Modeling Guide

Trace Messages

Tracing is a complete set of information (messages), which enables you to monitor the performance of the tool. Tracing messages also help isolate the problems or errors that may occur based on different severity threshold levels.


You can activate trace logging to find errors that occur sporadically. After you activate tracing, the tool logs the trace messages and categorizes them based on the severity levels. You can also limit the number of trace files that are written at the same time. Tracing messages are intended for various user personas. For example, user personas with development skills and deep understanding of the tool can use the trace messages to debug errors.


  1. Start the SAP Data Hub Modeler.
  2. In the bottom pane, select the Trace tab.
    The Trace tab helps configure the trace publisher and to monitor the trace messages for different severity levels.
  3. Configure the trace publisher.
    By default, the trace publishing is disabled.
    1. In the tab menu, click the INFO | disabled button.
    2. In the Trace Level dropdown list, select a value.
    3. Use the Trace Streaming toggle button to activate the streaming.
    4. In the Filter text field, enter a value to filter the messages based on certain keywords.
      The filter configuration constraints the trace messages streamed by the publishers. You define the filter as a comma-separated string of filter keywords.
    5. In the Buffer Capacity text field, enter a number value.
      The buffer capacity helps the publisher identify the number of trace message that it must stream or publish in the server.
    6. Choose OK.
  4. (Optional) Filter and view messages based on severity levels.
    1. In the trace pane, select the severity level to view messages associated with that level only.
  5. If you want to export the messages to a .csv file, in the trace pane, choose (Download as CSV).