Data Table
is a view that displaying data in either a list view or a grid table view.Code usage:
let model = FUIDataTableModel(headerData: nil, rowData: rowData, isHeaderSticky: true, isFirstColumnSticky: true, columnAttributes: columnAttributes, rowAlignment: .top, isPinchZoomEnable: false, showRowDivider: true, showColoumnDivider: true, headerCellPadding: UIEdgeInsets(top: 8, left: 16, bottom: 8, right: 16), dataCellPadding: UIEdgeInsets(top: 16, left: 16, bottom: 16, right: 16), minRowHeight: 48, minColumnWidth: 48, allowsPartialRowDisplay: true, backgroundColor: .white, showListView: false) model.didSelectRowAt = { _ in print(model.selectedIndexes) } /// set a closure to check whether a dataItem located at (rowIndex, columnIndex) is valid; If it is valid, returns (true, nil); if it is not valid, returns false and an error message which is shown to users. model.validateDataItem = { rowIndex, columnIndex, dataItem in ... } /// set a closure to provide a `FUIDataListItem` type dataItem located at (rowIndex, columnIndex) for an array of Strings and a title for inline editing mode model.listItemDataAndTitle = { rowIndex, columnIndex in ... } /// set a closure to observe a value change for inline editing mode model.valueDidChange = { change in print("valueDidChange: \(change.description)") } let dataTable = FUIDataTable(model: model)
class paths:fdlFUIDataTable_textItem {}: TEXT theme for all cells. It has lowest priority. fdlFUIDataTable_textItem_row2 {}: TEXT theme for one speciif column. # is the column index. It has third priority. fdlFUIDataTable_textItem_column1 {}: TEXT theme for one specific row. # is the row index; header is row 0 if it existis. It has second priority. fdlFUIDataTable_textItem_row2_column1{}: TEXT theme for one specific cell. Row index and column index are required. It has highest priority.
properties:font-color: Color; font-style: UIFontTextStyle; text-line-clamp: Integer; text-align: NSTextAlignment;
class paths:fdlFUIDataTable_imageItem {}: IMAGE theme for all cells. It has lowest priority. fdlFUIDataTable_imageItem_column# {}: IMAGE theme for one speciif column. # is the column index. It has third priority. fdlFUIDataTable_imageItem_row# {}: IMAGE theme for one specific row. # is the row index; header is row 0 if it existis. It has second priority. fdlFUIDataTable_imageItem_row#_column# {}: IMAGE theme for one specific cell. Row index and column index are required. It has highest priority.
See moretint-color: Color; image-name: String;
open class FUIDataTable : UIView
is the data structure being used inFUIDataTable
view.Code Usage:
See morelet header = FUITableRowItem(leadingAccessories: [], trailingAccessory: nil, data: titles) let model = FUIDataTableModel(headerData: nil, rowData: rowData, isHeaderSticky: true, isFirstColumnSticky: true, columnAttributes: columnAttributes, rowAlignment: .top, isPinchZoomEnable: false, showRowDivider: true, showColoumnDivider: true, headerCellPadding: UIEdgeInsets(top: 8, left: 16, bottom: 8, right: 16), dataCellPadding: UIEdgeInsets(top: 16, left: 16, bottom: 16, right: 16), minRowHeight: 48, minColumnWidth: 48, allowsPartialRowDisplay: true, backgroundColor: .white, showListView: false) model.didSelectRowAt = { _ in print(model.selectedIndexes) } /// set a closure to check whether a dataItem located at (rowIndex, columnIndex) is valid; If it is valid, returns (true, nil); if it is not valid, returns false and an error message which is shown to users. model.validateDataItem = { rowIndex, columnIndex, dataItem in ... } /// set a closure to provide a `FUIDataListItem` type dataItem located at (rowIndex, columnIndex) for an array of Strings and a title for inline editing mode model.listItemDataAndTitle = { rowIndex, columnIndex in ... } /// set a closure to observe a value change for inline editing mode model.valueDidChange = { change in print("valueDidChange: \(change.description)") }
public class FUIDataTableModel
Column attribute for
See moreFUIDataTableModel
public struct FUITableColumnAttribute
An image item for
See moreFUIDataTable
public struct FUITableImageItem : FUITableItem, FUIDataTableImageTheme, FUIDataTableItemConvertion, Equatable
An enum representing the different item styles that a
See moreFUIDataTable
can have.Declaration
public enum FUIDataItemType : CaseIterable
A protocol defines style of a
See moreFUITableItem
public protocol FUITableItem
Data structure for each row in the
See moreFUIDataTable
public struct FUITableRowItem : Equatable
Text item for
See moreFUIDataTable
public struct FUITableTextItem : FUITableItem, FUIDataTableTextTheme, FUIDataTableItemConvertion, Equatable