Use the Notification operator in the SAP Data Hub Modeler to send e-mail notifications
to users at certain points during the data workflow execution
You have created a connection to an SMTP server using the
SAP Data Hub Connection Management application.
As an example, a typical use case for using the notification operator is to send an
e-mail when an operator writes onto its error or
success port. The message body contains technical information that
the notification operators receives at its input port from the previous operator in the
data workflow.
Start the SAP Data Hub Modeler.
In the navigation pane, select the Graphs tab.
In the navigation pane toolbar, choose + (Create
The tool opens an empty graph editor in the same window, where you can define
your graph.
Select the operator.
A graph can contain a single operator or a network of operators based on the
business requirement.
In the navigation pane, choose the Operators
In the search bar, search for the Notification
In the search results, double-click the
Notification operator (or drag and drop it to
the graph editor) to add it as a process in the graph execution.
Configure the operator.
In the graph editor, select the Notification
operator and choose (Open
In the Connection text field, enter the required
connection ID.
You can also browse and select the required connection.
If you want to delete the attachments after sending the e-mail, in the
Delete attachments after sending dropdown
list, select true.
In the Default From Value text field, enter the
value of email.from that the modeler must use when no
such value is received through the incoming message.
In the Default To Value text field, enter the
value of that the modeler must use when no
such value is received through the incoming message.
In the Default Subject Value text field, enter
the value of email.subject that the modeler must use
when no such value is received through the incoming message.