Overview patterns

  • UITableViewHeaderFooterView reusable view for headers and footers.

    The UITableViewHeaderFooterView has two style options: .title, and .attribute.

    In .title style, only the titleLabel is displayed.

    In .attribute style, the titleLabel is displayed, and the attributeLabel may also be displayed. Also, in .attribute style, the disclosure indicator is displayed by default.

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    open class FUITableViewHeaderFooterView : NibDesignableTableViewHeaderFooterView
  • UICollectionReusableView supplementary view for headers and footers. API matches that of FUITableViewHeaderFooterView, excluding leading- and trailingPadding properties.

    The FUICollectionSectionHeaderFooterView has two style options: .title, and .attribute.

    In .title style, only the titleLabel is displayed.

    In .attribute style, the titleLabel is displayed, and the attributeLabel may also be displayed. Also, in .attribute style, the disclosure indicator is displayed by default.

    To set background color, use setBackgroundColor(_:) instead of setting backgroundColor directly.

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    open class FUICollectionSectionHeaderFooterView : NibDesignableCollectionReusableView
  • Describes different presentation styles in FUISectionHeaderFooter. Determines which views are visible; affects labels’ fonts, and vertical padding.

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    public enum FUISectionHeaderFooterStyle