
open class FUIWelcomeScreen : FUIWelcomeController, UITextFieldDelegate, FUISolidNavigationBarProtocol, UIScrollViewDelegate

This UIViewController is used to display a welcome/launch screen to the application for onboarding. The screen mainly displays the application name, instructions on how to start the activation process and an option to trigger the demo mode of the application.

Welcome Screen

Welcome Screen

Application can implement the FUIWelcomeControllerDelegate protocol, to present the demo mode of the application by adopting with the didSelectDemoMode(_:) function, to proceed sign in by implementing the shouldContinueUserOnboarding(_:) function, to proceed configuration based on the configuration options by implementing the welcomeController(_:willNavigateToActivationScreen:), welcomeController(_:shouldTryUserEmail:), or welcomeController(_:willNavigateToScannerScreen:) functions.

FUIWelcomeScreen is implemented in FUIWelcomeScreen.storyboard. There are two ways to launch the screen:

  • Use another story board and use a Present Modally segue to FUIWelcomeScreen storyboard in SAPFiori framework with com.sap.cp.sdk.ios.SAPFiori as Bundle. App programmer needs to provide the properties needed in UIController‘s prepare for segue function:

override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
let vc = segue.destination as! FUIWelcomeScreen
vc.state = .isConfigured
vc.detailLabel.text = "Thank you for downloading SAP Project Companion for Managers."
vc.delegate = self

  • Programmatically loads it:

let vc = FUIWelcomeScreen.createInstanceFromStoryboard()
vc.state = .isConfigured
vc.detailLabel.text = "Thank you for downloading SAP Project Companion for Managers."
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(vc, animated: true)

Settings for possible welcome screens being launched:

  • Launch with Standard: Application contains the necessary configurations to connect to mobile services, and should prompt user to Start.
  • state property: .isConfigured
  • configurationOptions property: not required. Value would be ignored.
  • delegate function(s) to be implemented: shouldContinueUserOnboarding(_:), didSelectDemoMode(_:) if isDemoAvailable is true.

  • Welcome Screen Launched with Link: Application has not been configured, and does not use FUIWelcomeScreen flow to obtain configuration.

  • state property: .notConfigured

  • configurationOptions property: empty value

  • delegate function(s) to be implemented: didSelectDemoMode(_:) if isDemoAvailable is true

  • Welcome Screen Launched with Discovery Service: Application has not been configured, and should prompt the end user for their email address.

  • state property: .notConfigured

  • configurationOptions property: .discoveryService

  • delegate function(s) to be implemented: welcomeController(_:shouldTryUserEmail:), didSelectDemoMode(_:) if isDemoAvailable is true

  • Welcome Screen Launched with Scanner: Application has not been configured, and should prompt the end user to launch the Barcode Scanner to obtain connection settings.

  • state property: .notConfigured

  • configurationOptions property: .barcodeScanner

  • delegate function(s) to be implemented: welcomeController(_:willNavigateToScannerScreen:), didSelectDemoMode(_:) if isDemoAvailable is true

  • Welcome Screen Launched with Activation: Application has not been configured, and should prompt the end user to pick between email address entry, or the Barcode Scanner, to obtain connection settings.

  • state property: .notConfigured

  • configurationOptions property: [.discoveryService, .barcodeScanner]

  • delegate function(s) to be implemented: welcomeController(_:willNavigateToActivationScreen:), didSelectDemoMode(_:) if isDemoAvailable is true

Note that the FUIWelcomeScreen is supported for iPad portrait and landscape orientation and iPhone portrait orientation only. Since the screen is not supported in iPhone landscape orientation, the app needs to switch to portrait mode before presenting the screen. And AppDelegate needs to lock the screen orientation when these screens are shown, similar to the following code snippet.

In app’s AppDelegate:

public var inFUIWelcomeScreen: Bool = false

// implement this function to support only portrait orientation when FUIWelcomeScreen is displayed in iPhone.
func application(_ application: UIApplication, supportedInterfaceOrientationsFor window: UIWindow?) -> UIInterfaceOrientationMask {
   if !inFUIWelcomeScreen {
       return .allButUpsideDown
   } else {
       return .portrait

Before presenting the FUIWelcomeScreen:

// Let `AppDelegate` know that we are entering the screen
(UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate).inFUIWelcomeScreen = true

// Make sure we rotate to portrait mode
let value = UIInterfaceOrientation.portrait.rawValue
UIDevice.current.setValue(value, forKey: "orientation")

// Present the screen
let vc = FUIWelcomeScreen.createInstanceFromStoryboard()
vc.detailLabel.text = "Thank you for downloading SAP Project Companion for Managers."
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(vc, animated: true)

After dismissing the Passcode or Touch ID screen:

onboardingScreen.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)

// Let `AppDelegate` know that we are exiting the view
(UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate).inFUIWelcomeScreen = false


Supported style classes



  • The delegate object with type FUIWelcomeControllerDelegate is declared as a weak reference. On deallocation it will be automatically set to nil. To keep it alive as expected, developer should retain the delegate object during its whole execution scope.

  • Developer can replace the logo image in the FUIWelcomeScreen using theming nss file. For example:

    fdlFUIWelcomeScreen_logoImageView {
    image-name: MyCompanyLogo.png;

    Or, developer could use the logoImageView property to set the logo image directly.

  • Creates a FUIWelcomeScreen object from storyboard and intitialize subview compoennts.



    public class func createInstanceFromStoryboard() -> FUIWelcomeScreen

    Return Value

    A FUIWelcomeScreen object.

