Modeling Guide

Monitoring with the SAP Data Hub Monitoring Application

Logon to the SAP Data Hub Monitoring application to perform various monitoring actions.

This table lists the different capabilities of the SAP Data Hub Monitoring application and the various actions that users can perform in the monitoring application.



Visualize status of graph executions with charts

The home page of the monitoring application includes a pie chart (donut chart) and a scatter chart.

Pie Chart

The Pie chart provides information on:

  • number of graph instances executed in the modeler
  • status of graph instances executed.
In the Status pane, you can view the pie chart. Each sector in the pie chart represents a graph state.

Scatter Chart

The scatter chart includes a time period axis and duration of graph execution (in seconds) axis. This chart provides information on each graph execution and plots them in the scatter chart against the time of execution and duration of execution.

Each point in the chart represents a graph instance. Place the mouse cursor on one such point for more information on that particular graph instance.

In the Runtime Analysis pane, you can view the scatter chart. You can also configure the chart and view results for selected time period. In the chart header, select the required time period (Hour, Day, Week).

View graph execution summary

The bottom of the home page provides information on currently running graph instances, recently executed graph instances, and successfully executed graph instances.

View execution details of individual graph instances

In the home page, choose the Instances tab. The application displays a list view of the execution details of all graph instances.

For each graph instance, the application provides information on the status of the graph execution, the graph execution name, graph name (the source of the graph in the repository), the time of execution, and more.

Click a graph instance to open the execution details pane. This pane displays more execution details and helps monitor the graph execution.

View subgraph execution details

When a graph execution triggers or spawns the execution of another graph, the latter is called a subgraph. You can configure the monitoring application to view execution details of all subgraph instances. In the menu bar, under the Instances tab, select Show Subgraphs. The application refreshes the list view and displays all subgraph instances along with all other graph instances.

Click a subgraph instance to open the execution details pane. This pane displays more execution details and helps monitor the subgraph execution. In the Overview tab, under the Parent field, the application displays the Handle Id of the subgraph’s parent. Click the Handle Id to open its parent graph execution details.

View subgraph hierarchy details

For a selected subgraph, you can view its parent graph or the complete hierarchy of graph instances associated with the subgraph.
  1. In the Instances tab, select the required subgraph instance.
  2. In the Actions column, choose the overflow icon.
  3. Choose the Show Hierarchy menu option.

In the Hierarchy dialog box, the application displays all graph instances associated with the subgraph and groups them as a hierarchical representation. Select a graph and choose View details to view more details on its execution.

Filter graph instances

You can filter the graph execution that the application displays based on the source name, execution status, time of execution and more. In the Instances tab, choose Filters and define the required filter conditions.

You can also filter and view graph instances executed in the same day, hour, or week. In the menu bar, select the required time period.

Open source graph

For any selected graph instance, the application enables you to launch the source graph in the SAP Data Hub Modeler.
  1. In the Instances tab, select a graph instance that you want to open in a graph editor.
  2. In the Actions column, choose the overflow icon.
  3. Choose the Open Source Graph menu option.

The application launches the SAP Data Hub Modeler in a new browser tab with the source graph of the selected instance opened in the graph editor. You can view or edit graph configurations.

View graph configurations

For any selected graph instance, you can view the configurations defined for its source graph.
  1. In the Instances tab, select the required graph instance.

    The application opens a Graph Overview pane and displays the source graph of the selected graph instance.

  2. Choose Show Configuration.

    The application opens a Configuration pane, where you can view the graph configurations (read-only).

  3. If you want to view configurations for any of the operators in the source graph, right-click the operator and choose Open Configuration

    The Configuration pane displays the operator configurations.

Stop a graph instance execution

If you want to stop the execution of a running graph instance,

  1. In the Instances tab, select the required graph instance.
  2. In the Actions column, choose the overflow icon.
  3. Choose the Stop Execution menu option.

You can stop the execution only if the graph status is running or pending.

Search graph instances

In the Instances tab, use the search bar to search for any graph instance based on the instance name or its source graph name.

Remove graph instance

If you want to remove a graph instance from the Pipeline engine,
  1. In the Instances tab, select the required graph instance.
  2. In the Actions column, choose the overflow icon.
  3. Choose Remove.

You can remove the process only if the graph status is not running or pending.

View logs

Certain operators, such as the data workflow operators, logs information related to the operator execution. To view these logs,
  1. In the Instances tab, click the required graph instance.
  2. In the bottom pane, select the Logs tab.