public var value: [FUISortCriterion] { get set }
  • Declaration


    public var isContentCopyable: Bool { get set }