Load into SAP Vora
The data generator produces sensor data which is aggregated by the JavaScript Operator. Every 30-record group is stored in a separate file on HDFS. The files are loaded into SAP Vora. The produced sensor data is also sent to a terminal, which you can use to see the generated data.
- A running SAP Vora server.
- A running HDFS instance.
Configure and Run the Graph
- Right-click the Write File operator and select Open Configuration. In the configuration panel, click the Connection property to show its editor, then fill in the values with valid connection parameters.
- Select the SAP Vora Loader operator and use the configuration panel to set the
parameters you need:
Point Vora Connection to your Vora server.
Point HDFS Connection to the HDFS instance from step 1.
Use Init statements if you need the operator to create the target table for you when the graph starts running.
Set Table name to the table where you want the data to be stored.
- Save and run the graph. You can right-click the Terminal operator and open its UI to inspect the data being generated.
Optional Step: Check the files on HDFS and the data in SAP Vora
- Connect to HDFS and look at the files.
- Open the SAP Vora Tools and browse the loaded data.