  • Headline label - setting headlineLabel.text displays the welcome headline message on the screen. Framework does not display any default text.



    public private(set) var headlineLabel: UILabel! { get }
  • Detail label - setting detailLabel.text displays the instruction statement on the screen; otherwise, framework displays the default text.



    public private(set) var detailLabel: UILabel! { get }
  • An image view to be added to the Welcome screen.

    This image view is to be displayed on the top center of the welcome screen and is typically the company logo image. Developer is expected to set the image property in order to display this image to the passcode views.

    • The image view will not be displayed if its image property is not set.
    • Developer can set the headlineImageViewSize property to a specified size. Otherwise, the default size will be used when headlineImageViewSize property is nil.



    public var headlineImageView: UIImageView
  • The size of the image view.

    If this property is nil, the default size of 256 px width and 54 px height is used. Note that the the maximum width is limited to 256 px and the maximum height is limited to 54 px.



    public var headlineImageViewSize: CGSize?
  • Email text field - it is visible only when state is .notConfigured and configurationOptions is .discoveryService.



    public var emailTextField: FUIAutoResizingTextField { get }
  • Undocumented



    public private(set) var primaryActionButton: FUIOnboardingButton! { get }
  • Footnote label - Setting footnoteLabel.text displays the demo message on the screen; otherwise, framework displays the default text.



    public private(set) var footnoteLabel: UILabel! { get }
  • Undocumented



    public private(set) var footnoteActionButton: FUIOnboardingButton! { get }
  • Welcome detail label - setting welcomeDetailLabel.text displays the welcome detail message on the screen. Framework does not display any default text.


    Note This property has been deprecated and renamed to headlineLabel. Please update your code to reference headlineLabel directly.



    @available(*, deprecated, message: "This property has been renamed to `headlineLabel`.  Please update your code to reference `headlineLabel` directly.")
    public var welcomeDetailLabel: UILabel! { get }
  • Undocumented



    public var signInButton: FUIOnboardingButton! { get }
  • Demo label - setting demoLabel.text displays the demo message on the screen; otherwise, framework displays the default text.


    Note This property has been deprecated and renamed to footnoteLabel. Please update your code to reference footnoteLabel directly.



    @available(*, deprecated, message: "This property has been renamed to `footnoteLabel`.  Please update your code to reference `footnoteLabel` directly.")
    public var demoLabel: UILabel! { get }
  • Undocumented



    public var demoButton: FUIOnboardingButton! { get }
  • The message to be displayed under the loading indicator checking account information for Discovery Service.

    If this is nil, the default message is localized “Checking Account…”.



    public var loadingMessage: String?
  • Indicates whether to show the Cancel button when checking account information for the Discovery Service.

    If the showsCancelButton is true, the Cancel button will be shown upon launching the Welcome screen, and showsCancelButtonForDiscoveryService will not be applied in this case. However, if showsCancelButton is false and showsCancelButtonForDiscoveryService is true, the Cancel button will be added after clicking the button for the Discovery Service.

    If this is true, a Cancel button will be displayed on the left side of the navigation bar. The default is false.



    public var showsCancelButtonForDiscoveryService: Bool
  • Indicates whether to show the Cancel button on Welcome Screen.

    If this is true, a Cancel button will be displayed on the left of the navigation bar. The default is false.



    public var showsCancelButton: Bool
  • The block to be executed when the user tapped the Cancel button when checking account information for the Discovery Service.



    public var cancelHandler: (() -> Void)?
  • The UIImageView for the logo image.

    The default is the SAP logo.



    public private(set) weak var logoImageView: UIImageView! { get }
  • The FUIWelcomeControllerDelegate implementation.



    public weak var delegate: FUIWelcomeControllerDelegate?
  • A flag to indicate demo availability. Default is true. Only when it’s true, display Want to explore label and Try the Demo button. Corresponding delegate function is didSelectDemoMode(_:) if the property is true.



    public var isDemoAvailable: Bool { get set }
  • A boolean flag indicating whether the user must agree to a legal agreement before proceeding.

    When set to true, a checkbox with user-defined text in legalTextView will be displayed. The primaryActionButton will remain disabled until the checkbox is selected. Otherwise, both the legalCheckbox and legalTextView will be hidden.

    By default, it is set to false.



    public var isLegalAgreementRequired: Bool { get set }
  • A UITextView is provided for displaying the legal agreement.

    It will only be visible when the isLegalAgreementRequired flag is set to true. The application can specify the content of the UITextView by setting either the text property or the attributedText property, allowing for customization, including formatting or the inclusion of navigation links.



    public var legalTextView: UITextView
  • A UITextView is designated for displaying text on the footer of the Welcome screen, such as terms of service.

    The application can then customize the content of the UITextView by setting either the text property or the attributedText property, allowing for inclusion of specific formatting or navigation links.



    public var footerTextView: UITextView
  • A property to indicate the state in the onboarding process. The default is .notConfigured, to indicate the application has not been configured and additionally setting configurationOptions to allow end-users to provide configuration settings during onboarding. An .isConfigured state indicates that the application contains the necessary configurations to connect to mobile services and should prompt the user to Start.


    See FUIWelcomeControllerConfigurationOption for possible configuration options when state is .notConfigured



    public var state: FUIWelcomeControllerState { get set }
  • A property to indicate the configuration option(s) in the onboarding process when state is .notConfigured. Default sets no configuration options.


    Note When state is .isConfigured, any value set to the property is ignored.



    public var configurationOptions: FUIWelcomeControllerConfigurationOption { get set }
  • Undocumented



    public func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView)
  • This function is to dismiss the loading indicator view when the email address user entered failed to be validated in Discovery Service.

    This has no effect when the validation of the email address is not in progress.



    open func dismissLoadingIndicator()