Modeling Guide for SAP Data Hub

Google Cloud Storage (GCS)

GCS is Google's Object Storage cloud service. Additional information, including the documentation, can be found at the official GCS Homepage.

Many of the Storage operators offer support for GCS. This documentation regards the common characteristics that this service has across operators.

This document may refer to an object as a "file", and to an object's prefix as a "directory", if it fits the context of the operator.


In order to use any operator that connects to GCS, you may use a Connection ID from the Connection Management, or set a Manual connection with the following values:
  • Project ID [Mandatory]
    The ID of project that will be used.
    • ID: projectID
    • Type: string
    • Default: "project-id"
  • Key File [Mandatory]
    Path to or content of the service account JSON key. Further information about the JSON key is given hereInformation published on non-SAP site.
    • ID: keyFile
    • Type: string
    • Default: ""
  • Root Path
    The optional root path name for browsing. Starts with a slash and the bucket name (e.g. /MyBucket/MyFolder).
    • ID: rootPath
    • Type: string
    • Default: ""
Further connection configurations may be set, which are not in the Connection Management. Such are:
  • Bucket
    Optional bucket name to be accessed. It works as a "fallback" of the Connection's Root Path configuration. For instance, if no bucket is given in the Root Path, the value from Bucket is used.
    • ID: gcsBucket

    • Type: string

    • Default: "bucket"

  • Content Type
    Informs the type of data being sent, allowing the correct rendering of objects. For instance, if you send a JSON file, this should be set to application/json. Additional information here: Working With Object MetadataInformation published on non-SAP site.
    • ID: gcsContentType

      Type: string

      Default: ""


GCS PermissionsInformation published on non-SAP site for manipulating objects are described in the Access Control ListInformation published on non-SAP site documentation as WRITER, READER and OWNER. Each operator may require a determined set to successfully operate.

Read File Permissions

To read a single object ("file"), you need READER and WRITER permissions on the bucket.

Write File Permissions

To write an object ("file"), you need WRITER permission on the bucket.

Remove File Permissions

To remove an object ("file"), you need the READER and WRITER permissions on the bucket.

Move File Permissions

To move an object ("file"), you need the READER and WRITER permissions on the origin bucket plus the READER and WRITER permissions on the destination bucket.

Copy File Permissions

To copy an object ("file"), you need the READER permission on the origin bucket, plus the READER and WRITER permission on the destination bucket.


Any GCS specific restriction in the operators is documented here. Some may apply broadly to every operator:
  • Directories:

    In order for a path to be interpreted as a directory, it should end with /. For example: /tmp/ is a directory, while /tmp is a file named tmp.

  • Working directory:

    Since there is no concept of a "working directory", any relative directory given to/by this service will have the root directory (/) as working directory.

Move File Restrictions

As the GCS API does not support the move operation, the operation consists of a copy followed by removing the source file. Thus, in cases of failure, the file may be copied and not removed.

Further restrictions are documented in Copy File Restrictions.

Copy File Restrictions

Taking that the operation has a "source" and a "destination" path:
  • If the destination is a file, source must also be a file.

  • If the destination is a directory, it must be empty.

For instance, in the given file structure:
+-- a
|   +-- file1.txt
|   +-- file2.txt
+-- b
    +-- f1.txt
    +-- f2.txt
  • Copying source: a/file1.txt to destination: newfile.txt, would succeed, since the destination does not exist.

  • Copying source: a/file1.txt to destination: b/f1.txt, would succeed and overwrite b/f1.txt, since the destination is an existing file.

  • Copying source: a/file1.txt to destination: b/, would fail, since b/ already exists and is not empty.

  • Copying source: a/ to destination: b/ would fail, since b/ already exists and is not empty.

  • Copying source: a/ to destination: b/dir/ would succeed, since b/dir/ does not exist.